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almostevilagain: so did agent get is second artifact 5 gun or what?\\ killedshadowrun: imagine pistols that use a special MA style that do agg to beings of MalfeasKilledNotes/Underworld/Wyld\\ almostevilagain: nice\\ almostevilagain: so, gun common (normal ones that won't do shit to an exalt?)\\ killedshadowrun: no such thing as common gun\\ almostevilagain: eviiiiil\\ killedshadowrun: anything is fairly exotic\\ killedshadowrun: theres more advanced firewands and such, but nothing specatcular\\ killedshadowrun: i'm thinking this is somewhere from 200-500 years down the line from current exalted\\ almostevilagain: but everything else is pretty modern/noir?\\ killedshadowrun: its kinda like Arcanum in that while there is lots of cool technology its just not that open to everyone\\ almostevilagain: ohhh\\ killedshadowrun: did you notice that his "car" is actually a familar?\\ almostevilagain: yes\\ killedshadowrun: any characters you didn't like? did i rip off james bond too much?\\ killedshadowrun: oh and this time the Man in Black with Pale Blue Eyes actually is a Serenity\\ almostevilagain: naw it had the right amount of give and take\\ almostevilagain: i noticed, so he can fix his gun right?\\ killedshadowrun: nah, it just fit about right\\ killedshadowrun: those guns are hard to break too\\ almostevilagain: yeah, but Nimrod is funny cruel, like yelling at you when your hung over\\ killedshadowrun: imagine if nimrod got stuck in the south for another 200-500 years, i'm also taking liberties\\ almostevilagain: he can take it :-)\\ killedshadowrun: i stole May, but than again she only gets mentioned really really briefly anyways\\ killedshadowrun: er cannonicaly that is\\ almostevilagain: so's the Chief, and sad Ivory :P\\ killedshadowrun: really? who'd i rip chief off of from cannon?\\ killedshadowrun: he ain't chejop btw\\ almostevilagain: ohh really? the gold faction office then? \\ killedshadowrun: nope\\ killedshadowrun: he's new\\ killedshadowrun: part of the reason i set it in the future is that chejop died of old age\\ almostevilagain: cool, I think i'm going to steal your theme and knock something out\\ almostevilagain: had a heart attack in the jacuzzi, with Venus\\ killedshadowrun: basically, he got kicked up stairs and than no one saw him again\\ almostevilagain: rumors, nobody ever saw him die, he could still be running around\\ killedshadowrun: exactly\\ killedshadowrun: basically kicked up stairs means the Maiden of Endings has said its time for your duty to office to end, you have a meeting with her and than your never seen again\\ almostevilagain: cool\\ killedshadowrun: basically for my plot line the solars have taken over the south and the bronze have just had to deal with it ever since chejop left\\ almostevilagain: several "notables" going to make an apperance?\\ killedshadowrun: the realm stabalized itself out (with help) and basically the houses rule by committe\\ killedshadowrun: definately mentioned maybe make an apperance\\ almostevilagain: the surviveing houses anyway\\ killedshadowrun: the sids made sure they all pulled through\\ killedshadowrun: basically i'm deemphasising a lot of the key metaplot stuff and just warping forward time as is\\ almostevilagain: kicks ass\\ killedshadowrun: in this story your npcs will probably make some appearances, chance for sly, and maybe Ranier but only if Sam reads the story and likes it\\ killedshadowrun: i'm probably not gonna even touch lunars\\ almostevilagain: yay lunars\\ killedshadowrun: you wanna work on whats up with lunars?\\ almostevilagain: but there are lunar secrets that I have sitting :p killedshadowrun: oh and later on expect a bit of timewarp, basically the Man In Black is running in 2 times at once\\ almostevilagain: ohh yeah?\\ killedshadowrun: thats whats up with the first paragraph killedshadowrun: as either persona he gets these "weird dreams" of him in an alternate reality that seems so familiar until he slips back into place\\ almostevilagain: ahhh\\ almostevilagain: must be them damn alchemicals\\ killedshadowrun: nah, like i said i'm downplaying metaplot\\ almostevilagain: damn alchemicals\\ killedshadowrun: eventually he's gonna figure out that these dreams are the future, probably the best future but he has to guarantee it\\ almostevilagain: ahhh\\ killedshadowrun: of course you should feel free to take the setting and run with it in an entirely different direction if you want\\ almostevilagain: I'm thinking maybe more gun, but htose arn;t important to the massive hand cannon that exalts pop out with\\ almostevilagain: or a high tech level\\ killedshadowrun: if anyone pulls out with an artifact gun in my story it basically