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An Icy Introduction

In which chance births a new future, introductions are made and too much mulled wine is drunk...

The 21st Day of Descending Air, Realm Year 757

There is a storm! It is blowing, snowy, and dark. Not pleasant. The path has been mostly obscured by the snow, but there are a few lingering enchantments in it that some happy friendly thaumaturge left behind, preventing it from disappearing completely. Sian walks determinedly through the blizzard, one hand shielding his eyes.

Venia has some issues herself, but luckily has a horse to help her along, walking along beside and shivering as the wind cuts around the warmth of her hood. She would curse the old herbalist for living in the middle of nowhere, but will wait till later, when her lips don't feel frozen.

Sian comes to a halt, lifting the hand slightly and squinting. "Greetings, traveller." He looks mostly as he will when he's older, but the hair is trimmed shorter and the face is younger. He's carrying his jacket over his shoulder, meaning that he's only wearing pants, boots, and a light silk shirt.

Venia looks a bit oddly at that, nodding, a light wave of greeting. "Hope you're not going far! Storm is worse that way."

"Storm I can handle. It's just a bit hard to see." He offers a tired smile, just visible through the snow.

Venia nods. "Had to let the horse lead me through. There a place to stop near?"

"Not really, I'm afraid. Herbalist is closed for the storm, too."

"Damned. That was what the trip was for... Guess I'm going back."

"Mind if I join you for a bit?"

"Not at all. I could use the company."

Sian nods, moving up beside the horse as she turns it around and starting to walk. "Name's Sian. Sian Nerivus, of Whitewall."

"Venia, House Cynis."

"A Dynast? Hrm."

She nods.

"Strange to see you out this far, then... most of the Dynasts around here stick to the cities."

"I am hardly most Dynasts. Beginning to wish I had, though... wasn't ready for a storm this bad."

"You get used to them." He seems totally unaffected by the cold, it's just the short range of vision that irks him.

"Maybe. I hope I don't have the occasion to need to."

"Just visiting, are you?"

"For a while, yes."

Sian nods, half to himself. "Well, as the official welcomer of Whitewall, I hope you enjoy your stay in the North." He offers a wry smile.

Venia laughs, a soft sound almost inaudible due to the wind. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Sian grins a bit more, then turns back to the road.

The storm intensifies, snow and ice sleeting down from the heavens as the wind rises. A sudden gust of wind catches Venia, almost pushing her off her horse, before Sian half-pushes her back into the saddle. "Perhaps we should find shelter? This doesn't look like it's going to die down any time soon."

Venia reaches out to snag Sian's jacket before it flies away, both hands used to drag it back out of the wind. "I think we really need somewhere to stop."

Venia smiles slightly at the synchronicity, and nods. "You're the local. Any ideas?"

"The trees near here are usually pretty good for that sort of thing." He starts to lead her horse off the path, looking to her for permission.

Venia nods, leaning down closer to the horse to get out of the wind. She's ridiculously flexible, adhering to it rather well.

Sian notes that with slight approval, but not obviously. He searches through the thick woods for a suitable target.

Perhaps with great relief, he notices the steaming opening of a cave a good ways off from the road, a bit easier to see with the trees breaking up the storm.

Sian leads the horse towards it! He gestures to her to duck as they reach the entrance, moving inside.

Venia does indeed, rolling off of the horse when they're fully inside to avoid the hanging ceiling.

Sian guides the animal to the side of the cave, settling it down with a few quiet words. "Better. Much better." He brushes snow out of his hair.

Venia agrees, settling down somewhat nearby and loosening the coat. She flips the hood back and runs a hand through her hair, it falling almost identically back into place, framing a rather stunning face.

Sian lifts his eyebrows slightly. "Wait here for a bit, and I'll see if I can't get us a fire started." He wanders back out into the snow to collect some wood.

Venia is content to wait, trying to get some warmth back into her fingers and sipping a tiny bit of chilled liquor.

Sian does come back after a while with a pile of it, scraping out a hole in the dirt of the cave floor and starting to stack it up carefully.

Venia would help, but he seems to know what he's doing.

Sian hunts around in his pocket for a small flint, and manages to soon get the wood burning. "Ah... so much better."

Venia nods, offering the slim flask.

