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Mnemon Ionie

Aspect: Earth
Concept: Rookie Insurance Agent
School: Spiral Academy
Intimacies: House Mnemon, Two other to be decided
Strength 2 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
Charisma 3 Manipulation 3 Appearance 4
Perception 2 Intelligence 4 Wits 3

Aspect Abilities:
Awareness 2, Craft (Air) 1, Integrity 2, Resistance 2 (+1 going without sleep), War 4 (+2 Gateway)

Favoured Abilities:
Bureaucracy 2 (The Thousand Scales +1), Linguistics 1 (+1 Calligraphy), Socialise 2 (+1 Lying)

Other Abilities:
Archery 1, Investigation 2 (+1 corruption), Lore 2 (+1 the Realm), Melee 2 (Reaver Daiklave +2), Presence 2 (+2 bluffing), Performance 1 (long droning monologue +1), Ride 1 (horses +1)
Compassion 3 Conviction 2 Temperance 3 Valour 2

Essence 2 Willpower 8
Personal Essence: 14 Peripheral Essence: 29 (23)

Artefact 2, Breeding 4, Family 2, Reputation 1, Resources 3, Training 3

White Jade Reaver Daiklave, Winged Messenger Bauble and Collar of Mela’s Cleansing Light

Training bonuses: +1 Archery, Bureaucracy: the thousand scales, Linguistics: Calligraphy, Lore: The Realm, Performance: long droning monologue, Resistance: going without sleep, Ride: horses

DDV: 2 MDV: 6
Soak: 2L 3B Health Levels: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4 Incapacitated
Game Knowledge: 3 Composure Defence: 7

Earth: Pasiap’s Stone Fist, Strength of Stone Technique
Water: Amenable Official’s Request, Observer Awareness Method
Excellencies: First War Excellency, Third Socialise Excellency, First Presence Excellency