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Five_Pillars finishes salting teh shadowland, a little before dusk falls.

Five_Pillars goes over to the pyre, and looks for Bull.

Bull rubs his scalp to make sure the little shaving nick has healed over. he's facing away from five, with his shirt off, so he's all ripply and tall and impressive.

Five_Pillars stares up at the massive man for a moment. "Friend." He reaches up, barely manages a hand on Bull shoulder, from behind. "We've finished, for the time being."

Bull turns around and smiles. "Ah, good. Listen, I need some information. I was just passing through and uh, all this occurred. have you ever met one named Many Trees?"

Five_Pillars considers. "Not that I recall." He says "But Come over here, and lets talk about it over some tea."

Five_Pillars He inclines his head towards the small campire, in the center of the town.

Bull "Tea, I can do." Bull grabs his vest from the outcropping rubble he'd hung it on and walks over to the campfire

Five_Pillars heads over, and preapres tea quickly, as he sits. "So." He pours two cups of it, and hands one of them to Bull. "What calling does the Sun find for you, my friend?"

Bull "hm." Bull takes the cup in his overly large hand and ponders. "Well, I suppose, for the time being, my call is to find Many Trees and return something to him or her."

Five_Pillars says "What must you return?"

Bull "see, before I.. changed, I met another of your - our kind, and he bade me to give this" Bull pulls the amulet out of a cloth wrapping in a pocket on the inside of his vest.

<Bull "To one named Many Trees."

Five_Pillars considers. "Many trees. PErhaps a nature spirit."

Five_Pillars says "If you come with us, we will look for him together. We are going to Gem, and then, further South."

Bull "South is the only direction I've been given. I'd say that it's safer to travel in a small group than it is to travel alone. I'd not have survived that on my own."

Five_Pillars "Speaking on that. That's a fine jacket you have. But it's not made for actual war."

Bull "I'm not an actual warrior, friend" Bull grins as he speaks

Five_Pillars says "I fear there shall be blood, before there is peace again. And conflicts innumerable"

Five_Pillars nods. "Still. One would hate to lose such a valiant healer."

Five_Pillars considers. "I have something that, might, perhaps, fit you best of all of us."

Bull "Oh? I'm not exactly an off-the-shelf shopper."

Silence returns from checking around the village, steering away from the pyre the strange band has constructed, instead angling toward the smaller fire, where there seems to be less... well, fire. And away from Soran, at that. As she comes near to Bull and Five, they might catch an odd scent around her, if they have keen noses. She smells of dirt, and earth, and freshly-dug graves, though not the ones that might have been dug of sand. Mingling with the scent of frankincense she already has, it smells much like she's just come away from a funeral. Appropriate.

Five_Pillars says "None the less." He produces a set of obsidian armor, with orichalchum trimmings, which catch the light of the fire. "This is an ancient suit of armor, dedicated to the sun" He says "A ring of golden light, surrounding the darkness of the armor. It was meant for you."

Five_Pillars hands it to Bull. "Try it on for size." He looks at Silence, for a moment. "Are you alright?"

Silence nods and gestures behind her. "There are no more dead in the village," she whispers. "I checked."

Five_Pillars He nods. "Tea?" He gets another cup from his pack, and pours it for her, holding it out.

Bull "I er. where did it come from?" Bull takes the armour and sets it by his foot as he removes his current coverings and looks at Silence. "it's good tea." He tries the armour on

Five_Pillars says "Some long dead Solar, long ago, I'd imagine."

Five_Pillars says "Possibly even you, in a past life."

Silence shakes her head, taking a seat away from the fire and just listening.

Five_Pillars He sets the tea down next to her then, fragrantly steaming.

Bull "It fits well. it's name is Shell Hewn of Divine Might. I remember."

Five_Pillars nods. "It is right that it is yours, then." He considers. "Consider a gift of friendship."

Silence glances down at the tea as it's set next to her, then speaks up. Well. Speaks as much as she ever does. Which is to say, whispering. "Where are you headed?"

Bull "friendships don't need gifts, friend. but I will gladly accept it as such, and for it you have my thanks."

Five_Pillars says "Gem, for now. And then further South. Fair Folk and an Oath bind, me at least to that path."