Sian takes it, and a small sip, before offering it back. "Thanks. Icewine?"

"Close relative."

"Mmm, it's good." He settles back against the cave wall, holding out his hands towards the flames.

Venia settles down next to the fire, stretching sore muscles a bit. "So, why were you so far out?"

"Same as you, I guess; going to see the herbalist."

"Popular fellow."

"He's the only really good one around here... the ones in town charge about twice what you'd expect to pay normally, even with me."

Venia nods. "More so for esoteric ingredients."

"Mhmm. And he's always been fair with me, so I come here when I can." He rests his head back, eyes closed.

Venia sips at the flask again, sighing as the warmth hits. "So, how long does this sort of thing last?"

"Mmm... day? Two? Don't know."

Venia frowns. "Hrm. Long time to be stuck in a cave."

"We could probably get back to town through the storm, but it'd be a long, cold, and uncomfortable trip. I usually just wait them out, but if you're in a hurry, I can get you through it."

"No real hurry, just not entirely looking forward to either option."

"Mmm. I'll admit it's not an optimal situation, but we have warmth, and I could hunt us a deer or something. Not exactly the sort of cuisine you're probably used to, but it's edible."

"True." Venia sighs, and goes to dig her sleeping roll out of the saddlebags.

Sian stretches slightly. "Just tell me what you decide."

"Stay. Hope the storm weakens. Get some food tomorrow. I've got some in the bags, but not much."

Sian nods. "Mhmm. You going to sleep for the night?"

"Not yet, no. But I'm a bit tired of being swaddled up like a porcelain doll."

Sian smiles slightly. "Indeed, the North is no place for you weak civilized types."

Venia works her way out of the coat and boots, setting them aside to dry and slipping inside said roll. "I'd argue the point if I held any pretense of belonging here."

"Mmm, fair enough. It isn't really that bad a place... then again, I've always lived here, so I can't really talk."

"I imagine I'd like it better if I was less designed for more temperate pursuits," Venia says, "That, or I had whatever Charms you do."


"I am assuming that you're using some sort of trick to walk around without een a jacket in the middle of a blizzard."

"Ah. Sort of, I guess; I've just done it a lot, so I'm used to it."

"Really? Impressive." She rolls over to look at him. "So, beyond find shelter for damsels in distress, what is it you do, Sian Nerivus of Whitewall?"

Sian smiles faintly again. "Mostly, I just handle disputes between the spirits around here. It's hard work, but I've only been doing it for a while, and the Syndics pay well."

"Good pay is hard to find."

"Mhmm. They gave me a house, a living... I'm grateful. And it's always interesting, if nothing else."

"Taking a break, or is herbalism a hobby of yours?"

"Neither. I needed some herbs for an offering to the local wind spirits."

"Ah. This storm a gift of theirs?"

"Mhmm. Wood spirits are complaining about too much snow. Air spirits respond with more snow. Things get worse from there, unless I do something about it."

"Usually, we'd send in the immaculates."

Sian stretches again. "Few Immaculates here. Without those herbs, I can't make the offerings, so both air and wood spirits will head off to the nearest court to get it all sorted out, after a few days of constant fighting. Irksome, but there's nothing I can do."

"Mmm. Wish you'd gotten there a bit earlier."

"Mmm, I'm still learning. I left it too long, I guess."

"Indeed. I just wish I hadn't got caught up in your lesson."

Sian shrugs. "Sorry."

"So... now what? I'm not entirely sure I can sleep for a day and a half." She laughs a bit.

Sian was sort of leaning against the wall and stretching a bit. He smiles. "Anything you want, really. As noted, though, you don't have to stay here."

"Mhm. I'm not entirely sure I'd enjoy being frozen solid either."

"I could just carry you back in that sleeping bag, though I doubt it would do much for your reputation when you ride into town, bundled up in that bag, in the arms of an unknown stranger."

Venia raises an eyebrow. "I'm Cynis. You think I have a GOOD reputation?"

"Well, true. But going by the Cynis reputation, I'd currently be spreadeagled whilst you whipped me with branches, so you know, I guess there's exceptions to the rule."

"Sorry. Maybe later, though."

Sian just grins. "Your decision, in any case. I'm not worried about either staying or going."

