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Five_Pillars is standing vigil in the Shadowland. All Night long.

Number Ten Camel can only assume you come to speak to him at a later time then

Five_Pillars finishes his vigil in the morning, his tired old bones moving through his morning kata, as he keeps at eye on the Camp, looking for Camel. The boy looked a bit spooked, the other night.

Number Ten Camel in the burgeoning light, stands with his sword glinting in the sun, his cloak is off revealing the exquisite breastplate, and his long black hair.

Number Ten Camel is not practising though, just looking out across the horizon.

Five_Pillars considers, as he walks over to Camel, and looks around. Looks like the others are all asleep. He says, quietly. "Amethyst."

Number Ten Camel jumps at little, sword glittering gold as it swings round in a parrying circle, his feet crunching the sand beneath them.

Five_Pillars raises an empty hand. "Easy, friend."

Number Ten Camel relaxes, shaking... "I'm sorry, truly. My mind was elsewhere."

Number Ten Camel squints a little as he looks back at the rising sun. "Do not use that name in cities, though."

Five_Pillars says "You parried." He smiles. "Defending without thinking is an art. It's attacking without thinking, that's a problem."

Five_Pillars says "I do not use it lightly."

<Number Ten Camel> You have come to berate me, then?

Five_Pillars raises an eyebrow. "Not at all. I came to ask you if you'd care for some breakfast."

Five_Pillars says "HAve you commited some crime I am unaware of?"

<Number Ten Camel> Only if it isn't meat. I can't face eating flesh just yet.

Five_Pillars says "I have rice and vegetables." He puts a hand on Camel's shoulder. "Come." He leads the way over to the campfire, and sets on tea, and rice, and vegetables, and as breakfast cooks, he looks at Camel, for a few moments. "You did very well, yesterday."

<Number Ten Camel> But, when the fight stopped, I almost did not.

Five_Pillars says "Why?"

<Number Ten Camel> "Fear perhaps. Or anger."

Five_Pillars says "You are not an incompassionate man, Number Ten Camel. You stayed your hand."

Number Ten Camel sighs. "Perhaps. I will think more on it later."

Five_Pillars says "As you wish, then." He considers Camel, for a moment, his leathery face deep in thought. "You seem to be growing into your powers. What will you do, once we reach Gem?"

<Number Ten Camel> "Soran has said he will look into finding where my parents are held."

Five_Pillars nods. "He has Laria to worry about now, however." he sighs. "But even if he cannot help us. Someone will know how to find the Wicked Madness which Walks as Man."

<Number Ten Camel> "After that, I will make my peace with my parents, or what remains of them. Then, I will see what roads are available"

Five_Pillars nods. "But what is it /you/ desire, Camel?"

Number Ten Camel closes his eyes, and falls silent for a long moment. "A love, a family perhaps. A home. A place to be, where I can live honestly."

Number Ten Camel opens his eyes, gaze steady and grim. "Or not. Part of me wants more. Glory. Fame. Power. To command loyalty and respect. To leave a wake of awe and fear behind me."

Five_Pillars nods slowly. "You should not have to hide who you are" He takes breakfast off the fire, and hands a bowl and a cup of tea to camel. "There is room for all of you, Camel, including your destiny as one of the Chosen of the Sun. You will find a home where both can exist."

Number Ten Camel takes the bowl and tea. "I take this meal gratefully, friend." he intones, before continuing "You are full of optimism."

Five_Pillars says "I am commited to my course. I have dreamed of the World that was. I cannot allow the world to continue as it is, a Lesser, broken thing. Only now, do I reallize what an Age of Sorrows we live in."

Number Ten Camel eats some of the rice, wordlessly.

Five_Pillars says "What do your dreams show you, my friend?"

Number Ten Camel frowns "I do not remember my dreams. Nor do I wish a picture of the past to compare the present to."

<Number Ten Camel> "If the past was so good, there would have been little cause for it to end."

Five_Pillars winces. "It was not all good. But many things were good." he considers a moment. "But what does your heart tell you? What calls to you? You are a Dawn Caste my friend. If you wish to raise an army, there is little enough to stand in your way. But too what end would you march? For what goal? What do you believe in, my friend?"

Number Ten Camel shakes his head. "Speak not of armies. I don't have any cause burning in my heart that calls for such bloodshed. I am as a seedpod, floatng on the wind. Where I land, a tree with grow. Be it soil or stone."

Five_Pillars says "Where the wind blows you?" He nods, slowly. "If that is what you wish me, then I am sure there are many who would be more than happy to offer you direction. From the Mask of Winters" He spits. "To Soran, the Realm, and others beside."

<Number Ten Camel> "Feh. The Realms direction would be pretty clear, and lethal. If a cause sparks my heart, then I will follow it. I recognize I am young, by anyone's measure."

Number Ten Camel stands. "Until then, I will seek to know myself, and improve myself. Dangers and enemies surround us, and power breeds enemies faster than allies."

<Number Ten Camel> "If fated to die, I will at least struggle so that the constellations tremble with the effort of keeping the net of destiny about me."

Five_Pillars says "The stars do not contrain the sun, when he moves."

Five_Pillars says "Your spark will shake the world, my friend. Once you decide for what you will fight."

<Number Ten Camel> "Or it will hold some portion still, while others shake the rest. Thank you for the rice, friend. I have things to attend to."

Five_Pillars nods, as he stands and well, clasping Camel's hand. "You are, and will by, my friend, Amethyst. And I will stand by your side, when all things end, should the world come to that."

Number Ten Camel clasps the hand back. "Thank you, Five Pillars. But do not pledge to loudly, to a cause you might oppose."

Number Ten Camel turns and leaves to groom his mount for the day's travel.

Five_Pillars sighs, as he finishes his breakfast. He's getting too old for all this.