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Integrity is the Rising Smoke.

Marshalled Inner Reserves
Cost: 5m; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerquisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency

More so then their brothers and sisters amongst the Fivescore Fellowship the Chosen of Saturn have a harder job. At least a harder job for the psyche. They must insure people are dying when they should be. It is not a pleasent task all the time and weighs heavily on them but no matter the impassioned pleas they do what they must. The Sidereal adds their Conviction in dice to any Integrity pool for the rest of the scene.

Sanctity of Self Technique
Cost: 5m; Mins: Integrity 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive(Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Any Integrity Excellency

To move unchanged through the world is something that those who are touched by Mercury have mastered but those who know Saturn's will are not helpless to the reality bending powers of others. This charm can be used in two ways. In its first use it can be used to counter a Shaping attack against the character. This can not stop undodgeable shaping attacks and carries one of the four flaws of invulnerability. In its second use it breaks any long term shaping effects on the character.

Any Integ Ex(1).

MDV booster(2, builds off 1). Shaping effect on self breaker(3, builds off 1).

Social effect breaker(4, builds off 2). Extra motes, boosts from supporting and advising a group sincerely(5, builds off 3). College, When you die can decide to become a Maiden appropriate elemental or ghost.(6, builds off 3). RLD charm based on a goal or activity about a motivation in scope(7, builds off 2).

Upgrade, when die can come back as a god or fae or have exalted sid soul reincarnate someone allready grown up just as the other Celestial souls do(8, builds off 6). College, can give a superior integrity boost(9, builds off 4)