"Yeah, but you're not the one huddled in the sleeping bag by the fire."

Venia sighs. "Stay, I suppose. I prefer this to being a solid curvy block of ice."

"Don't worry, I'll keep the fire going. And you can make some surprisingly good meals out of the wildlife around here."

Venia nods. "Pass me the blue book in the saddlebag on the right, please."

Sian looks up at said saddlebag, then reaches over to search briefly through and locate said book. He passes is over. "What's that?"

"Epic poetry."

"Ah." No further comment, as he settles back against the wall and closes his eyes.

Venia flips it open and reads, occasionally licking a finger to flip the page.

Sian just sits for the most part, pondering what else he could do to stop the blizzard.

Venia finally closes it. "Question. If we closed up the front of the cave after you hunted something down, how safe would we be?"

"Hrm? Fairly safe, why?"

"Just thinking about it. "It'd save having to alternate watch."

"Mmm, true. I can go get a rabbit or something now, and then we can seal it up for the night, if you like."

Venia nods. "Go right ahead. I'm not going anywhere."

Sian just lifts his eyebrows a bit, reaching inside his shirt and pulling out two slim knives, balanced for throwing. "Be right back." And out he goes!

Venia goes back to reading again.

Sian shall return in an hour or so, as the sky is starting to get dark, with a couple of rabbits in one hand. "This do?"

Venia nods. "Just fine. Should I try to close up, or just lie here and look pretty?"

"Heh, give me a moment to clean them, then you can seal it up." He heads out again, to do such where the smell doesn't get into the cave.

Sian returns in a bit! With some newly-cleaned rabbits, which he sets to cooking.

Venia obviously follows advice, putting a couple of braces up with branches and setting off a minor snowslide to cover the entrance.

Sian comments not! He manages to make a fairly good meal, considering he only has some basic herbs and his knives to work with.

Venia nods approvingly as she eats. No comment beyond that, though she is aware of how she looks sitting in a sleeping bag with a fairly skintight outfit on.

Sian notes that, yes. "Careful, it's a bit messy."

Venia shrugs. "Not that bad. I've had worse."

"Mmm." He munches quietly on his own food, occasionally stoking up the fire so they can at least see each other. Though the firelight isn't helping with the image of her in the sleeping bag.

Venia tosses the remnants over to the side. "So, where are you going to sleep?"

"Hrm? In my jacket. It's what I do most nights."

Venia nods. "Good. I don't have a sword on hand, and I'm not certain the glow in your eyes is just the firelight."

Sian smiles slightly. "I'm just a simple northern boy, my lady. I wouldn't dream of touching your wonderous self."

"Now that's somewhat insulting. As if I can't compete against dreams of simple northern girls." She poses momentarily.

"Ah, trust me, lady, you're far more beautiful than any simple northern girl." He can be remarkably well-spoken, considering his currently rough appearance.

"That's better."

Sian locates said jacket, and stretches out beside the fire. "I suggest you lie against your horse, there, if you're cold."

Venia wags a finger at him before burrowing deeper into the sleeping bag and partly sealing it. "I'm an exception to that cynis rule, and don't forget it."

Sian laughs. "I won't, I promise. But horses are warm, even if you don't sleep underneath them."

Venia nods. "I'll keep that in mind. G'night, Sian Nerivus of Whitewall."

"Goodnight, oh-not-really-a-Cynis Venia." He wraps his jacket about himself and closes his eyes.

Morning eventually comes, revealing that either she moved him, or she moved over, because the sleeping bag is draped over the both of them.

Sian makes no comment on the matter, rolling over onto his back so as not to be too intimately placed when she wakes.

Venia doesn't comment either beyond a yawn, stretching for a moment before nodding at him. "Morning."

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"Fairly well, yes."

"All the thinking about you over here in just a jacket wore me out, so by the time I moved I was too exhausted not to sleep well."

"Heh. Poor Venia." He reaches past her to chuck a small piece of wood on the almost-dead fire, stoking it up a bit.

Venia nods. "I'll let you get to thinking on how to make it up to me."

"What could I give you that you didn't already have? Surely you have a host of servants back in town waiting to fulfill your every whim?"

"If I do, I must have told them all my whim was they disappear, and I have since forgotten."

