BountyOfTheSeas/Session O05

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<STonine> Water. The simplest of the five elements, and yet the one with the most potential. Of all five it interracts and shapes the other four elements with such variation. From water springs wood, it douses fire, becomes rain in the air and shapes mountains and cliffs slowly over centuries and millenia.
<STonine> The turquoise glow in the disused fountain's stone pool fades away, the luminosity draws back from the grimy water that had almost become embryonic around the dragonblood. The surface begins to bubble and churn lightly as the glow coalesces into the elemental anima surrounding the bather's body.
<STonine> Then, she rises from the pool, her black-jade armour shining and appearing unfathomably deep with the covering water. Strands of plant-growth hang from her, drawn to the Terrestrial's body by the soft whirlpool effect of her elemental healing magics.
<STonine> Black hair hangs damp over her brow, and her wounds are healed. Even the strange mottled, veiny bruising that seemed to cover her exposed skin before is gone, leaving leaving behind soft, blue-tinted pale skin.
<STonine> There is a slight puff of disturbed air behind Zeleny, and the playful Lunar is gone, one with the night once more.
* Zeleny turns back to the others, eyes widening slightly as he sees the Dragonblooded step from the fountain, drenched but hearty. He walks back to the fountain, and offers her a hand. "You are well?"
<STonine> Rho ignores his hand and does not even meet his gaze. She steps lightly onto the fountain ledge and then down onto the cobblestones, her armour as silent as still water.
<Sarasvati> "Hmph."
* Zeleny lowers his hand, watching her closely. He hesitates a moment, and then says, "Shall we escort you back to your men?"
<STonine> "That..." She mutters quietly. "Will *not* be neccesary."
* Zeleny opens his hands, palm up, in a gesture of acceptance. "As you wish." He takes a step back, still watching her.
<STonine> Rho walks a few meters away and speaks to you over her shoulder. "I grant you freedom to walk this city's streets as you please, however I will seek retribution if you are to interfere with my crew's operations to save this city. Do not allow yourself to think that this is outside of my power."
<STonine> "You... have spared my life, Captain. And thus I will spare yours. I shall not call upon the Wyld Hunt to strike you down... for now."
* Sarasvati mutters, "I should show you what a REAL Wyld Hunt would be..." but not quite so loud as to be heard by Rho. She hops.
<Sarasvati> *hopes
* Verdant looks at Sarasvati and whispers, "I guess that team hasn't managed to report in yet"
* Zeleny just looks at her with dark eyes. "Very well," he agrees quietly. "We have no intention of interfering with your operations, but we will stay out of your way." He sighs. "There is much in this city that needs rescuing," he says, glancing at Saravasti in a slightly quelling manner.
<STonine> The dragonblood strides very quicky from the darkened crossroads, eager to be free of the overwhelming presence of the two Solar Exalted. She takes the eastern road, likely a longer way back to her encampment. Soon enough she is swalowed into the darkness of Black Flag, not even wet bootprints herald her passing.
<Zeleny> "Well," says Zeleny after a moment. "That could have gone better."
* Verdant sighs. "That didn't go as..."
<STonine> A woman's screams filter over the streets of Black Flag, distorted and distant, yet laden with pure terror that a human aggressor could not muster in a victim. Few even batted an eye to such sounds anymore.
<Verdant> "I have the sinking suspicion our ideas of 'better' are--" Verdant cuts himself off, eyes looking in the direction of the scream.
<Zeleny> Muscle moves before thought. Zeleny hurtles himself towards the sound, even a certain leaden feeling in his stomach says �trap�.
<STonine> The direction is hard to tell. By the muffled nature of the scream and its abrupt cut-off... it is too late.
<STonine> Another death... another soldier added to the legions of hate amassed against the city.
* Zeleny slows and stops, heart hammering against his chest from the sudden exertion. He grits his teeth. "We have to stop this."
<Zeleny> But of course that is obvious.
<Sarasvati> "The question is more along the lines of 'how', at this point."
<Verdant> "Agreed. Though the direct approach may be walking into a trap."
<Zeleny> He turns back to his allies, eyes still blazing. "Verdant. Saravasti. Victorious Diamond has built a kind of shelter to the north. We search the city tonight, bring any survivors we find to safety. In the morning, we hammer that bunch of misfits and pirates at the dock into a semblence of unity and begin the retaking of Black Flag."
<Zeleny> He had a certain brutal and bloody approach to unity in mind.