Five_Pillars nods to Bull.

Bull goes silent as he concentrates on the armour, letting his essence seek out the various arcane elements to the armour as he remembers it's fit. He may actually seem to look bigger now.

Silence watches Bull in wonderment. HOW can he get bigger?

Five_Pillars considers Silence. "Will you travel on with us then? My Oath to Bull was given freely, as was mine to you. But you are bound only by your own will, and not by the judgement of Heaven."

Silence shrugs a little. "Perhaps."

Bull "What are you doing? with your life, I mean."

Five_Pillars says "I teach children to read. And I gather my power. The Realm is out of balance. It must be repaired, lest the disease it carries brings all creation crashing down."

Bull looks to Silence

Bull "And you?"

Silence answers slowly, "At the moment? Avoiding."

Bull "Avoiding what?"

Five_Pillars pauses. USed to be Eclipses had, well, tact. He says, gently. "Your question, at the moment, Master Bull." Silence nods once to Five, then shrugs at Bull.

Bull looks down at the artifact he formerly wore, which pales in comparison to that he now wears. "I don't suppose you;re in need of some inferior armour?"

Five_Pillars says "Not I. But if you have no further need for it, I will keep it in case we find someone who does."

Bull "as it was mine, now it is yours."

Five_Pillars nods, as he takes the buff jacket, not looking so extroridary, at the moment, and packs it away. "Also, Bull. There is another thing, and not one of yours, but something you might finds useful."

Bull "oh?"

Five_Pillars says "If you can attune to Jade, that is."

Bull "I've never tried it. it... doesn't seem right to the touch."

Five_Pillars says "It's a minor magic of the dragon blooded. Some protection against foes, and a minor enchantment of cleanliness and presentability."

Bull hm.

Bull "May I see it?"

Five_Pillars nods as he hands it over. "It's a bit tricky, attuning jade the first time."

Five_Pillars says "Full attunement, anyhow. Anyone can wear one, so long as they only want a diminished effect."

Silence turns her head to look at the burning pyre, still lighting up the shadowy skies. She asks, rather suddenly, "Do you intend to stay here past dark?"

Five_Pillars considers a moment, and nods. "Yes. If there's anything that can cross that circle of salt and come up to harass the living, it will do so tonight."

Silence shifts her weight uncomfortably and nods.

Bull ponders a moment. "I think that now is as good a time as any to first try attuning to Jade."

Five_Pillars nods. And takes a step back. "You might want to step back, ..." He pauses, as he looks at her. "What is your name, my lady?"

Silence gets to her feet and moves back a bit, eyeing Bull. "I am the Unnamed Daughter of Beautific Silence."

Five_Pillars says "I see." He considers a moment. "And your name?"

Silence glances at Five, wondering if he's being deliberately obtuse.

Five_Pillars He seems to nod then. "Very well."

Bull holds the collar in his geat hands and stares at it intently, weaving the essence through his veins and out the tips of his fingers. he stands, and walks over to an outcropping piece of masonry, about his neck height, and sets it there, rotating it so as to perfectly line up with his neck. closing his eyes, he allows his anima to show itself as he looks at the collar from all angles. then, with a burst of willpower, he grasps the collar.

Silence goes back to watching Bull, noting easily, "That's as close to a name as I come, old one."

Bull and groans as he pours essence into it to, attempting to coerce it to join his purpose.

Bull "You are with me now." and he puts the collar on.

Five_Pillars nods to Silence, again. "Daughter of Silence." He considers. "So be it."

Five_Pillars says "I am called Five Pillars of Understanding Wisdom."

Five_Pillars says "Or merely Five Pillars."

Five_Pillars bows. "You have my thanks, for your assistance."

Silence ... nods. She looks Bull over curiously.

Bull is oblivious as he finishes taking control of his new artifact.

Five_Pillars looks at Bull, now in black obsidian armor, with orichalchum trim, and with the white jade chocker at his neck, leanding him a regal bearing, and a perfectly clean and shaven visage. Truly, a prince of the earth.

Bull "Fits well. my thanks are with you."

Five_Pillars says "Impressive." He considers, for a few moments. "May I ask you a personal question, Daughter of Silence?" Silence pauses in sizing up Bull and gives Five a questioning look.