"Ah. Maybe I'll treat you to a proper meal when we get back, then, but for now I need some breakfast. Apples do?"

Venia shrugs. "Fine by me."

Sian slides out from under the bag and goes to find such, trying to remember where he saw them earlier. He returns with a couple of apples each! Rather nice-looking.

Venia waits! And washes up a bit with melted snow by the fire.

"Here ya go."

Venia takes hers and nods, pulling the dress back up over her shoulders. "Thanks."

"If you want a proper clean, there's a small spring not far from here." He settles down by the fire again, stoking it up some more.

"That would require I go outside. How bad is it?"

"Mmm... not too bad. Wind's still a bit strong."

"Think I'll skip the spring and soak in a nice warm tub when we get back... Think the herbalist will be open?"

"Should be. This is the only sort of weather he closes in, really."

Venia nods. "Then we'll go there first."

"Fine with me. I might as well stock up on incense for the next time something like this happens."

Venia nods, and rerolls the sleeping roll. She tosses it to him while she gets back into the big fur coat.

Sian catches it easily. "And I'm carrying this why?"

"Put it back on the horse, silly. I'm busy with buttons."

"Ah, fine." He pats the horse to get it to stand up, then ties the sleeping bag into place.

Venia stands, and finishes clearing out the snow. She nods thankfully at him and leads it out before climbing on. "You'll lead the way?"

"Mhmm. You can just sit there and look good." He takes the reins and leads the horse and rider out into the snow.

"That I can handle."

Sian soon locates the path, and starts to walk her along her original line of travel. "What was it you were wanting here, again?"

"Seedlings for a few rare herbs."

"Ah, I see. Interesting."

"You have an odd definition of interesting."

"Better than saying 'what a crap hobby', isn't it?"

"Not a hobby. Moneymaker."

"Ah. Now that's interesting; how so?"

"You'd be amazed at what people will pay for the appropriate chemical concoction. And I need these to expand my inventory."

"Glad to see you have at least one Cynis trait, then. Love of drugs and money." He smiles slightly.


Sian continues wandering along the path in silence, and after a few hours' travel they likely locate the herbalist.

The building is an ancient shack, having been built on and extended many times over the course of many years, and the herb garden (Casas stock-in-trade) remains visible, presumably kept clear by an enchantment similar to that on the path. A thin trail of smoke spills out of two chimneys, rising lazily into the sky.

Venia smiles at the sight, like something straight out of a painting for tourists.

Sian just yawns a bit, having been here once before.

"So, you'll introduce me?"

"Mhmm. I wasn't here long last time, but I do know him."

Venia nods. "Good. After you, then."

Sian wanders up the remainder of the path, up the steps to the front door. He rings the bell!

The door opens, by itself and the two Dragon-Bloods enter. The interior of Casas' hut is as stereotypical as the outside. Small, dirty windows let in only feeble light, and what illumination there is falls on row upon row of rickety shelves, each laden down with hundreds, if not thousands, of small ceramic bottles. Each bottle is labelled in a tiny scrawl, probably decipherable only to Casas himself.

Sian calls out a bit, careful not to knock anything over. "Casas? You home?"

Venia knows better than to touch anything yet, and so settles against the wall, covering her mouth as dust rises.

A door at the back of the room opens, and in walks a man in his apparent middle-years, his once black hair now frosted with grey streaks, using a walking stick with an air that makes him appear insulted by the need to use it. "Yes, yes, I'm here. Where else would I..." he looks up, "I thought I recognised that voice. Sian Nerivus!"

Sian gives a short wave. "That's me, yes. How you been?"

"Pretty good, considering. Business is slow, but it's always slow in the winter," he waves at his full shelves, the movement of air causing one to rattle ominously for a moment, "But that does mean that I've got just about everything."

"Ah, good." He turns, gesturing back at Venia. "I'd like you to meet Cynis Venia, a companion I met on the road. Venia, this is Casas."

Casas bows slightly, "A pleasure to meet one as beautiful as yourself."

Venia bows, coat not really allowing a curtsy. "And it is most certainly a pleasure to meet one so renowned as yourself."

"Renowned? I doubt that very much," Casas smiles self-deprecatingly. He straightens slowly, "So, what can I do for the two of you?"

