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Tools of the Wyld Hunt

This is a page where we can put the various weapons and nasty devices employed by the Wyld Hunt in their perpetual hunt to find and destroy the Anathema. It's arranged, thus, around a theme and can contain all kinds of different devices -- though all should have a direct contribution to encounters with Demon Princes.

Essence-Disturbing Cube

Each part of this device is cast out of a small hunk of Orichalcum, each carved with elaborate patterns and chased with trace amounts of Blue and Black Jade. Each resembles a small rectangle, approximately 2 by 4 inches, with a circular depression along one side. Both halves of the device fit together, assembling into a small cube that can fit in the palm of your hand, clicking together with an audible whine. When so assembled the device is considered to be in active mode, and can be armed with a 90 degree twist of the cube. When so armed, the air visibly wavers around the cube and any Essence-Channelers within 500 yards feel the hairs on the back of their neck stand up. If the two components are pulled apart while armed, there is a loud thunderclap and a shockwave of Essence implodes inward toward the cube itself followed quickly by another smaller shockwave.

Any essence-channeler not attuned to the Essence-Disturbing Cube must make a Willpower roll. Each success on this roll is 10 motes of Essence that remains in the character's pool after the invocation of the artifact. The cube drains Personal Essence first, and then Periphereal Essence. Periphereal Essence lost causes an Anima Banner to flare as normal. Someone with Lore 5+ who makes a difficulty 9 Wits + Lore roll can attempt to use the Essence lost to activate a single charm that has no willpower cost, provided the charm is of Instant duration. Anyone who looses more than half of his Essence with this charm must also make a Essence + Lore roll for each persistent (scene, hour, or day-length) charm he has currently activated. The difficulty for this is equal to (5 - successes on previous roll). If this roll fails the charm in question fails and must be reactivated at it's normal cost.

Every time an Essence-Disturbing Cube is used, roll one dice. If this die comes up a 1, the cube is destroyed and rendered useless from that point on. The Realm only has a very small number of these devices remaining, and Lookshy only has a few stored away in her Armoury. They are only very rarely used due to their consumably nature.

Essence-Disturbing Cube
Artifact •••••
Commitment: A total of 25 motes (minimum of 5 motes per attuned individual)

More than one person can be attuned to this artifact, up to a maximum of five. No one person can commit fewer than 5 motes, but the full amount of 25 motes must be commited by those attuned to the cube. People who are attuned to a given cube are the only ones immune to that specific cubes essence-draining effect. Anyone else (even those attuned to another cube) suffer it's normal effect.