<Verdant> "If you going to take the bull headed route, why not take the bull by the horns?"
<Zeleny> "Explain."
<Verdant> "We know where the initial bulk came from. Salt that off and when the sun rises that bulk will be destroyed by the sun's light, unable to hide in their bodies."
<Verdant> "Of course, whoever caused this will most likely have thought of that...hence the bull's horns."
<Verdant> "Still, it would remove a great deal of the problem..."
<Zeleny> "Right." He grins at the prospect of mayhem. "I like it. We need salt."
<Verdant> "Agreed."
<Zeleny> "The warehouse district. Someone is hoarding the salt, and they'll keep it stacked up where they can keep an eye on it. Let's go."
* Verdant nods.
<STonine> The roads are barren, empty of life as they all are. Soon the streets themselves take on a strange repeditive nature, all the same, all cast with a silvery milky hue from the dim moonlight. The catcalls of streetwalkers are absent.
<STonine> The sounds of late-night pedestrians walking, coughing, pulling their collars up against the fell chill. The joyous songs of off-duty sailors tanked up on wine and rum on their way back to their ships (or indeed another tavern) are absent.
<STonine> It is not quiet, so much as there is an absence of LIFE.
<STonine> Looming down the hill is the even darker, forbidding soupy black mass of the Warehouse district housed on the outskirts of the Red Marauders' now-modest territory.
<STonine> Only a very sad little portion of the long rows of buildings are lit by torches near the docks. The remainder is little more than a pure and uninviting darkness with only the vague grey shapes of warehouse rooves in neat rows.
<Verdant> "I have the suspicion any salt in the unlit warehouses has long since been "relocated"
<Sarasvati> "Makes sense."
<Zeleny> "Yes." Zeleny shades his eyes and squints at the torchlight, searching for the vague shapes of guards or monsters. "So let's start knocking on lit doors."
<STonine> The two Solars and the fae construct Sarasvati set off down the hill into the warehouse district's dim streets...
<STonine> Resting on the roadside is a single black feather, perfect, beautiful. Another shadow in a place that now bore far too many.
<Zeleny> As the walk down the slope of the hill towards the warehouses, Zeleny stops and gestures them closer to the hulking, rundown buildings that lined the streets like walls, bringing them out of the moonlight into the shadows. Salt was more valuable than gold in this town.
<STonine> The feather dances a moment even without wind, then floats away, bouyed on a non-existant wind...
<Zeleny> "A bad omen...."
<STonine> The buildings loom above the street, their heavy tile rooves supported by stone collumns - buildings constructed with methods far beyond Black Flag's denizens. These are constructions that are old as this island itself, now the storehouses of lesser beings.
<Verdant> "Then we have to make our own luck."
<STonine> Such constructions could withstand all but the mightiest cyclones. Once upon a time when the strengthening magics were strong, these repositories could have taken the batterings of a storm called with essence... now, likely not.
<STonine> Shadows flit in the alleyways...
* Zeleny 's eyes shift back and forth, wary and ready for attack as they walk through the refuse and detritus that littered the streets after days of urban warfare. Inspiration of Men hums, now and then seeming to glow faintly gold.
<Verdant> "Times like this I briefly wish Callidora was still here."
* Zeleny glances at him. "Oh?"
<STonine> A few of the streets ahead have the faint glow that indicates you are nearing the mortal inhabited sectors of the Warehouse District.
<Verdant> "I imagine she'd be able to swipe the salt we need."
* Verdant shrugs. "Not like either of us is known for subtlety."
<Zeleny> "We can be subtle."
* Sarasvati hmphs. "I still think Sunset could have taken care of it."
* Zeleny creeps closer to the wall as the puddles begin to reflect flickering torchlight. He puts his hand on it and peers around the corner.
<STonine> Up ahead is a small row of Warehouses. There is a simple barricade separating the darkened empty streets you walk in, and the lit and fortified streets the Red Marauders have taken. From your vantage point you can spot a poor and sketchy salt-line just before the barricade.
<STonine> The warehouse pillars have been sloppilly repainted a scarlet, and the flags of the Red Marauders hang limp from a few rooftops some ten yards above.
<STonine> The sound and smell of the bay filters to your nostrils and ears.
<Zeleny> Unluckily for the marauders, the salt line kept out ghosts but not Solar Exalts.
* Zeleny drops down from atop the barricade and looks for the salt.
