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<RyanL> Last we met: Unknown Soldier and Rain met up at the direction of Walker In Darkness as did Knife Cast in Shadow and Black Iron Ghost. Knife and Ghost were trailing a trio of gentlemen who had been heard conspiring to cause the Mask of Winters trouble. Resplendent Web was sold a plate wrapped in paper with a strange message imprinted upon it. Currently Unknown and Rain are walking into a <RyanL> large square conversing amongst themselves. This is also the same square everyone else is entering, <RyanL> The men Knife follows are walking shoulder to shoulder. The middle one has his arms wrapped around the shoulders of the other two. There is a bit of laughter as they walk a cross the abandoned square. Uknown and Rain can see the men walking across the square. Mortals eeking out a pathetic life in a dead city.

  • Unknown , spotting the men, interrupts the idle conversation he is having with Rain with a sudden "Interesting."

<ResplendantWeb> ooc: as I remember, ghost had just jackie-chan'd his way up onto a low roof for a better view, which prompted me to trigger off an essence discerning glance to see if these were the abyssals I'm looking for

  • Unknown , to Rain, "What do you make of their swagger?"

<RyanL> \npca Rain nods her head. "You wouldn't think a a troop like that would be out when the sun is about to go down. They seem to be a bit too unconcerned about their current environment. You'd think they'd worry a bit more."

  • **Rain** nods her head. "You wouldn't think a a troop like that would be out when the sun is about to go down. They seem to be a bit too unconcerned about their current environment. You'd think they'd worry a bit more."
  • Unknown , nodding his head, "Should we follow them?"

<RyanL> Resplendent: you did indeed.

  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow keeps his eyes on the men, and then glances back across the square to see where Black Iron Ghost is

<RyanL> Unknown , spotting the men, interrupts the idle conversation he is having with Rain with a sudden "Interesting." Unknown , to Rain, "What do you make of thier swagger?"

  • ResplendantWeb walks calmly into the square, trailing his small retinue. He glances around, raising an eyebrow as he takes in everyone. Shrugging, he coninues on, taking a seat at the fountain and keeping an eye on the three men that everyone seems to be so interested in
  • **Black_Iron_Ghost** skulks across a building rooftop. The sun has just begun to pass below the horizon and the soft pinks and purples afford better protection from the day's light. You see him dart from one shadow to the next.
  • Rain runs her eyes over them. "Hmmm... you rarely see that sort of confidence in a city like this."

<Unknown> "Yes, it's a bit suspicious. Do you think we should follow them?"

  • ResplendantWeb clears his throat softly as one man (OOC: Knife, the one on the ground) passes and quietly says "Nice night for a Walk in the Darkness, friend?"
  • Rain points. "I think that's already covered."
  • Unknown looks to where Rain is pointing, "Ah, I see."
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow pauses for a moment, eyes the men he's following, and then says softly to Web, "Huh? Who are you?"
  • ResplendantWeb smiles. "Just a friend you haven't met yet. I believe our liege meant for us to meet here, however."
  • ResplendantWeb nods slightly at the three men walking away. "Who're they?"
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow says quickly "my quarry. If you do work for the master, then come with me"

<ResplendantWeb> "After you" <RyanL> The three men that had been walking along so nonchalantly swing their heads around at the sudden voices. They seem a bit startled that they were being followed. They quickly look straight ahead again and begin walking a bit more briskly. <RyanL> The men continue walking. They leave the square and into a back alley. A woman in the finest green dress walks past them and toward you. She is completely out of place in this city of death. As you watch her come closer your eyes seem slide off and then back to her as if you can't quite keep up with her movements or she just isn't there.

  • Rain watches this newcomer with interest, and a hint of jealousy.
  • Unknown blinks, "Lots of strange things around here. It's like the circus came to town and no one mailed me a flyer."
  • Rain smiles a little. "Well, this is the Mask's city... you can't expect it to be normal."
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow keeps his eye on the odd looking woman, but continues to follow the men

<Unknown> "Aye. Especially with Jumbo parked outside the tent."

  • ResplendantWeb nods as Knife moves off. "I'll go get the rest and we'll follow on," he whispers as he stands and turns.
  • Unknown , whispering, "While he/she/they trail after those men..."
  • Unknown glances over to the woman in green, "How about we investigate her?"

<Rain> "Works for me." <RyanL> Knife is able to slip past the lady and continue to follow the men into the alleyway. Resplendent turns to go find the others when a soft, slender hand is laid upon his shoulder. <**Lady**> "A beautiful evening in this fair city, no?"

  • Unknown , a bit unsure of what to do, turns to Rain, "How should we go about doing this though?"
  • ResplendantWeb turns and nods. "Yes, it is. I believe we've met somewhere before, miss..."

<Rain> "Hmm. Just observe, for now, unless you feel the need to get closer." <**Lady**> "My name is inconsequential. We both enjoy the service of the same master. That is enough to bind us. No names are necessary. Gather the other two and we will meet the ones that trail the three conspirators at the conspirators' home."