Sian shrugs a bit. "I just need some of the offering herbs. Venia will tell you what she wants."

Venia has a small list prepared of some rather rare northen herbs, most with antidote properties for equally rare venoms.

Casas looks over the list, reading it carefully, "I have all of these, although it might take me a while to prepare some of them for you. They don't store well, so I keep them fresh."

Venia nods. "Of course. I had not expected immediate service."

"There's some tea in the pot and I'll fetch some cakes for you. It shouldn't take me too long," Casas disappears into the backroom, only to re-emerge a minute later with a fine china plate laden down with small, sweet-cakes and a pair of fine cups.

Venia smiles thankfully at him, picking a cake off of it and nibbling away.

Sian takes one himself, browsing the shelves to see what he can identify. Not very much.

The sounds of chopping and grinding can be heard from behind the door, as Casas prepares the berries and herbs Venia requested. Strange, exotic smells spill out into the room, a far cry from the chill scent of the snow that surrounds the shack.

Venia breathes in deeply, unbutton the coat a little and trying to relax.

Sian looks over at her. "You okay?"

"Yes. Just worried about my schedule a little."

The grinding sound of metal on stone stops suddenly, and a soft murmuring can be heard, most likely Casas enacting a minor enchantment on the herbs he's preparing.

"It can't be helped, I'm afraid." He puts back the vial he was inspecting, and listens to the quiet voice.

"True. That doesn't keep me from thinking about how to fix it."

"Mmm." He takes a seat at the small table, and settles back to wait.

Casas emerges after about 20 minutes holding several small ceramic vials in his hands, "OK. They're done, although the best I can do is that they'll keep for about two weeks. They're just too fragile to hold any longer than that, even with the enchantments I gave. The rest of the list is easy, and I'll get those for you now. You just wanted offering herbs, right, Sian?"

Casas places the vials on the table, and begins searching through the jars on his shelves, expertly picking out the ones he needs and dumping small quantities into the tiny cloth bags he keeps for this purpose.

Sian nods. "The basic air ones, yeah. Redleaves would be best."

Casas turns and smiles, "Really? And here was me thinking you wanted sun-spot clover."

Sian pokes his tongue out.

Eventually, Casas is done, and he deposits a number of the bags on the table, a small pile on one side, and a much larger pile next to the vials. "There, I think that's everything the both of you wanted."

Sian hunts through his coat pockets for the silver required, eventually managing to locate the requisite amount. "That enough?"

"That'll be just fine, Sian." Casas scoops the coins off the table, "It was, as always, a pleasure to do business with you."

Venia pays in jade coinage, watching to make sure that's acceptable.

Casas nods, handing one obol back, "I don't rob my customers, Miss, it's not good business. What I have here is enough."

Venia smiles. "Are you sure? The cake was good, and you could think of it as a tip."

"The cake is included. I'm sure, Miss."

Venia nods, returning it to the pouch. "Thank you. You can be sure this will reflect favorably for further business."

"I shall look forward to your return. It's not often I get customers as beautiful as you."

Venia chuckles, self deprecatingly. "With all those blue-eyed blondes running around, none ever need a love potion?"

"I can't see someone like you ever needing a love potion. No, the ones who want those are usually old and ugly." He shudders theatrically.

"Ah, well. Maybe you should make sure the young boys chasing after the ice maidens have to bring them to visit you if it works."

Casas grins knowingly. "Who says I'm not?"

Venia laughs prettily. "Point for you."

"Well, if was nice to see you again Sian, and it was a distinct pleasure to meet you, Lady Venia," he bows as low as he can.

Venia bows, but not that low, winking at him.

Sian nods slightly at this. "You too, Casas."

The old man turns and walks back into his home, leaving the two Dragon-bloods alone in his front room once more.

Sian stretches a bit, and actually puts on his coat. "Going to be cold on the way back."

Venia looks at him, stunned. "It gets WORSE?"

Sian grins. "This is mild, remember? I just couldn't see where I was going. And now we've got the reverse; perfect vision, but as cold as anything."

"I knew I should have paid for the aspected coat..." She looks out the window with trepidation.

"You can have mine if you want. Not magical, but a great deal warmer than anything else you're likely to find."

