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The Unassuming Glade Shadowed In Moonlight

Gemstone of Shadows

Somewhere in the East (near Great Forks), in a densely forested region, lies this Manse. The Manse is perpetually shadowed by trees, but not to the extent of being gloomy. Cunning construction blends the geometric architecture into the surrounding landscape to such an extent that if you don't know what to look for it is very hard to find. Once within, there are a number of simply, but elegantly furnished rooms build around (and in) the trees. Kiren has been using this place as a hidden 'safe house' for the last couple of years.

The Manse has the following powers:

  • Magical Conveniences (Self-maintaining armoury)
  • Minor Tricks And Traps (Shadows conceal and mislead)