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Star Chaser was born in the city of Great Forks. Even when she was young, she was absolutely fascinated with the stars, and she earned her name when she tried to run after one to catch it. Not one to be discouraged, she promised she would reach those stars one day.

As she grew up, Star's fascination with stars became a fascination with exploring in general. She just -had- to get out of Great Forks, as fascinating as the city was, and finally managed to do so, getting a job with a merchant's caravan that traveled the south. Here, she developed a fascination for the odd machines she bumped into her travels now and then. She has seen a first age wonder once, and it left her stunned.

Star Chaser soon began using much of her energy in learning lots about those machines and how to make them. She changed from caravan to caravan and stayed in cities where she learned were people that at least knew a little about such things.

Her dream is to build a machine that will let her reach the stars one day. Of course, she hasn't had much success even leaving the ground.

Now, her travelling has now taken her to Nexus, a city so large that she's sure she can learn much, and be a step closer to reaching her dream.


Star Chaser is a friendly but terribly distracted young woman. She tends to rant about subjects she likes, like places she's seen or things she hopes to do or THAT machine she just saw the other day or... she has some trouble keeping quiet, really. She likes people, but has few friends as not everybody can keep up with or stand her for too long.

Machines and artifacts fascinate her to no end, and it's pretty easy to distract her with a new, shiny thing she has never seen before. Her other passion involves travelling, and (according to some people) sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. She's extremely curious and it has gotten her in trouble from time to time.

She's smarter than she looks, and can really learn to do things if she sets her mind to it. When she's immersed in a project, in fact, she often forgets to eat or sleep until she's about ready to collapse. Not much of a fighter, she has nontheless learned some self-defense... mostly when got her first real scare of how dangerous the world could be.

Overall, Star is brave and driven, but for all her smarts she tends to think with her heart when it's time for action, and is, in general, too busy all the time to get near too many people.


Star Chaser is a girl, around 20 years old, and fairly short and scrawny at that. She's fairly pretty nontheless, and has long black hair (often quite messy) and blue eyes. She usually keeps her hair from her face wearing a purple bandana, and she rarely removes it. Whatever clothes she has are usually pretty dirty as she rarely stops long enough to clean them, but she mostly favors practical clothes that don't get in her way, and she's partial to White and Blue.

Mortal Sheet

Name: Star Chaser
Concept: Dreamer
Nature: Explorer

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3


Perception: 2
Intelligence: 4
Wits: 3

Awareness: 1
Brawl: 1
Dodge: 2
Endurance: 1
Thrown: 2
(x)Craft: 4
Linguistics: 3
Ride: 2
Sail: 2
Survival: 2
Lore: 2
Occult: 2

Contacts: 3
Resources: 3

Willpower: 7

Compassion: 2
Temperance: 2
Conviction: 3
Valor: 3

Essence: 1

Soak (B): 3
Health: -0x1, -1x2, -2x2, -4, I

Languages: Riverspeak, Low Realm, High Realm, Firetongue

Expanded Backgrounds

Contacts 3

Red River: Considered to be something of a crackpot by most people in Chiaroscuro, Red River is an old man that has travelled much and seen much. He usually has a good rumor to tell Star whenever she's around, and the two like to swap stories. So far, Star has yet to manage to trump his stories about travelling in the deep West. His stories tend to be a bit exagerated, but Red River nontheless remembers plenty of places and its rare that he refuses to speak about any of them.

Lenia: An older woman who resides in Great Forks, Lenia runs a fairly nice inn. She knows Star from way back, and although she thinks the girl exposes herself too much, she doesn't try to stop her. Whenever Star stops in the city (which is fairly often), she and Lenia have a talk, and the older woman often asks Star to bring her souvenirs from whenever she goes. As an innkeeper, Lenia usually has plenty of gossip available, and also has a few people that owe her favors.

Oak Eagle: A metallurgist who resides in Nexus, Oak Eagle spends much of his time either working with metal, doing some blacksmithing, or scavenging for still useful metal in the trash. He has taught Star a few things, but he mostly helps her get raw materials for whatever she's trying to do this time.

Resources 3

All things said, Star is fairly well off. She owns her own horse (a stallion she calls Storm Eye) and has a fair amount of money on her person. The rest, she keeps back home in Great Forks. She also keeps a few throwing daggers (5) around, just in case.

Exalted Sheet

Name: Star Chaser
Concept: Dreamer
Nature: Explorer
Caste: Eclipse
Anima: Field of glowing spheres surrounding her.

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3

Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 3

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 4
Wits: 4

Brawl: 1
Thrown: 3

(x)Endurance: 3
(x)Survival: 3

(x)Craft: 4
(x)Lore: 3
Occult: 2

Awareness: 1
(x)Dodge: 3

(x)Bureaucracy: 1
(x)Linguistics: 3
(x)Ride: 2
(x)Sail: 3
(x)Socialize: 2

(x)Craft: Shipmaking 2

Contacts: 3
Resources: 3
Artifact: 2


Name | Cost (Ability)
1. Triple Distance Attack Technique | 3 motes (Thrown)
2. Ox Body Technique | - (Endurance)
3. Hardship Surviving Medicant Spirit | 5 motes (Survival)
4. Flawless Handiwork Method | 3 motes/sex (Craft)
5. Object-Strengthening Touch | 6 motes (Craft)
6. Durability-Enhancing Technique | 10 motes (Craft)
7. Integrity-Protecting Prana | 5 motes, 1 WP (Lore)
8. Reed in the Wind | 1 mote/2 dice (Dodge)
9. Sagacious Reading of Intent | 6 motes (Linguistics)
10. Salty Dog Method | 3 motes (Sail)

Willpower: 8

Compassion: 2
Temperance: 2
Conviction: 4
Valor: 3

Anima Powers:

10 motes + 1 WP to sanctify oath. Protected against demons and fair Folk by ancient pacts. Learn Charms of other kinds of Exalts, double the XP to learn.

Essence: 2
Personal: 13
Peripheral: 31

Soak (BTiffa/StarChaser/L): 3/1
Health: -0x1, -1x4, -2x2, -4, I

Languages: Riverspeak, Low Realm, High Realm, Firetongue

Virtue Flaw:
Star Chaser is usually cheerful and curious, but mostly harmless (to other people). She likes exploring, and seeing new things all the time. She'll go to great lengths and risks to do things she wants to do, but she'll never hurt somebody on purpose.

When she hits her Limit Break, however, there is no limit to how far she'll go to get what she wants. She will lie, cheat, and even hurt or kill people to get what she wants. "Seeing new things" becomes "possesing them all" and more. She cares little for the wishes of other people, especially if they go against her own. Not a terribly good warrior, she will nontheless fight to kill... although she prefers to try and turn people against each other.

There is no price too high to pay when it comes down to possesing something new, but she won't put herself in danger directly... that's what hired or tricked mooks are for after all. She cannot own everything if she's not alive to do it, can she?
