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<Bog_Mod> The sun rises slowly over the Dark Sun Inn, its bright rays piercing cloth shades to to gently wake the solars like a father gently shaking his children awake. Each in their own rooms, in their own beds or together slowly depart the lands of dreams and awakens to face a new day, a day in which fates and memories which will last for lifetimes will be made.

  • Hekaton wakes early. He has spent the night on the roof, practising and thinking, getting only a few hours of sleep in a corner.
  • Haraka blinks a few times as the light comes into his room, and rises slowly, sitting up some and looking about the environment, still accustoming himself ot the room and the events of last night. He looks over to where Orchid had been laying last night, seeing if she's still asleep or up and about.
  • Orchid is lying with her face just over Haraka's as he wakes, smiling as he opens his eyes to look directly into hers. "Goodmorning, sleepy. Been waiting for hours for you to wake." Without hesistation she begins kissing him again and proceeds from there.
  • Grace is up with the sun, her rest having been fitful and filled with dreams of various designs. Various scraps of paper litter the floor around where she sits, sketching, a frown ever-present on her face.
  • Haraka smiles inr esponse, and doesn't resist the advances of Orchid at this point, allowing things to go how they go for a while before he is seen about the Inn.
  • Hekaton gets an early, cold bath to wake up, and then waits at a table for the others.
  • Amber`Flower wakes early then stretches, before looking over to Grace, curious.
  • Grace looks over at Flower in surprise. "Oh, you're up. I hope the sound of my ineptitude didn't wake you." Grace sighs heavily and crumples up yet another design. "I'm hungry. Do you want breakfast?"
  • Grace is still pretty much in her own, distracted world.

<Amber`Flower> "Breakfast would be good. What are you trying to sketch? design?"

<Grace> "Oh, just a necklace. It's slow going." Grace stands, and notices she buttoned her tunic incorrectly; she busies herself rebuttoning it. "I need coffee."

<Bog_Mod> Maya is up and about, fresh fruit, eggs, and bread and clean water being brought to your tables.

  • Amber`Flower pulls on clothes while she's waiting for an answer, grinning when she gets get "Dont we all?" openning the door and going down for breakfast.
  • Hekaton tries not to look too guilty for still freeloading on Maya. He mumbles excuses and bows as she comes past, sincerely promising to pay her very soon.

<ST_Mod> "Think nothing of it dears, your friend Orchid more then makes up for what you all eat."

<Hekaton> "Hrm... There's still the issue of wrecking your inn. I'd be ashamed not to compensate you for that personally."

  • Haraka eventually comes downstairs after the morning escapades, washing up, and a fresh shave to the head. He dons his newer clothes, and eventually comes downstiars. He looks rather refreshed and a bit relaxed, thoughat the same time, he passes his sight around to scan the room, just in case.
  • Grace flies down the stairs, more or less, hip-bumping a space beside Orchid, and voraciously begins consuming her breakfast.

<ST_Mod> "As you wish, good morning Haraka and Orchid, did you enjoy your room?"

  • Amber`Flower is alittle more restrained than grace as she sits and starts on her own breakfast.

<Orchid> "It is a very good room, thank you Maya."

  • Orchid sits down next to Grace, smiling shyly, and begins eating well from the treats.
  • Grace gives a quick nod of thanks to Maya, not wishing to speak with her mouth full.

<ST_Mod> She gives a motherly smile to Orchid and Haraka and then heads off to see to business.

  • Haraka nods, tipping his head to Maya, "Very much a nice room. Many thanks." He then joins in the devouring of the food, before the others get to it all.
  • Hekaton doesn't have much breakfast besides coffee.

<Hekaton> "Orchid, that Guild man you talked to last night before closing... Do you know him?"

<Orchid> "The man who wanted to buy my contract? Certainly not."

  • Haraka takes another drink of his coffee, and hmms, "Those two were rather grating folks."

<Hekaton> "I figured it was something like that... Anyway, I'd like to meet him, but he doesn't want to meet me."

<Orchid> "Yup. Their offers insultingly low. Oh well, time will teach them wisdom."

<Grace> "Your contract?" Grace asks uncertainly as she brushes toast crumbs from her mouth.