means somewhere the Agency fucked up\\ killedshadowrun: would you be intrested in trying out this alterna world, basically no matter what type of exalt you are it'd be a higher powered game\\ almostevilagain: it would be intersing, you'd need good people, because when a problem shows up you just don;t want peopl ewho think gun first\\ killedshadowrun: basically my player limits for trying this would be: You, Sam, James, and Dave\\ almostevilagain: sounds interesting\\ killedshadowrun: and i'll flat out say its different\\ killedshadowrun: solars can be a bit less subtle\\ killedshadowrun: the realm is weaker on the whole\\ killedshadowrun: but more united within\\ almostevilagain: no kidding\\ killedshadowrun: Abyssals are SCARY\\ almostevilagain: more opertunity though to talk with dragon blooded touhg, and not in master servitued kind of way\\ almostevilagain: there always scary\\ killedshadowrun: Basically everyone has had to back off the total KILL THE SOLARS attitude\\ killedshadowrun: the sids biggest split is how actively involved do they want to be\\ killedshadowrun: a little more BESMish in character creation\\ almostevilagain: hmmm\\ killedshadowrun: some new artifacts out do the old school ones, and there is a whole new thought in a lot of the sciences\\ killedshadowrun: ok so the realm has a civil war, chejop rallies the sids and they basically intervene, way too much for the maiden's liking\\ almostevilagain: ahh\\ killedshadowrun: the Sids are forced to back off and restructure after chejop is kicked upstairs\\ killedshadowrun: Chief steps in and reorganizes the beureau into the Agency\\ killedshadowrun: while the chief job is still the loom, the branches are basically merged more together\\ almostevilagain: so everybody know's there are rondomly dissapereing sids now?\\ killedshadowrun: no, while elder DBs do, its basically kept hush hush till your old enough to sit on the council\\ almostevilagain: ohhh, so some luminaries still alive?\\ killedshadowrun: by elder DBs i mean basically the ones that would be just gradutating from secondary school in current exalted time\\ almostevilagain: k\\ killedshadowrun: with the reorganization comes a move toward innovation\\ killedshadowrun: slowly sids come to peace with the fact that they fucked up\\ killedshadowrun: they start reweaving themselves into the loom, while its still nearly impossible for mortals to remember them nearly any magical being can\\ killedshadowrun: the reweaving of the loom causes the current rift between sidereal viewpoints, reemerge into society compeletely with total reweavement into the loom or status quo\\ almostevilagain: ahh the loom gets rewoven?\\ killedshadowrun: well sidereals are getting rewoven into it\\ killedshadowrun: the spiders got upgrades\\ killedshadowrun: with the new mind set a discovery is made, since prophecies in the stars are up to interpretation so to are the charms held therein\\ almostevilagain: cool\\ killedshadowrun: basically early on its hard to make your own charms but by the time you have come to a decent power level you can modify and relearn as you open your mind to the other possible secrets of the stars\\ killedshadowrun: meanwhile the realm is an oligarchy where decisions are made by a majority vote of the 11 houses\\ killedshadowrun: with a new generation comes a new reemphasis on state first\\ killedshadowrun: i'm thinking of replacing paradox with reality, its how much you are woven into the loom\\ almostevilagain: hmm, or paradox could represent how far you are breaking from the loom\\ killedshadowrun: hmmm\\ almostevilagain: what about replendant destnys too?\\ killedshadowrun: more than likely i'm going to change the mechanic, i don't like it that much currently\\ killedshadowrun: it will definately effect your reality factor though\\ killedshadowrun: as you fake fate, being someone else, you can't help but be woven less as yourself into the loom\\ almostevilagain: beinf somebody else partly tugs you free\\ killedshadowrun: basically\\ almostevilagain: but maybe you can make that ColledgeKilledNotes/RD a perminate "maks"\\ almostevilagain: err mask\\ killedshadowrun: hmmm... imagine this basically the less you are woven into the loom the more you operate like a standard sidereal, the greater you are woven into the loom the easier it is to innovate and change\\ almostevilagain: hmm\\ killedshadowrun: basically new rule for resplendant destinies, roll your Charisma + Beurcracy, add your college rating in autosuccess\\ killedshadowrun: however the more points of college you have the less you can have of reality\\ killedshadowrun: and thus its harder to shift the nature of your mind to reinterpret things\\