<STonine> The guards on *this* side of the Red Marauders territory are lax at best, likely a different faction leader has control.
<STonine> "Hey...Hey! You there!" One of the guards who was leaning against a pillar nearby peeling a sea-fruit with his sword drops it immediately and points the... 'peeler' in your direction.
<STonine> A few of the other pirate guards are roused into action and make an effort to move over in your direction. It is by a certain stretch of the imagination you can pretend that they are alert and effective.
* Zeleny doesn't hesitate. He runs forward, grabs the man's wrist, and twists, slowly pushing the juice-stained sword back until the guard held it at his own throat. "We need salt," Zeleny explains. "A barrel or two. Where?"
<Zeleny> He ignores the other pirates hurrying in his direction with the supreme confidence of one who has been caught with a fruit-peeler in hand.
<STonine> "Ah! AH! OUCH!" The man nearly cries, dropping the sword clanging to the stone road. The other two slow, drawing their curved slashing-swords warilly.
<STonine> "Listen guy, this is Red Marauder territory. You better move on, 'less you wanna get banged up." One with a bandana and eyepatch growls.
* Zeleny sighs, letting the pirate go from pity.
* Sarasvati moves to Zeleny's side, silent and swift, spear at the ready. "I would not try that."
<STonine> "Ow..." The man scoots back on his backside and rolls to his feet, taking up his sword in his left hand instead, the right he holds under his armpit.
<STonine> "What the 'ell are you?" The second pirate, a shorter, more rotund man with a bushy beard streaked with grey queries none-too-politely.
<Zeleny> "We just walked through three miles of ghost-infested city. Do you imagine you can threaten us?" Without looking back, he stamps on the pirate's left hand as it reached for the blade, making him shriek and drop the sword again.
<Zeleny> "Zeleny. Saravasti."
<STonine> "Waaah-ow-ow-ow!" he nearly cries.
<Zeleny> He indicates which is which with a thumb.
<STonine> "What do you want?" The bearded pirate grunts.
<Zeleny> "Salt. Two barrels. There's a chance to salt up a good chunk of these ghosts all at once, back at the site of the original infestation. . We aim to take it."
<STonine> "Its our salt." The bearded pirate growls.
<STonine> "Yeah, you aint gettin a grain, y'hear?" The lanky eye-patch pirate adds.
<STonine> A small shard of broken tile drops down from far above in the darkness, landing on the taller ruffian's head.
<STonine> "Ouch... what the?!" He groans, cradling his skull in his free hand.
<Sarasvati> "To reuse a statement I made earlier this evening, the question is not 'will we get the salt'. The question is, 'will you be alive to enjoy the results of our action'."
<STonine> "Are you threatening us, you coral wearing witch?" The bearded pirate points a finger in Sarasvati's direction, oblivious to his comrade's situation.
<STonine> The taller pirate looks up to the ledge of the warehouse looming above.
<Zeleny> "Don't be a fool," says Zeleny. "The city needs salt, and it serves no one sitting locked up in a warehouse. We can get rid of half the ghosts in one swoop." He makes a cutting motion in the air. "And as my companion points out...we can take the salt from you in any event."
<STonine> A few dark shapes flit over the street and onto the roof of the warehouse, one shadow however, grows swiftly larger. There is a sound like a hissing falling cat, heralding the hungry ghost's leaping attack from the rooftops above.
<STonine> "Oh frot its one of em!" Patch screams, leaping into a clumsy roll on the stone road, whilst his bearded comrade in arms makes and effort to run on stumpy legs.
* Zeleny curses and steps back, timing his movements precisely. The creatures fall like grim angels, mouths open in a silent scream, long red tongues out and tasting the air. Patch's eyes grow wider and wider as his doom descends, his scream rising to a strangled yelp.
<STonine> "I dont wanna die!" 'Fruit' whimpers, holding his freed hand.
<Zeleny> And then Zeleny moves, closing in swiftly from behind. The ghosts are only inches from the man when Zeleny thrusts his hands into their chests from behinds, curls his fingers, and yanks their withered hearts out through the yellow tattered skin of their backs.
<STonine> The ghosts, their very chests eviscerated and removed fall, crumbling and blowing away on the wind, decaying as if time advanced hundreds of years in the space of their falls.
<STonine> There is not even a moment to breath when there is a boom from high above and the sky is briefly lit orange.
* Sarasvati has not even moved, but simply looks at the pirates. "And he is hardly the fighter I am."