The sunlight that tries to shine through the windows reveals a glittering, snow-covered landscape beneath a cloudless sky. A landscape that many artists would give an arm to be able to paint, and one that signifies extreme cold on the way when the sun sinks below the horizon.

"Umm... I'll stick to this one. I can buckle it down tighter." Venia pulls the hood up, and cinches it around the gloves and boots. "Cruel and unusual punishment..."

"Well, the offer stands." He does his own up.

"I'll ask if I happen to need it... feel sorry for the horse, though."

"Eh, they're tough." He opens the door for her.

Venia steps out, managing not to flinch at the wind.

The frost-laden trees wave and bend in the wind, stronger than a breeze but not quite a gale, sending swirls of loose snow scurrying across the white surface, building up to form large drifts against trees and hedges.

Sian offers her a sympathetic smile. "C'mon. Might as well get moving."

Venia saddles up, hunching down against the wind and nodding miserably. "The sooner it's over, the better."

Sian sets to walking at a brisk pace. "Just think. Soon you'll be back in front of a warm fire, with hot food just waiting to be eaten."

"Hmmm.. there is that. You did promise me a good dinner."

"Mhmm. I'll even pay for a bottle of the really expensive wine."

"Ah, wine. The best part of any dinner."

"Indeed. So, the best option is to just grin and bear it."

"I would grin, but I like my teeth not encased in ice."

"Looks like you're left with bearing it, then." He grins a bit himself.

The horses trot briskly down the path, their breath steaming in the air as the pair head down the hill towards the bustling town of Silvertop, visible in the distance as a large dark area against the snow, with several large smoke trails rising from it.

Venia heaves a sigh of relief at being in view of it, already imagining stripping out of this binding coat and soaking in a warm bath.

Sian is himself rather happy to see the town. "You've got a place to stay already, I assume?"

"Yeah. Small couple renting out a room while their son is away. Wouldn't believe what I found in there."

"Mmm. There's an inn on the other side of town, I think..." He tries to remember.

Venia shrugs. "Lead away. You're the tour guide, I'm the tourist."

Sian leads her down into the town, and across to where he thinks the inn is.

Silvertop is a small town, nestled in a valley and crouched around a small lake - currently frozen over. Rough stone walls and a small complement of guards surround it, and let Sian and Venia in without any trouble, leaving them on the main street inside the town, surrounded by hundreds of people all wrapped up tightly against the cold.

Venia thinks they all have the right idea...

Sian, just to be contrary, unbuttons his coat a bit. "Now, where was that inn..."

Venia eyes him a bit disbelievingly.

Sian doesn't notice, wandering along the street and looking up at the signs.

"Here we are." He points. "I knew there was one."

Venia slips down off the horse. "why don't you arrange things, and I'll get these stabled?"

"Mhmm. Shared room, or separate?"

"Whatever's the warmest."

"Shared. Go grab your things from the other place, and it'll be ready when you get back." He waves a bit, and wanders inside.

The inn, according to the roughly cut sign that hangs over the door, is called Gelam's Teahouse, and is a large building - four floors in height. Inside, several wide balconies from the upper floors, all arranged around a kitchen and servery in the centre.

Venia does so, stabling his horse and heading off with the other, making sure to thank the couple for the rent of the room.

Many round tables are scattered across the floor, some empty, but most with people sitting at them, while food and drink are moved up and down between the floors on fast-moving lift-trays operated by ropes and pulleys.

Sian inquires about a room on the top floor (so as to get heat from the other three), and about a nice hot meal for the both of them. And some of that expensive spiced wine. He looks at his remaining coinage sadly.

Venia eventually returns, stripping out of her coat in an eyecatching sight, effects of the cold clearly visible as she stretches. "It's being moved to the rooms now. Dinner?"

The owner of kitchen manager passes Sian a table chit for the third floor, "It'll be about 10 minutes for your food, although the drink should be there by the time you reach your table. Enjoy your meal, sir."

Sian relates such to Venia when she returns, though is mostly talking to her breasts.

Venia reaches out and tilts his chin up, waving at him with the other hand. "Up here, please."

Sian doesn't even look ashamed. "But it's such a nice view."

Venia sighs. "Almost, but not quite. I find my legs the better asset anyway. Still, maybe the wine will help you get a proper apology out. Which table?"