nightingale442: thats sad\\ nightingale442: men are pigs\\ nightingale442: im gunna kick your booty tonight at poker!!!!\\ killedshadowrun: what?\\ killedshadowrun: all the world rides on The Man in Black doing his job, sometimes duty has to come first\\ nightingale442: mhmm\\ nightingale442: he shoulda thought of that before th eone night stand\\ killedshadowrun: eh, he's hardly infalliable, things happen\\ nightingale442: apparently\\ nightingale442: oh well, may doesnt seem the relationship type\\ nightingale442: but im liking the green sheets\\ nightingale442: ;-)\\ killedshadowrun: besides, May knew going in that eventually the job catches up with them, its part of the whole being an Agent of heaven thing. Nice job perks, but little time for relationships\\ killedshadowrun: the sheets were green to match her eyes\\ nightingale442: i see\\ nightingale442: oh\\ nightingale442: well i can pretend\\ killedshadowrun: because as a Chosen of Secrets her eyes are green\\ nightingale442: oh\\ nightingale442: interesting\\ killedshadowrun: just like the Man in Black's eyes are blue because he's a Chosen of Serenity\\ nightingale442: so green is secrets?\\ nightingale442: blue is serenity?\\ killedshadowrun: yep\\ nightingale442: i see\\ killedshadowrun: red is battles, yellow is journeys, and purple is endings\\ nightingale442: what about brown?\\ killedshadowrun: no brown...\\ nightingale442: aw\\ killedshadowrun: only 5 kinds of agents\\ nightingale442: <~~~left out\\ killedshadowrun: :-(\\ killedshadowrun: so am i\\ killedshadowrun: i'm hazel\\ nightingale442: i dont look at my eyes enough to know\\ killedshadowrun: of course if you did suddenly exalt as a sidereal(agent) than your eyes would become the color of your type\\ nightingale442: oh i get it\\ nightingale442: purple would be cool\\ killedshadowrun: endings are all about ending things at their proper times\\ nightingale442: that could be fun\\ killedshadowrun: including and often lives\\ nightingale442: oh\\ nightingale442: hmmmm\\ nightingale442: green is good\\ nightingale442: i can match sams sheets\\ killedshadowrun: secrets are all about hidden knowledge, including knowing the future\\ nightingale442: im likin that one\\ killedshadowrun: they are big on keeping things secret until a time when it is needed\\ nightingale442: makes sense to me\\ killedshadowrun: serenity is all about taking care of the general joy/health/happiness/prosperity of the world\\ nightingale442: one night stands\\ nightingale442: yeah i see\\ killedshadowrun: not everyone is great at fulfilling their caste's role\\ nightingale442: excuses\\ killedshadowrun: some serenities fall so low as to encouraging the use of drugs and furthering prostiution across creation\\ nightingale442: sounds fun\\ killedshadowrun: even agents of heaven can fall in moral standards\\ killedshadowrun: or some see it as the best way to further their goals at any cost\\ nightingale442: thats an excuse for you making your character a PIMP\\ killedshadowrun: the Man in Black basically believes that people are most happy when a limited amount of outside influence is put upon them, thats why he's still a field agent. Fighting the forces of chaos/heaven/undead\\ killedshadowrun: he's not a pimp\\ killedshadowrun: i'm just saying some other serenities are\\ killedshadowrun: er heaven=hell in the last line\\ nightingale442: i see\\ killedshadowrun: besides, stories aren't that much fun if the characters always make the "right" decisions\\ nightingale442: hmm\\ nightingale442: as long as may gets revenge\\ nightingale442: then ok\\ killedshadowrun: how so?\\ nightingale442: um\\ nightingale442: may gets to knee him in the nuts, gets a one night stand of her own, brekas his heart etc\\ killedshadowrun: well, in true literary fashion i'm focusing on the Man in Black, not sure how major of a character May is going to be\\ nightingale442: she should still get revenge\\ nightingale442: <~~~bitter\\ killedshadowrun: wow, i must write well to make you bitter about a character in my story already\\ nightingale442: i am a flaming feminist\\ nightingale442: hmm, what can you be thats flaming?\\ killedshadowrun: view it than as May having a one-night stand than\\ nightingale442: no way\\ nightingale442: she would never\\ nightingale442: its all his fault\\ killedshadowrun: a little sexist here?\\ nightingale442: of course not\\ killedshadowrun: besides like the story says, they've had on again off again relationships for centuries\\ nightingale442: but he is the one that decided not to stay\\ killedshadowrun: because creation might crumble if he doesn't do his job?\\ nightingale442: cant he multi task\\ nightingale442: *grumble* men\\ killedshadowrun: he has to physically leave to the far south (lot' o desert)\\