<STonine> Over the edge of the warehouse's roof comes a rain of flaming debris, tiles fall in burning chips on the street.
<STonine> The shrieks and howls of the delighted ghosts above echoe onto the streets, along with a hollow ghastly cackle. From within the warehouse rise the horrified screams of the interior guards.
<STonine> The shocked shouts and cries within seconds turn to the sounds of combat, pain, fear and the strange hooting of the frenzied ghosts as they take their insane vengeance on the lives inside.
<Zeleny> "Move," Zeleny roars to Fruit as another creatures flies hissing from a window, yellow eyes glowing. Moving through the clouds of dust of his fallen foes, he runs forward, grabs the man by the arm and yanks him away, slamming the ghost into the wall with his shoulder, so hard the wood cracks. He holds it there until it too crumples and flakes away, and then his eyes widen as the sounds of chaos reach his ears.
<STonine> "They're inside!" Beard yells. "I'm getting out of 'ere!"
<Zeleny> "Dammit! FIGHT!" Zeleny roars, and his anima seems to catch fire, blazing around him in a glowing cornea of light that seems to wash against the building like a golden glowing tide. "Fight together, and we can beat them!"
<STonine> Patch likewise seems more intent on fleeing than trying to get inside the ancient storehouse to save his comrades.
<STonine> The two pirates stop in mid-stride, eyes wide, reflecting the golden glow of Zeleny's anima. Fear is in their eyes and on their faces, or rather sudden shock.
<STonine> "But we cant get in!" Fruit cries, "It's barred from the ins..."
<Zeleny> "I would not abandon you," Zeleny growls under his breath, eyes glowing gold. "Nor should you abandon them. Not to these. Not to death by monsters." He turns, and lashes out at the door with a booted foot. The door frame shudders, and the door creaks open.
<Verdant> Meanwhile, outside the barrier, Verdant looks up from the fading ashes of a ghost to see the orange of fire mix with the yellow of something all too familiar. He turns, kicks off the wall and vaults over the barricade.
<STonine> The doors swing open, raining chips of wood from the shattered crossbeam that kept all but the mightiest of thieves from entering and stealing the Red Marauders' supplies.
<Zeleny> "Stay and fight together, or run and die alone," Zeleny snarls, and stalks into the warehouse like a molten panther, bringing his light with him.
<STonine> Inside the huge warehouse is in chaos, groups of terrified men are being set upon by swarms and swarms of hungry ghosts - and losing.
<STonine> A man goes down under three ghosts and in a matter of mere instants he is torn limb-from-limb, his last wet cries are choked off as one ghost rips free (and then takes off with) his head. Two other ghosts pursue it like hyenas for the pound of living flesh it has claimed for its infinitely hungry stomach.
<STonine> There is a massive burning hole in the roof which admits more and more ghosts into the supply house.
<STonine> Standing upon a large stack of crates, barrels and boxes is a ghost far larger and obviously more powerful than its fellows.
<STonine> It stands, cackling insanely at the chaos wrought below it by its lessers, bathing in the bloodbath of essence produced. Its skin is tinted red, as is its ghostly apparition of light armour. Its throat has been torn out, and numerous of its limbs and other parts are not even attatched, merely floating where they belong as if there is no spaces in its form.
<STonine> From its numerous wounds, pale roaring fire burns. At its belt is a scabbard that would have once held an artifact sword, but it is long since empty.
<Zeleny> The light washes over them like a golden tide. It is a harsh light, throwing dark shadows, but nevertheless it warms, and somehow, in all the chaos and the madness, their panic subsides. Grips tighten on crude weapons, and newly-steely eyes glance about for advantage. "Red Marauders!" Zeleny cries, as he swings a ghost by its heel and impales it savagely against a broken and sagging beam.
<STonine> The hungry ghost turns its gaze upon Zeleny's burning anima and it emits a piercing scream, the detatched jaw opening its mouth far wider than any being could in life. The ghost gestures and a swarm of ghosts leap over the crates and swarm towards the Solars, Sarasvati and the three guardsmen...
<Zeleny> "Work together, fight back-to-back, and - DESTRUCTION TO YOUR ENEMIES!" Zeleny snarls, as he sets his heels back and prepares to meet the swarm.
<STonine> "Its Sarakhan!" Beard yells over the chaos.
<STonine> Six ghosts leap over toppled crates and pounce upon the Solars and their companions, snarling, shrieking and gnashing their pointed teeth loudly.