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Life In The Wyld

Auspicious Definition Of Purpose

Cost: 1m per object, 1w
Type: Simple
Keywords: Wyld, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Minima: Charisma 4, Essence 3
Prerequisites: None (Must be tattooed)

The Wyld is chaos, shaped not by the ordering power of the Loom of Fate, but by the whim and will of the Fair Folk. The Fair Folk can't be everywhere, and anyway they have funner things to do than make sure a spoon stays a spoon. Thus this Charm was devised to make life in that chaotic realm a tad easier for the fugitive Silver Pact. For one mote, the Lunar may ensure that any single object stays constant in function and does not randomly cease to exist. Tis requires her to take hold of the object and tell it what it is in some fashion. This effect will persist as long as the character remains in the Wyld and keeps the motes committed. The Lunar may maintain a number of objects equal to her (Willpower+Essence) at any given time. To maintain any objects, the Lunar must commit a point of temporary Willpower in addition to any motes committed. If any object under the mandate of this Charm enters into an area where the laws of Creation prevail (for any reason), it automatically ceases to exist and the mote used to maintain it is uncommitted (as is the Willpower if it is the last or only item being maintained), unless it originated in Creation. Objects under this Charm's mandate count as part of the Lunar's territory for all Charms or other effects that pertain to such.

Nota bene: The functions of the objects maintained by this Charm do not necessarily correspond to their physical appearance or any other quality. What may alternate every minute between a flaming snake and a child's dream structurally and cosmetically need not function as either of those objects. It may, for example, function as a spoon. Logic should be the furthest thing from one's mind when visualizing what this Charm does. As a side effect, only the character who used this charm knows exactly what it is that any given object does. All-Encompassing Sorceror's Sight also allows instinctive knowledge of an object's function (and automatically reconciles any weirdness resulting from attempting to, say, stir your coffee-equivalent with a statue of your grandfather's hideously scarred identical twin made of fingernails. Auspicious Definition of Purpose does the same). This does not actually make a difference, mechanically speaking, but it is interesting as a thought exercise.

Instant Communication Of Purpose

Cost: 1m per person
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Wyld, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Minima: Charisma 4, Essence 3
Prerequisites: Auspicious Definition Of Purpose, Rapid-Speech Technique

Being the only person who understands how to interact with one's environment can be frustrating and inconvenient. In the Wyld, it can also be dangerous. Thus, this Charm was devised. Upon meeting an individual, the Lunar may commit a mote and render that person instantly able to understand and utilize the functions of any objects the caster has used Auspicious Definition Of Purpose upon for as long as the mote remains committed. The Lunar may grant a number of people equal to her (Willpower+Essence) this ability. Using this Charm on creatures native to the Wyld (such as Fair Folk) is redundant, as they do not need it.

Reflexive Enforcement Of Will

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Wyld, Shaping
Duration: Until the caster dies or gets amnesia
Minima: Charisma 5, Essence 5
Prerequisites: Instant Communication Of Purpose, any Charisma Excellency

Committing motes is a pain in the butt. Committing enough motes to maintain all of one's stuff for long periods of time is even more of a pain in the butt. This Charm makes Auspicious Definition Of Purpose a reflexive action requiring no speech or mote commitment. It also doubles the number of objects that may be maintained.


How deep in the wyld are you using these? I mean anywhere up to the Middlemarches its not really an issue to need these charms but mortals are not going to last long anywhere deeper. - BogMod

Actually Middlemarches would be a problem (in terms of actually, y'know, living there, which canonically the Silver Pact elders do, or deeper). These Charms would probably see absolutely zero use by player characters (or Storyteller characters, for that matter) in most games, if only because storytelling the Wyld is hard. They just exist to fill the informational gap of "how do the Lunars make living in the Wyld a tolerable proposition?" - Han'ya