  • Hekaton mumbles into his coffee mug. "Someone will teach this particular man more than wisdom..."

<Orchid> "So, has anyone made those cultist people dead yet? You know, before they wise up and just shoot us in the back in the street?"

  • Haraka takes another drought of coffee, and raises an eyebrow to Grace, 'You also know the Blessed Isle isn't the safest place to be riht now, right?"

<Orchid> "Maybe it is exactly the safest place to be of them all. But I have something to do here first."

<Hekaton> "If you're not busy, would you mind accompanying me to see him? I just need to get to see him in private."

  • Orchid winks to Haraka, a foot slipping up his leg under the table.
  • Grace raises green eyebrows as she downs the last of her coffee. "What, are we planning a trip? Who's talking about the Blessed Isle?"
  • Orchid holds up her hand. "Me. I was offered concubinage in the Realm."
  • Haraka gives a smile in Orchid's direction, pressing his leg against her foot a bit, and looks to Grace, "What she said. Rather cocky guy and all." He finishes his coffee, and hmmms, "Apparently they thought one of us was a pimp or something."

<Grace> "Unless it was to everyone in the Realm, or the missing Empress herself, I can't picture it being nearly entertaining enough for you."

  • Amber`Flower finishes up her breakfast "So that is what the two gentlemen were doing at your table last night?"

<Orchid> "Hmm.. every Blood in the Realm... Interesting thought..."

<Orchid> "But that will not be in a few years."

<Haraka> "I personally don't want ot deal with the Ten Thousand just yet myself."

<Hekaton> "So... Will you accompany me, Orchid?"

<Orchid> "Certainly. I feel like boiling a few brains."

<Orchid> "Haven't felt this good in months, ever since we left your home."

  • Orchid grins, and her foot happens to slip further up to a very sore spot.
  • Haraka arches his back a bit, and tries to feign a stretch as he does so, giving a quirky smile over to Orchid, before speaking some, "I was going to look for an oddities shop about town to see if there might be some leads or demand for thaumaturgy or digs. What about the attackers though? They have backup?"

<Hekaton> "You could say that."

<Haraka> "By 'You could say that,' do you mean that they had a few more, or is there a lot more where they came from?"

  • Hekaton lowers his voice. "They're a demon cult. A real one, with a Dragon-Blooded leader, so they're capable of more than just dabbling in the dark arts."

<Haraka> "Well, that's just rather peachy.

<Hekaton> "But they're after me primarily. If all goes as planned, I'll distract them a little before tonight."

<Amber`Flower> "A Dragonblooded leader hmm?"

  • Grace may only really be catching every other sentence or so, but she caught that one. Her eyes widen at the mention of the Dragon-Blooded leading the clan.

<Orchid> "Aw.. is this about me being a distraction again?"

  • Haraka hmmms, "Well, that complicates things a bit, now don't it?"

<Amber`Flower> "It will make things a bit more interesting, yes"

<Hekaton> "I was thinking of striking at their lair tonight. You can come if you want."

<Orchid> "Hmm.. I am kinda busy at nights. Always missing the fun."

<Grace> "Hekaton, I'll go with you if you like."

  • Haraka hmms, "While I would very much enjoy joining you, I am personally not the most qualified of individuals for these sort of operations." He looks about some, "Besides, I still need to find folks other then Orchid here work I think."

<Amber`Flower> "I will explain to Maya that I need the night off"

<Hekaton> "I wouldn't ask you to risk anything. It's my fight."

<Grace> "I'm not risking anything." Grace shrugs. "And it may be your fight, but that doesn't mean it also has to be your untimely demise. No offense, I mean, I'm sure you can take care of yourself. Just consider me insurance." She flashes a brief, sunny smile.

<Orchid> "That makes it ours, Heka."

<Amber`Flower> "It's not like I cant pay my way here if she doesnt take me back afterwards. Besides I've never fought of the dragonblooded before"

  • Haraka nods, "You're our friend. We're in this with ya." He thinks some, and run shis hand on his waist, "Though, I'll have to buy some more knives before anything."
  • Hekaton tries to hide his sudden heartwarming gratitude by slurping his coffee.

<Hekaton> "Hrm. I'll be leaving after sunset or so. Meet me on the roof if you want to come."

