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Grizfeld the Butcher

Caste: Dawn
Concept: Pit Fighter
Nature: Hedonist
Experience Points:0
Anima:Midnight black wolf with golden streaks along it's muzzle and fanning out behind its eyes
History: A Fjaran herder and butcher (his favorite job was when winter time would come and he'd round up a couple of goats, and hammer each to the head, striking them down so that they could be skinned and dried for food for the winter months) he was forcibly recruited (read: enslaved) into the common troops by the Dynasty while the Dynasts were reinforcing Fjara during their battles with Gunnar. After the battles ended, the local Myrkr leader tossed the young survivor into the Arenas - he could not be allowed his freedom (for having "sided" with the Dynasts), but he fought courageously and so did not earn an execution like a coward would have.

He had been fighting in the pits for years, his soul and his empathy being chipped away by weekly forays into the maw of death, before Sol cast his light on Grizfeld. Grizfeld has not yet chosen to emerge from his place in the Pits; enjoying the ease with which he now strikes down mortals the way he once did goats.

Strength 4 - Dexterity 3 - Stamina 4
Charisma 4 - Manipulation 2 - Appearance 2
Perception 2 - Intelligence 3 - Wits 4


Brawl    [F] 3
Melee [F] 5 (Hammers +2)
Thrown [F] 3
Presence [F] 2
Dodge [F] 2
Medicine [F] 3
Resistance [F] 3
Performance [F] 2
Endurance 1
Athletics 3
Lore 1


  • Familiar - 3 - Dire Wolf (and minor god-blood; Volk)
  • Artifacts - 2 - A pair of Orichalcum Goremauls
  • Resources - 2 - Pit fighting winnings

Reed in the Wind
Increasing Strength Exercise
Body-Mending Meditation
Greivous Injury Recovery Method
Durability of Oak Meditation
Iron Skin Concentration
Ox-Body (-1, -2x2)
Excellent Strike
Hungry Tiger Technique
One Weapon, Two Blows

Willpower: 6
Compassion: 1
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 3
Valor: 3

HL's: -0 x 1, -1 x 3, -2 x 4, -4 x 1, Inc

Perm Essence: 3
Personal: 15 (+5 from Familiar)
Peripheral: 36


  • Orichalchum Goremaul x 2 (Speed 7, Accuracy 2, Damage 6L, Defense 2, Rate 5)

Merits / Flaws:
Prodigy - Melee ( 2 pts. )

General Combat Tactics: Bash things. Bash them hard. Draw as much attention to yourself as possible; you can soak up the damage - it's more important to let your familiar sneak around behind your opponents, letting the bonuses from attacking from behind cancel out the penalties for multiple actions, letting him weaken several opponents at once, and letting you mop them up with your huge damage (take advantage of your Strength Increasing Exercise coupled with your huge strength and Hungry Tiger Technique; if you fail to kill an opponent with every hit, you're doing something wrong.)

This is a pit fighter, though, not a combat god; your xp should go into couple more soak charms, and alternating between Thrown and Brawl charms until you're competent with all three of your main attack trees. Thereafter, you should be looking at raising your PresenceMiedvied/Grizfeld/Performance to incite the crowds at the arena, interspersed with the occasional Melee charm. I can't emphasize enough that this isn't a general of an army; this is a guy you throw into a pit to put on a show, and who you can rely on to be at full health the next day to go into another fight.

Oh, and it should be noted that he doesn't have a second goremaul as backup; rather he fights with one in each hand.