Five_Pillars says "How did you come to be ... Exalted?"

Bull looks at Silence now, too, vaguely interested in the answer

Silence looks at the old monk, gauging his reaction as she answers. "I died."

Five_Pillars says "Ah." He considers. Relieving news. He says "Thank you."

Silence "Why?"

Five_Pillars says "Apparently, the Mask of Winters has found a way to make false exalts from slain Solars."

Five_Pillars says "Like Laria." HE says "She was not Exalted, as you were, but rather, turned, somehow."

Silence eyes Five. "You believe my fellows and I to be false exalts?" She smiles then, distantly, seeming coldly amused.

Five_Pillars says "Not if you speak truly." He says "But you were Exalted."

Silence flicks her eyes to Bull, resplendent in his new duds, then looks down at the fire. "I know the kind." She spits in disgust.

Bull "I think that I will retire, I need to fine tune my connection to this collar still, and I am rather tired. I have not slept in a few days. I like to travel at night."

Five_Pillars nods. "Sleep outside the Shadowland. And sleep peacefully."

Bull "I will. good night, fellows."

Bull walks into the safe happy non shadowland and manipulates his essence around the collar some more before sleeping

Five_Pillars nods to him, as he turns to Silence. "So. Why did you fight her?"

Silence shrugs. "Her leige is not mine, simply put."

Five_Pillars says "And thus, the Dead War, even as the living." He considers a few moments. "And what does your Liege demand of you now?"

Silence moves around the fire, once more settling herself a little ways from it, looking up at the dark sky as she says, "It's been a long time since I've set foot in a Shadowland." It's good to be home, after all. Even for a short time. Or, well, sort of home.

Five_Pillars says "Why?" He raises an eyebrow.

Silence answers, "Been traveling. It's a small one, though. Perhaps you'll get rid of it as you wish."

Five_Pillars says "It's small, young and weak. If the villagers return, it will be gone soon."

Five_Pillars says "Life will return to this place."

Silence refrains from comment, simply nodding as she studies the ash-white clouds that swirl lazily overhead.

Five_Pillars says "Can we trust you?" He looks at her for a moment, studying her.

Silence "To do what, Five Pillars?"

Five_Pillars says "With our lives."

Silence finally drops her gaze from the skies to look at Five. "What is it you think I would do? Kill you? You don't have to worry about that. You haven't earned it."

Five_Pillars He smiles, thinly. "Mask of Winters may be recently popular, but I doubt his amy of the dead is all that unique, among your Masters."

Five_Pillars says "I will trust you." He extends his hand. "If you can be trusted."

Silence eyes his hand. "I touched you once, Solar. Don't make me do it again."

Five_Pillars He says "Don't worry. It's not contagious."

Silence still doesn't move her hand. "The Mask of Winters isn't my leige, nor is he any sort of ally." Hopefully that'll comfort him, because that's all she offers.

Five_Pillars He says "I know that." He lowers his hand, and looks at her, for a long moment. "But that's not what I asked."

Silence sighs. "I cannot promise you won't die by my hand, and I will not promise that if I'm commanded, I won't bring you to my Mistress in a moment to face whatever she may have planned for your ilk." She frowns. "I �will� tell you it's not likely."

Five_Pillars says "I do not ask for your loyalty. Only for an honorable and honest companion. If your duty to the dead becomes so pressing, then I will meet you in battle, if I must. I cannot tell the future. But I ask your word to be honest with us, and to have the honor to tell us if the time comes when blades must be crossed."

Silence notes pointedly, "That would happen to be what I swore to. What more do you want?"

Five_Pillars says "Want?" He considers. "Perhaps much. But I am content, for now."

Silence seems amused. "Do share."

Five_Pillars He considers. "I would like, I think, to climb the Center of Creation." He considers. "I always have." Five_Pillars He says "And to look down at a World which is once more cast up into glory."

Silence shakes her head and gets to her feet. "Sleep well, Five Pillars of Understanding Wisdom. When you do."

Five_Pillars says "Not tonight." He nods to her. "And Rest find you."

Silence nods and goes who-knows-where to sleep.

Five_Pillars finishes his tea and sighs, at the two undrunk cups, as he pours them out, and preapares for his vigil.