  • Hekaton gets up and waits by the door for Orchid to get ready.

<Grace> "Will do." Grace swallows the last bite of fruit and stands up. "I'm going shopping. Anyone want to come along?"

  • Hekaton leaves his weapons in his room.

<Amber`Flower> "Where will you be going?"

<Grace> "The market. I need some materials for the necklace I'm designing. I'm having no luck coming up with the design first, so hopefully I'll see some metal that inspires me."

  • Orchid takes her own good time up in her room, applying makeup and perfumes, setting her hair just right, and a thousand more things.
  • Amber`Flower smiles "I'll come with you, I've not been to the markets for a while"
  • Haraka is already generally dressed and to go. He returns upstairs to grab his bag, and when he seems Orchid there, walks over for a quick sign off, "Be careful with that merchant, will ya?"
  • Orchid pulls Haraka down for a deep kiss. "Am I ever uncareful?" Then restarts the makeup - poor waiting Hekaton.
  • Haraka smiles gently to Orchid, and shrugs a bit, "Not sure. You can get rather unique on what you cosider 'careful'. Anyways, I'm off to town. See you later." He gives one more smile and nod to her as he walks out the door, whistling to himself lazily.
  • Grace stretches for a moment and heads for the door with Flower. "So you've spent time in Nexus before?"
  • Amber`Flower nods "I was here just before I set off south to where I met you. This place is hard to avoid if you work as a guard on Guild Caravans.."

<ST_Mod> And off to the market goes Grace and Amber, the two girls following what looks like a goldsmith on the way to market to find where they all shop. Fine samples of material, and allready finished goods are out and being shown by sellers, the loud shouts of stalls vying for attention filling the air.

  • Grace sighs heavily, getting ready to work. "Let's see.. I need the best materials Creation has to offer." She ignores most of the lavish stalls, figuring they probably overprice poor stock, and examines everything critically.

<Amber`Flower> "That is a ...high standard" somewhat suprised.

  • Grace finally stops at a stall. "You know, sir, I've been up and down these streets for quite some time, and your materials are the best this market has to offer," she says in a way that is not entirely complimentary. "How much do you charge for your gold?"

<ST_Mod> The merchant raises a brow. "This is the best Nexus has to offer, you wont find anything better for a hundred leagues in any direction miss." He looks you over. "I am sure you couldn't afford my prices." He says, also not entirely complimentery.

<ST_Mod> Then he offhandedly names a figure, something even someone with little knowledge of the market would know is too high.

  • Grace reaches into her satchel and produces a large leather pouch, heavy with the majority of the inheritance her father left her. She plops it on the counter, and jade obol rolls out. "First of all, don't patronize your patrons. And second of all, what you have here is worth half of that. She picks up the obol and pauses, holding it up before putting it back in the pouch. "I should let you KEEP this so you can buy some real stock."

<ST_Mod> "My apologies Lady, we get such riff raff her sometimes its hard to tell the real buyers from the fakes. Shall we negotiate a fair price then?"

  • Grace smiles, a feral hint to the edges of her lips. "Certainly."
  • Amber`Flower stretches and then settles to listen to the pair haggle, looking about the market as she does. Trying to remember where the weaponsmiths are.

<ST_Mod> You haggle and whine and weedle with the merchant for a time and work him down to a mere 3 minae of jade for it.

<Grace> "Thank you for your time, sir." She slips te gold into her satchel and turns to Flower. "Was there anywhere you wanted to go?"

<Amber`Flower> "I thought I might take a look over there.." gestures towards the end where the weaponsmiths hang out "to see if they have anything interesting"

<Grace> "All right." She smiles distractedly. "Let's see if you can find a deal."

<ST_Mod> You go and the man you have chosen deals in exotics. From the strange tripple bladed dueling knives of the Hisari tribe, to the curious blades forged by blind monks in Gethemane.

  • Amber`Flower looks over his wares with interest, noting the prices, considering what she can afford.
  • Amber`Flower sighs as she notes that they would stretch her finances just a little too much.

<Amber`Flower> "Back too the inn then? these are alittle more expensive than I was hoping.."

