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Bureaucracy is the Haywain.

Sickness of the Group Technique
Cost: 8m; Mins: Bureaucracy 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Any Bureaucracy Excellency

The first step in an organization's death is internal corruption. After spending several hours interacting with an organization the group grows corrupt and lazy. Actions taken by members of that organization, within the purview of that group, suffer an external penalty equal to the Sidereal's Essence. The leader of an organization can restore the group to proper productivity by making a Intelligence + Bureaucracy roll at a difficulty of the Sidereal's Bureaucracy. They can keep trying once a month until they succeed or the Sidereal lets the charm end.

Greased Wheel Advancement
Cost: -; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Sickness of the Group Technique

While it is useful to cripple an organization sometimes some aspect of them the Sidereal wants use out of. Luckily while they are corrupt there is always that little bribe to help get things flowing smoothly. This charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. When the Vizier uses Sickness of the Group Technique he can name a bribe condition. Money, sex, paintings, whatever he can think of will work. When offered such things the penalty to productivity is removed. Something it will take several bribes to several people but the Sidereal knows at least what will work. Other people can determine the condition with a successful Intelligence + Bureaucracy roll at a difficulty of 3.

Fallen King Curse
Cost: 3m/dot; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 3, House of Endings 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: College, Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerquisite Charms: Sickness of the Group Technique

Not even the highest rulers of the land are safe from the ends that the Reckoners decide. When the will of the Viziers decides their time is up they find no one listening to their commands or their vaults holding any coin. First the Sidereal chooses a background he wants to reduce and spends several hours interacting with people in the organization. Backing, Command, Connections, Followers, Influence, Resources or Salary are all options. The Sidereal then rolls his Intelligence + Bureaucracy at a difficulty of the targets MDV + Rating in the background going to be reduced. On a successful roll the chosen trait is reduced by 1 dot for every 3 motes the Sidereal commits. Use of this charm against the Sidereal's superiors in Heaven is a Severity 4 offense at least. When the Sidereal stops committing the motes the Trait comes back in full. Money is available, servants return, people follow your orders once more.

Corruption Causer(1). Any Bur Ex(2)

Create a bribe condition that fascilitates action(3, builds off 1 and 2). College, can buy down certain backgrounds a target has temporarily(4, builds off 1)

College, internal treachery but after that resolves organization is improved(5, builds of 3). Ruller supporter charm(6, builds off 4).
