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Billy Goat Belly Meditation

Cost: 5 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: One day
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Food-Scenting Method

Sometimes, there is simply no food to be had. With this Charm, quite literally anything becomes edible to a hungry Lunar. Rocks, sticks, garbage, boot leather, even soft metal like gold or lead can be ground down with his Essence-strengthened choppers and digested. Such unnatural food is bland to the taste, but nourishing and fortifying. Billy Goat Belly Meditation may only be used to sustain a Lunar for a number of days equal to his Essence before he must have a meal of honest food. Otherwise, he suffers an unsoakable level of bashing damage and painful bellyaches per day he is in arrears (-2 to all dice pools) which cannot be healed until he does eat properly.
