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| Exalted Character Sheet | Name: Wandering Sands     Caste: Eclipse           |
|-------------------------' Player: Zack              Anima: White/Gold Sand   |
| Motivation: Travel the expanses of Creation, sampling the pleasures of each. |
| Essence  [XX...] Committed  [7]      | Willpower [XXXXXX....]    XP: [00/00] | 
| Personal [12/12] Peripheral [21/29]  | Limit     [..........]                | 
| Str [XX...] Cha [XXXXX] Per [XXX..]  | Limit Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt        | 
| Dex [XXXX.] Man [XX...] Int [XX...]  | Comp [XX...] (2)     Temp [X....] (1) | 
| Sta [XX...] App [XXXX.] Wit [XXXX.]  | Conv [XXX..] (3)     Val  [XXX..] (3) | 
|  Arch  [.....] *Integ [XXX..]  Craft [.....] *Ath   [XXX..]  Bur   [XX...]   |
|  MArts [X....]  Perf  [.....]  Inves [XXX..]  Aware [XX...]  Ling  [X....]   |
| *Melee [XXXXX] *Pres  [XXXX.]  Lore  [X....] *Dodge [XXXXX]  Ride  [X....]   |
|  Throw [.....]  Res   [X....]  Medic [.....]  Larc  [.....]  Sail  [.....]   |
|  War   [.....]  Surv  [XX...]  Occ   [X....]  Steal [.....]  Soc   [XX...]   |
|  Specialities: Pres (Seduction +2); Melee (Elegance in Motion +2)            |
|  Intimacies: Elegance in Motion, Women                                       |
| Resources                    [XXX..] |              Move Dash Jump           |
| Artifact (Reaper Daik.)      [XX...] | -0    O        4   10    5  Six hours |
| Artifact (Cleansing Collar)  [X....] | -1    OOO      3    9    4  Two days  |
| Artifact (Resp. Pers. Assist)[X....] | -2    OOOO     2    8    3  Four days |
|                              [.....] | -4    O        1    6    1  One week  |
|                              [.....] | Incap O                     One week  |
|                              [.....] | Dying OOO                             |
|                              [.....] | Join Battle: 6     Join Debate:  6    |
|                              [.....] | Dodge DV: 6        Mental Dodge: 5    |
|                              [.....] | Fatigue: 0         Mob. Penalty: 0    |
| Weapon                Spd  Accu  Pool  Damage  Rate  Def  PDV  Notes         |
| Straight Sword         4    +2    11    +5L     2    +1    6                 |
| Elegance In Motion     4    +5    16    +6L     4    +2    7                 |
| Knife                  5    +1    10    +4L     3    +0    5   T             |
| Armour       Bash  Lethal  Agg.  Hard | Social     Spd  Honesty  Decep  Rate |
|   Chain Shirt  1      3      3     0  |   Presence  4     9/5     6/3     2  |
|   Natural      2      1      0     0  |   Perform   6     5/4     2/1     1  |
| Total          3      4      3     0  |   Invest    5     8/4     5/3     2  |
| Charms                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
| (Melee)                                                                      |
| 1st Melee Excellency                                1m per die;Refl;Instant  |
|   Spend a mote to gain a die, caps at Atr+Abil.                              |
| Call The Blade                                              1m;Refl;Instant  |
|   Summon weapon to hand within Ess*10 yards if clear path. Must be owned.    |
|   Also can be used to draw and ready reflexively. Obvious.                   |
| Summoning the Loyal Steel                                   1m;Simple;Indef  |
|   Summon and store melee wepons in Elsewhere. Speed 3. Can reflexively draw  |
|   with Call The Blade.                                                       |
|                                                                              |
| (Resistance)                                                                 |
| Ox-Body Technique                                                            |
|   -1, -2, -2                                                                 |
|                                                                              |
| (Presence)                                                                   |
| 1st Presence Excellency                             1m per die;Refl;Instant  |
|   Spend a mote to gain a die, caps at Atr+Abil.                              |
| Hypnotic Tounge Technique                      10m 1wp;Simple;Charisma days  |
|   Unnatural influence. Roll Manip+Pres, if exceeds target MDV, recieve       |
|   compulsion to follow one order given by Solar. Target is not aware, takes  |
|   4 WP to recognize/influence, 1 WP per day to resist carrying out.          |
|                                                                              |
| (Athletics)                                                                  |
| Graceful Crane Stance                                3m;Reflexive;Scene      |
|   Automatic succes on any valid Ath action to keep balance. Keep footing on  |
|   surface as strong/wide as a human hair.                                    |
|                                                                              |
| (Dodge)                                                                      |
| Shadow Over Water                                    1m,Reflexive,Instant    |
|   Response to attack, ignore all penalties to Dodge DV when resolving an     |