  • Unknown , keeping an eye of the lady in green, "I'll observe."
  • ResplendantWeb smirks slightly and nods. "Ahh, a lady of mystery!" He chuckles and turns to wave at the man and woman talking together on the other side of the square, beckoning them over with a wide smile, as if noticing a couple friends.
  • Rain raises an eyebrow. "Closer it is, it seems."

<Unknown> "Ooo. We've been busted." <Rain> "Oh well." She takes his arm. "Shall we?"

  • Unknown , grinning, "Let's."
  • Rain nods slightly, then starts off.
  • Unknown , walks over to the pair and greets them simply, "Hello."
  • ResplendantWeb smiles and nods. "I believe our liege has sent us all here for various purposes. This find lady has offered to conduct us to our meeting place."

<Rain> "Has she, now?" Rain scans the woman slowly, now that she's closer.

  • Unknown , to Web, "Ah. I thought she was a suspicious character."

<RyanL> She waits patiently for Unknown Soldier and Rain to arrive. She looks Rain up and down and gives a look that says 'I'm more than you'll ever be. Want me to prove it.' She looks at Unknown with an appraising gaze. "Good evening. Come with me we must meet with the others. They have bypassed my meeting place." She seems to be flustered by this thought. She then turns on her heel and parades down <RyanL> the alleyway the three men went down.

  • ResplendantWeb shakes his head. "It seems...nevermind. Shall we?"
  • Rain just smiles pleasantly at the woman.
  • ResplendantWeb motions for his followers and starts off more leisurely, keeping an eye out for watchers.

<Knife_Cast_In_Shadow> ooc: where have the men headed now? <RyanL> The men quieten down when they enter the alley. They don't speak a word. The alleyway seems to go on forever twisting and turning in on itself until finally all three stop at a door that has been reseated in its place several times from the look of it. The youngest of the bunch pulls a heavy iron key out of a pocket and opens the door. All three step inside.

  • **Black_Iron_Ghost** climbs down from the world above and steps next to you. "So what now?"

<Knife_Cast_In_Shadow> ooc: are there any windows in the building they went into? or in the door? <RyanL> OOC: No window in the door. There is a boarded up window off to the side a few feet from the door itself.

  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow whispers to Iron Ghost "wait here", and then stealthily approaches to see if he can hear any voices from the other side of the door

<RyanL> The men have gotten a bit more boisterous since entering the building. They laugh more loudly now though their voices are muddled by the wall taht seperates you. You can hear what sounds like boots clomping across wooden floor and possibly up steps.

  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow waits for the voices to die down and then quietly tries the door to see if it's unlocked

<RyanL> ooc: ok <RyanL> The doorknow turns and allows the door to swing freely if you wish.

  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow signals to Iron Ghost to hide, and then slowly opens the door; just enough so that he has room to sneak in

Specific things you want to see. Otherwise I'll handle it. <RyanL> The door gives a slight creaking sound as you open it but no one seems to notice. The room you step into is barren with a staircase leading up to the next story.

  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow slips into the room and finds a secure place to hide such that one could not see him if coming down the staircase (if there is such a place)

<Knife_Cast_In_Shadow> OOC: like maybe under the staircase, if there's a cubby-hole there? <RyanL> Everyone else: She leads you down a winding alley that is crawling with rodents and puddles of rancid water dot the way. The alley seems to double in on itself. The sounds of your feet echos ever so slightly.

  • ResplendantWeb calmly keeps walking.
  • Rain resists the urge to make a face at their oh-so-lovely surroundings.

<RyanL> The lady stops in front of a nondescript door. She turns the knob and steps into the building without concern.

  • Unknown is not fazed, having been in these conditions like this for long periods of time.
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow peers out from behind the staircase and sees the others enter. 'so much for the element of surpirse' he thinks to himself

<RyanL> She looks around the room. She gives no sign of distaste or pleasure. She walks up the lone staircase and to the second floor, which has a single door set into it.

  • ResplendantWeb waves cheerfully at the shadows of Knife poking his head out of the shadows and shrugs, pointing at the lady in green.
  • Unknown , walking in, "Oh. This ought to be cozy."
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow emerges from under the staircase "guess there's no need to sneak in, eh?"
  • ResplendantWeb pauses for a second, then sticks his head back out the door and waves Black Iron Ghost in.

<RyanL> She knocks once and then gives the door a double tap. Footsteps can be heard from the other side of the door. Door creaks as it opens and the older of the three peers out. "Ah, Tricia, so good to see you. Such a long time. Please come in." She looks down the stairs. "I would dear, but have you happened to see some firneds of mine they most likely came here in search of you." He chuckles <RyanL> and shakes his head. "No, no one comes here. Are you sure you wouldn't like to come in?"

  • Unknown , to Knife, "Oh, look what the cat dragged in. Yeah, it was kinda pointless."