Sian looks at the chit, and goes to locate such.

The uppermost floor of the Teahouse's eating area is also the quietest, with barely half of the tables occupied. On the one signified by the chit is a pair of jugs (one steaming) and a couple of large glasses, as well as a small incense burner.

Sian pulls out a chair for her, and lets her sit before pouring the drinks and seating himself.

Venia sips the steaming one first, rolling it around on her tongue before swallowing. "Sooo much better."

"Sooo much more expensive than the normal stuff." He takes a drink of it, regardless.

Venia smiles. "Consider it the cost of doing business."

"Mhmm." After that first warming drink, he just sits back and sips it quietly, waiting for the food.

The food arrives faster than advertised, delivered on two trays by an attractive young woman. The food, like one of the jugs, steams copiously, large portions on the plates placed in front of the pair. "Enjoy your food, sir. Madam," she curtseys quickly and then rushed off to attend to the next order.

Venia watches her go. "Did I miss the utensils being brought?"

"Us Northern barbarians eat with our hands." He thus demonstrates the proper procedure.

Venia shrugs, and begins to eat, watching him for the occasionaly hint on how to do things, daintily licking the sauce off her fingers now and again.

Sian watches with mild interest, and an utter lack of shame.

Venia points one of them at him. "Careful. Don't want your jaw to drop on the plate."

The food itself, while not cooked with the style and refinement of a Great House's chefs, is tasty, hot and plentiful. It is also laden with thick sauce that drips seemingly of its own volition. The mulled wine in the jug steams away merrily, filling the air with the smells of spices and alcohol.

"Well, it'd be worth it, at least." He locates a cup of the wine again, letting the different flavours mingle to pleasant effect.

Venia shrugs, and returns to eating, occasionally getting some more wine. "So, what is dessert like around here? And if you even think about saying blonde..."

Sian can't help but grin. "It is usually very tasty, but unsurprisingly very cold. I'll see if we can get some sort of hot chocolate to go with it, if you like."

"That would be most pleasant."

Sian does disappear for a moment to request such.

The young woman who delivered the food replies, in response to Sian's request, that dessert will be arriving shortly together with a mug of hot chocolate (which was surprisingly expensive).

Venia sips happily at the mulled wine, idly pulling a pendant out of her dress and setting it in her purse.

Sian sips his own. "What's that?"

"A secret."

"Ah. Say no more."

Venia doesn't, instead settling down to enjoy her desert, again getting a bit chilled until she goes for the hot chocolate.

Sian is annoyingly calm about the differing temperatures. "Good?"

"Good. Though I don't know how non-blooded handle it..."

"You get used to it after a while, I imagine."

"You keep saying that... I'm not sure if I believe it."

"Well, it's the only explanation I've got." He shrugs a bit.

Venia works her way through the wine, eventually sighing sadly when it's gone and the place is cleared out. "Mind helping me to the room? I appear to have fallen victim to your harsh barbarian alcohol."

"Poor weak Dynast woman." He tuts lightly at her, but does stand and offer her an arm to pull herself up with.

Venia does so, and is more than pleasant against his side.

Sian helps her up to the room, more than patient enough to cope with her slightly wobbly walk.

The room, conveniently it bears the same number as the table, is large and warm, a roaring fire burning merrily in the fireplace, while a decent sized bed resides against the opposite wall. A dresser and small table complete room, which has a pair of bearskin rugs covering the otherwise bare wooden floor.

Venia claps her hands in pleasure at the sight, the sort of picture perfect tourist ideal.

Sian leads her over to the bed, letting her sit. "Perhaps next time you should go a little easy on the drink?"

Venia shrugs. "But it gives me the perfect excuse to do this." She pulls him into a surprisingly strong kiss.

Sian resists not. Big surprise there. He matches the strength of it, grinning as it finishes. "Of course, now that you've admitted it's an excuse, I'll never believe you."

"There is that." She turns around. "Help me with the dress?"

Sian obligingly starts to undo the ties. "Rather complex for travel gear, isn't it?"

"There are reasons." She gives a rambling narrative about the order of the ties and such, narrowly preventing him from finding a small needle or blade in his hand.

Sian lifts an eyebrow, but doesn't comment further (just in case his concentration lapses and he does end up stabbed with something sharp).

