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RollingThunder's prime virtue is his possession of this Charm, which allows him to work as a courier for Hezriel.\\ \\ Cost: 30 motes, 1 willpower\\ Duration: Instant\\ Type: Simple\\ Minimum Temperance: 3\\ Minimum Essence: 4\\ Prerequisite Charms: Portal\\ \\ NB Rolling Thunder does not possess the prerequisites for this Charm, but has it anyway.\\ \\ A successful Dexterity + Temperance check allows the spirit to transport itself and a number of others (up to its permanent Essence) either to or from its home. When used to travel from home, the Charm will allow transportation to whatever location at which it was last used to travel to home. Use of the Charm must alternate between to and from forms.\\ \\ Use of this Charm requires several seconds of uninterrupted concentration, making it unsuitable for use in combat situations.\\