  • Grace nods, smiling a bit. "Sure. I'm sure once we all settle into a job, you'll have all the money you need. But I would like to go back to the inn. I'm getting some ideas I'd really like to put to paper."
  • Amber`Flower nods and starts back towards the inn.
  • Amber`Flower heads off to the arena's after she walks Grace back to the inn. She's not looking for a fight today but just seeing what the prizes are like.

<ST_Mod> Ragnar the Breaker of Spines is the current champion, a fire aspected warrior with a single eye and a mean attitude. As such, he lives rather well of his spoils, much better then you made in Great Forks.

  • Amber`Flower is not impressed by his name. Is he fighting today?

<ST_Mod> Not today, he does however have a long and impressive record.

<Amber`Flower> good for him. ah well, back to the inn then.

<ST_Mod> And you and Grace return to the inn, where all seems well in the world of Innery.

  • Grace immediately goes up to her room and begins sketching once more.
  • Amber`Flower will go up to the roof and work out.
  • Grace stares at the raw materials she purchased for a long, silent moment, looking deep within the material to see the epitome of what it is destined to become. She closes her eyes and imagines the gold finally fulfilling its purpose.. And then she begins to draw.

<ST_Mod> There is a nock open your door Grace.

  • Grace opens the door and looks out curiously. "Yes?"

<ST_Mod> The fae is there. "Hello my is your work going?"

  • Grace blushes slightly, obviously surprised that the woman tracked her down. "I just finished it, actually. Would you like to see?" She opens the door and gestures for the woman to enter.

<ST_Mod> She slides in and takes a look. "Its very nice...but...I think you could do better...first with your design." Cool hands guide you slowly to sit back down and she soothingly rubs your temples. "Maybe a different design, something as intricate as the gem itself?"

  • Grace sighs heavily. "Yes, I agree. I had so much trouble coming up with a design.." she gestures helplessly to the pile of paper balls littering the floor by the desk. "I mean, the gems are so incredible.. I think I was intimidated."

<ST_Mod> "Shhh, just relax...let your mind wander and draw. Don't look, just design..."

  • Grace sighs for a moment, closing her eyes.

<ST_Mod> And at that moment, Amber notices one Haraka returning from his knife shopping.

  • Amber`Flower stops her working out on the roof and goes down to join him, wondering who Grace has in her room a she passes it.
  • Haraka takes a seat at the bar of the main room in the inn, sighing a bit and thinking over things to himself some.
  • Grace opens her eyes, surprised. "I think I know what the design should be." She smiles at the woman.

<ST_Mod> She smiles and slips away, leaving you rather drained from the whole creative process.

  • Amber`Flower gets herself a drink from the bar and joins Hakara at his table "Successful trip?".
  • Grace lies down to take a nap.
  • Haraka nods a bit, his hands clasped together, and his thumbs twirling idly, "Can say that. Found an old friend of my dad's today, so managed to get a nifty lead on a possible project in the Hundred Kingdoms."

<Amber`Flower> "Oh?"

<Haraka> "I'll bring it up later with you guys later though. I need to talk to my first contact firs to see what he has before ditching town all the sudden."

  • Amber`Flower nods and takes a drink
  • Haraka eventually orders a cup of coffee, "So how many of the others are back?"

<Amber`Flower> "Grace is upstairs, working on some design. I havent seen the others yet"

<ST_Mod> A woman, clad completely in concealing silks steps out of Graces room and walks past you two, pausing to look at you two before hurrying off.

  • Haraka looks over his hsoulder at the lady as she walks buy, and shrugs to Amber, "Just curious. Did find a nfity toy for later tonight." He pulls the sleave of his buff jacket up to show the talisman tied around the outside of his shirt sleeve, "Should be handy."
  • Amber`Flower looks over the talisman "A warding amulet?" she says, trying to remeber what forms such things take.
  • Haraka nods, "Not the best one, granted. But it should prove handy for possible issues tonight." He pulls the sleave back and thinks a bit, "Though, I should work on developing my own in the future."

<Amber`Flower> "Perhaps for the best if you have the skill.."

  • Haraka nods, "Thing is I don't really have much of that. Something i must look into doing in the fuutre. Warding charms seem to be useful for us now adays."