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People to See

Draft version.

New Faces

Chofa san-Yitzein - a confused young God-blood

Chofa is the focal point of one of the Circle's first adventures. His spirit father has come to claim him from his mortal mother, but he does not want to go. Sapphire tries to convince him that his duty is to become a liaison between his village and the local gods.

Alioth, "The Black Butterfly" - the leader of a wandering spirit court

Alioth's court has been forced out of its home by an Exalt (Yun) who seized its powerful subterranean Manse. In search of a new domain, Alioth and its followers have come into conflict with the court of Gueixiu, a god of Earth.

Gueixiu - the leader of a spirit court

Gueixiu's domain consists of a labyrinth of underground caves, inhabited by spirits of water, air, earth, and darkness. He appeals to Sapphire's Circle to help him deal with the trespassing spirits loyal to Alioth.

Deimoskenos - a scheming Fair Folk prettyboy

When Deimoskenos comes into conflict with Sapphire's Circle, he offers Sealis power in exchange for her betraying her allies. She's momentarily tempted, but ends up essentially spitting in his face; she wants power, but not at someone else's whim. The faerie noble, while angered, is nevertheless impressed by her spirit.

Yun - a megalomaniacal Dawn sorcerer-general

Yun, egged on by Llimenkeyea, is building an army in the Scavenger Lands. He eventually plans to conquer the Realm itself, and to that end searches ceaselessly for powerful sorceries and First Age weapons.

Rav Meia - a longsuffering Night courier

Rav served under Yun prior to both their Exaltations, and owes him a debt of honor. Although he thinks that Yun has gone slightly power-mad, he is unwilling to desert his friend. He is quite possibly the only trustworthy man that Fox has ever been attracted to; unfortunately, he's spoken for.

Mnemon Carsey - Rav's easygoing Dragon-Blooded girlfriend, a Water-Aspected scout

Carsey loves horses. She also loves Rav, and serves Yun alongside him. (A long, complicated story.) Having been brought up in the most Immaculate of all Houses, this causes her no small amount of emotional conflict.

Llimenkeyea, "Dancer of the Five Winds" - Yun's sinister Sidereal consort/handler, Chosen of Mars

Originally of the Gold Faction, Llimenkeyea has gone rogue. With Yun as her ally, she dreams of becoming queen of her own kingdom, and breaking free of the manipulations of her elders.

Caleb the Godslayer - a spirit-slaying Zenith

Caleb received exactly the same charge as Sapphire, but his interpretation is radically different. He hunts down and destroys spirits who interfere in the affairs of men.

Zenten - Caleb's Lunar sidekick

Zenten is a fairly powerful Lunar, whose totem is Electric Eel. She is Caleb's ally, adversary, and occasional lover; their relationship is rather complex.

Mnemon Sheret - a pious Immaculate

When Sheret encounters the Circle after she is sent to deal with some spirit mischief, she and Yieng find that their outlooks are disturbingly similar.