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Name: Blood Rose
Nature: Leader
Anima: Rose
Caste: Zenith
Concept: Progeny-crazed Godking


Strength 4 Dexterity 6 Stamina 6
Charisma 5 Manipulation 1 Appearance 3
Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 4


<b>Melee 6 (+3 Sword)

<b>Endurance 5 Performance 5 Presence 5 Resistance 6 Survival 5

<b>Lore 4 Occult 4

<b>Athletics 5
Awareness 2 Dodge 6
Bureaucracy 3 Linguistics 1


Resources 3
Artifact 4
Backing 5
Followers 3
Allies 4
Manse 4


  • Athletics

Increasing Strength Exercise
Increasing Dex Exercise
Increasing Stamina Exercise
Perfection of Body Concentration

  • Dodge

Reed in the Wind
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadows Evasion
Flow Like Blood

  • Endurance

Ox-Body x 5

  • Melee

Excellent Strike
Hungry Tiger Techinque
Fire and Stones Strike
One weapon Two Blows
Peony Blossom Attack
Iron Whirlwind Attack
Golden Essence Block
Dipping Swallow Defense
Bulwark Stance
Fivefold Bulwark Stance
Heavenly Guardian Defense
Protection of Celestial Bliss

  • Occult

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Emerald Countermagic
Gender-change Spell
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Sapphire Countermagic

  • Resistance

Durabilty of Oak Meditation
Iron Skin Concentration
Adamant Skin Techinque
Iron Kettle Body
Poison Resisting Meditation
Illness Resisting Meditation
Immunity to Everything Technique

  • Survival

Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit
Element Resisting Prana

Willpower, Essence and Virtues

Willpower 7
Essence 7 Personal 28 Peripheral 66 Comm'd 9
Valor 4 Compassion 2 Temperance 2 Conviction 3

Soak and Health

Natural: 6B/3L With Artifacts: 10B/7L In Iron Kettle Body:18B/15L/4A In Perfection of Body:17B/8L In Both:25B/22L/4A

Combat-Speeding Info

Base Initiative: +10 With Earthbane: +21 With Eb in POCB: +28 Attack Pool, with Earthbane: 21 In POBC: 28
Parry Pool, with Earthbane: 20 In POBC: 27
Dodge Pool: 22
In POBC: 29