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Things to spend Victory Points on:

- Advantage: An Advantage is a one-time bonus you can achieve by applying your skills to a related task. You can gain an advantage by spending a number of Victory Points equal to twice the value of the bonus as the roll is made, to a maximum of +3. The Advantage lasts for a single roll. Examples of Advantages include: Tearing a tree trunk out of the ground to bludgeon a monster with; using an acrobatic maneuver to flank an opponent; stealing the cigarette case from the pocket of the Guild boss just as he reaches into his coat pocket for it, to prove you’re the best thief he’s ever seen; sweeping the satrap off her feet on the dance floor, the better to seduce her; blinding the ninjas with the sudden flare of your Glorious Solar Saber before you cut them down.

- Gambits: A Gambit is a bonus that you can hang on a target until you’re ready to use it. It usually comes as a surprise to the target. You can hang a Gambit on a character, a location, or even an object. To use a Gambit, spend a number of Victory Points equal to the rating of the Gambit, to a maximum of +5, and declare what type of roll the Gambit affects. Gambits apply their bonus to a single roll, once, and if they are not sprung before the end of the scene they are lost. Before springing a Gambit, you must let the Gambit hang for at least one round for each level of the Gambit. Examples of Gambits would be: Weakening the floorboards of the building you’re fighting in with your violent footwork, so that your opponent’s feet break through and trip him up at an inopportune moment; intentionally not mentioning a key fact, so that when your opponent tries to bring it up you can reveal it and make him look like a fool; “I am not left-handed”; concealing some of your troops in the trees to ambush the other general’s officers as they ride behind the advancing line; using your superior stamina to wear down your opponent, so that you can strike when he is weary.

- Stratagem: A Stratagem is a persistent penalty that affects a target. To use a Gambit, spend a number of Victory Points equal to twice the value of the penalty (to a maximum of -3), plus two, and declare the type of roll it applies to. The Stratagem lasts for the remainder of the Scene, and disappears after it ends. Examples of Stratagems: Reminding your former lover of the good times you used to have, softening her mood; analyzing your opponent’s style, allowing you to target its weaknesses; leading your opponent into more favorable terrain.

- Negate a Gambit or Stratagem: You can negate an unsprung Gambit or currently active Stratagem by spending the same number of Victory Points used to create the effect. Advantages cannot be negated, only countered with another Stunt. Examples of negating a Gambit or Stratagem: You spot the ambush just in time; “I am not left-handed either!”; if the enemy is using the ridge for cover, blow up the ridge!

- Reverse a Gambit or Stratagem: Instead of negating a Gambit or Stratagem, you can spend an additional two VP and a tick of Willpower to reassign its targets and beneficiaries. Examples of reversing a Gambit or Stratagem: Your opponent tried to make you look uneducated by making the topic of conversation obscure poetry, but you corrected their error in recitation, making them look the fool; instead of stepping beneath the falling roof tiles your opponent knocked loose moments ago, you pull him forwards into them!