|   attack.                                                                    |
| Seven Shadow Evasion                                 3m,Reflexive,Instant    |
|   Obvious. Perfect dodge against an attack, even if undodgable. Conviction   |
|   Flaw, can't be used when Solar's actions are contrary to Motivation.       |
|                                                                              |
| (Socialize)                                                                  |
| Mastery of Small Manners                      1m;Reflexive;Until Next Action |
|   Responses to social situations are natural and appropriate. In social      |
|   combat enemy groups are one Magnitude lower, effective Appearance up 1     |
|   and understand basic motivations of all present.                           |
| Combos                                                                       |
|                                                                              |
| None... yet.                                                                 |
Wandering Sands is a dark skinned man in his mid twenties with black hair cut somewhat short and blue eyes. He has what could 
be described as a lithe figure of sorts, easily capable of being swift on his feet. His features are somewhat soft, and it 
seems a smile is always just lurking underneath. He is typically clad in a white tunic and a set of brown slacks, a set of 
black boots visible underneath while his left hand is clad in a brown glove as well. A belt loops around his waist, playing 
host to a sheathed straight sword hanging on his left while a knife hilt is perhaps visible on the tip of his right boot. At 
times he wears a brown cloak over this ensemble, worn from traveling the deserts of the South. Worn on his left wrist is the 
Jade Resplendent Personal Assistant while a simple jade collar is worn underneath the neck of his tunic.

Brilliant Ruby was born to a merchant family within the city state of Paragon, specializing in the trade of various gems 
recovered from the mines throughout the South. It was there he was raised, brought up in the environs of the perfect city 
state, ruled on high by the Perfect and kept in perfect order through fear. He was the only child of the family, beginning to 
be inducted into the ways of running the business and taking to it rather well. He obeyed the laws the Perfect set out of 
course, having taken the oath of loyalty relatively early in life as is required by all citizens of Paragon. And so life went 
When Ruby turned the age of seventeen he was given the occasional permission to leave Paragon, supervising caravans his family 
ran that would transport their spoils to destinations throughout the South where there was a demand. He picked up a few tricks 
of the trade there, showing further apitude but not quite honing it as much beyond the sneaky arrangement or two to benefit 
his family's business and wealth. He picked up other talents along the way, some skills in survival, some in defending himself 
and a wealth of interpersonal ones as well. 
As his twentieth year rolled around he had taken on more and more duties within the business, working in conjunction with 
Paragon's government on more than one occasion to further their own desire to market the precious gems they possessed. At this 
time tensions between Gem and Paragon were beginning to mount as they competed for the share of the gem market unfortunately. 
While Paragon had the Realm, Gem had far more ability to act and no scruples about it. Raids were increased, harming the trade 
quite a bit. They continued their business however, undeterred by the risks now inherent in it. It was at a stop at one of the 
smaller villages where Ruby would indulge in the sort of things one did not easily obtain within Paragon that an raid on the 
shipment he was guiding was carried out by sellswords. Interestingly enough he engaged them in dialogue at first, working at 
making them call it off with almost divine guidance of a sort.
Then the Eclipse mark burst into being on his forehead, while the symbol of Paragon was struck powerless by the force of the 
Solar Exaltation. He commanded the mercenaries to abandon their aims, which they did without complaint. Ruby however found 
himself having to abscond with the shipment itself to fund his own escape, having become an Anathema now. Rumor has it those 
bandits were later found by Paragon and dealt with in a rather unpleasant fashion.
He abandoned the idea of a gem merchant, sliding into the other part his duties had entailed: a traveller, taking up the name 
Wandering Sands instead. In these travels (in which he rather studiously avoids Paragon) he has continued to indulge in a 
lifestyle without a strict set of rules from on high, taking in what the world can offer in a variety of ways. And possibly 
methods. His travels have also earned him chances to obtain both the Cleansing Collar and Personal Assistant through... 
somewhat legit means. How he obtained Elegance in Motion however involves 
long negotiation with a spirit in the deep desert discovering that he was in fact an Eclipse by the sight of the bound oath 
between them. Details are lacking, but Sands obtained the reaper daiklaive in that fashion.