<RyanL> She only shakes her head, "No, I will wait downstairs for them. THey will come. Yougo sleep. I'll be fine." The man shakes his head with some concern on his face but otherwise closes the door. She on the other hand stalks down the stares with a look of consternation on her face. "I could have sworn they would come here." Then a look of suprise. "And so you have."

  • ResplendantWeb smirks and mutters "You see better with your nose a little lower, ma'am"
  • Unknown responds with an arched eyebrow, "You've been expecting us?"
  • **Lady** straightens her dress and clears her throat. "For some time." She tries to bring a smile to her face.
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow mutters to himself, "It must be all the work of the master"

<Unknown> "You don't seem to be too happy about that, though? What's a matter?" <Knife_Cast_In_Shadow> "what? Oh...just, musing, that's all" <RyanL> /npca Lady "I am Walker in Darkness' voice in this city. A whisper on the breeze. I am sure his familiar contacted you. Some of you at least." She nods her head to Knife. "It is. The group upstairs is partially my work though they have had the seeds of rebellion in their hearts for quite some time." She looks at Unknown. "The longer I stay in this city the more afraid I become. I am not made <RyanL> of the sterner stuff that you are not so gentle giant."

  • Unknown , jokingly, "Heh. If you ask, I could get the others to play nice."
  • Rain leans against a wall and looks on impassively.
  • ResplendantWeb just shakes his head and nods for his bodyguard to double check the door and alleyway for...err...visitors
  • **Lady** "When I'm done telling you what I have for you then I may leave this infested city and go back to the Walker. So of course I prefer to get this over with as quickly as possible." She looks at Rain when she says 'go back to Walker'.
  • Rain narrows her eyes slightly.
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow nods to the lady, "well, let's get it over with, shall we?"

<ResplendantWeb> "And what, exactly, do you have?" <ResplendantWeb> A small group of mortals can hardly expect to sustain a rebellion, especially not with the Juggernaut sitting close at hand and its master with it <RyanL> /npca Lady waits only a few brief moments before moving into what you asume is a prepared speech. She nods at Knife, "You and the engineer will begin working with the men upstairs in their future rebellion. Cause as much trouble as possible. The Walker's only wish is that anything done by the pair of you is done so that it can not be traced back to us." She looks at Resplendent. "You are <RyanL> quite right and they are not meant to. They will die and that is that. There will always be more. They will fight as mortals or ghosts."

  • **Lady** she then looks at Unknown. "You're men are on their way if they are not already here. Try and infiltrate the Mask's army with your men. Pose as a zombie or nemissary, which ever suits you best." She stops for a moment. "It will take quite a bit :of work to make you appear so. You are too...unearthly to pass for either. Though do try." She gives a slight smile.
  • Unknown nods, "Aye. I'm at your command."
  • **Lady** turns her head to Rain. "You have already gained some knowledge of who is who in Thorns. I believe you can direct the men's rebellion the best. You know who can be assassinated for the best effect. Where they live and so on." She looks you up and :down again. "I'm sure you can get close enough to some of the men in court to do something."
  • Rain smiles warmly, though inside she's savouring some rather enjoyable visions of the Lady dying in various ways. "Of course."

<RyanL> /npca Lady looks at Resplendent again. "You, head spymaster, will infiltrate Juggernaut." She says no more about that. She looks around the room. "I doubt any of you have questions, but if you do please ask. Walker expects you to work as closely with one another as possible to gain the best effect. Especially now that you knwo each other's faces. I'm sorry to say I won't see you for quite <RyanL> some time. I doubt I will return to this place."

<Unknown> "None here either. This ought to be a cinch."

  • ResplendantWeb just shakes his head, muttering about commanders with less faith in his skills.

<**Lady**> "Good." And she begins walking past your small group. She stops at the door and looks back. A sardonic smile splays across her face. "Good luck." With taht she steps out into the alleyway and closes the door. Leaving the five of you in this barren room with :a band of would-be rebels above you. <Rain> "What a charming woman." She stretches a little.

  • ResplendantWeb sighs and eyes the door at the top of the stairway. "She might have, err, introduced us to her sword fodder."

<Rain> "Ah, that would be far too easy."

<ResplendantWeb> "Hmm, I believe some brief introductions are in order, since we shall be working together." <Unknown> "Well, breaking in new recruits ain't my idea of a good time."

  • Unknown , to Web, "Yes."
  • Unknown , scanning the others, "So any volunteers?"
  • Knife_Cast_In_Shadow clears his throat, "I am known as Knife Cast In Shadow. I will be working with the engineer, Black Iron Ghost"

<RyanL> Black_Iron_Ghost raises his hand and says nothing. He is gaunt and pale.

  • ResplendantWeb chuckles. "I am the Resplendant Web of Ash and Shadows. I recently took over our liege's spy network here in Creation, having some personal knowledge of politics in the Realm and the Threshold. I've been consolidating and expanding my eyes and ears, but it was suggested that the situation in Thorns required a more personal touch."