Venia finally stops him, slipping out of the dress in a mindbending display of flexibility and giving him another loooong kiss. "Thanks. G'night!" She rolls over and snuggles under the covers, not coincidentally taking up most of the bed.

Sian rolls his eyes, nabbing a blanket and pillow from the bed and settling down on one of those bearskin rugs. At some point during the night, he is awakened by someone joining him. Aiyah!, he thinks but just lifts an eyebrow at her, visible by the moonlight.

Venia giggles just a bit, amused. "I'd have thought you'd be used to this sort of game by now... Or does no one play hard to get around here?"

"You..." Sian pokes her on the nose gently. "Have had far too much to drink."

"How would you know?"

"The smell is a dead giveaway, for one."

Venia blushes at that. "That's... not entirely the wine."

Sian manages to go a bit red himself. "Well, I'd rather be certain. Go on... back to bed with you."

"Can't. I'd feel all bad with you out here on the floor."

"The floor is very comfortable, thank you."

Venia snuggles a bit tighter against his back. "Yes, I noticed."

Sian holds in an exasperated sigh. "Fine... but no funny stuff. You sleep, alright?"

"Even if I was not inclined to sleep, I like to think I would not be funny."

"I'm sure you wouldn't be. Goodnight, Venia." He says this with some finality.

Venia nods, going to sleep shortly thereafter.

Sian lays awake a while longer, but surprises himself with his ability to sleep whilst a pretty female keeps making noises in his ear.

Venia is on the other side of him when he awakes, though still snuggled firmly against him.

Sian sighs and brushes back some hair from her face, then looks past her to the window, trying to gauge the time.

The sun this morning hides behind a thick layer of clouds (something that Venia will undoubtedly be grateful for when she awakes), and the fire has burned down to smouldering cinders.

Venia stretches against him as she slowly awakens, groaning and rubbing at her temples with his hand, apparently having decided bigger fingers are better.

Sian lets her, making no complaint. "Good morning."

"Mediocre. I am horny and hungover."

"I will fetch you some water." He has no solution for the first, though, so doesn't bring it up.

Venia nods, sitting up and wraping the covers loosely around her, looking wonderfully disheveled, though without the accompanying fun of having gotten her that way.

Sian is briefly regretful, yes. He hands her the glass of water, then goes to stoke up the fire.

Venia sips at it, sighing. "All those wonderful herbs, all this magic, and still nobodoy can get rid of hangovers."

"I suspect someone has, somewhere, but then they'd end up with angry hungover people demanding it."

"I'm not an angry hangover kind of person. My head hurts too much to make the thought of getting agitated pleasant."

"Some breakfast will help. Anything you'd like?"

"Pancakes. Comfort food."

"That can be done." He crouches, scooping her up and depositing her in the bed before dressing himself. "Be back in a bit."

Venia doesn't bother getting dresed, instead just draping a sheet loosely around her titillating bits.

Sian disappears, and returns a while later with a tray of food, which does indeed contain delicious-looking pancakes.

Venia eats them slowly, eyeing him in a rather considering and almost scary way.

Sian remains casual. He takes the plate from her at one point, cutting the pancakes and holding up the fork. "Here."

Venia leans over and eats the morsel, though can't hold back a strong blush.

Sian decides this is better than ScaryLook, so continues to do so.

Venia settls back into the scary look when finished, though just sips her drink for now.

"So why am I getting the death-glare, again?" He starts to eat his own food.

"It's not a death glare. This is a death glare." The look gets worse by a factor of ten, though this is somewhat weakened by her flinching and rubbing at her temples again.

Sian grimaces a bit. "I don't particularly like being on the receiving end of either one."

Venia shrugs. "I'm not up for adoring innocent girl right now."

"Adoring innocent girl is boring, anyway."

"Oh? Then in your considered opinion, what isn't boring?"

"Playful, I guess. Serious at times." He shrugs. "Haven't really thought about it."

Venia shrugs. "Neither of them appeal right now..."

"Out of curiosity, why the chastity? Rule of diplomacy?"

"Eh, sort of. Partially because you were drunk... partially because it's good for me to resist things I want."

Venia nods. "Quick thinking to add the second part."

"Heh. I suppose so."