Xilanada - Pursuit Of Regretted Truths/Part 3

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A soft hand shook Ava awake. She came to full alertness instantly; a reflex carried over from her old adventuring days. Janasi looked down at her. He was frowning, but not at her, given the lack of focus in his eyes.

She tumbled from the bed and regarded the older male student. He'd been named by that other girl as one who took his orders directly from the Master. Perhaps she did as well? Ava hoped that she had not overreached herself in taking on Lyla's life.

"Time to go," he said with quiet intensity. Even more than the others, fanatical fervor lit the insides of his eyes. He couldn't be older than 17, maybe 18, but he was already a soldier in a Deathlord's army, ready to die for her cause. Ava's hand moved up to invisibly trace the Lover's sigil that her disguised body wore. Janasi grinned softly at the gesture. "Soon, Lyla. Time enough for that tonight. Then, think of the glory we'll lay at the Lover's feet!"

"The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get to it," Ava said with a bit of a determined scowl. Lyla had been a sober girl, if an occasional daydreamer. Janasi stretched and moved on to wake the next person.

Ava took advantage of the freedom to quietly rouse Glee and gather their knives up. The student quarters were small, four to a room for that matter, but not as unpleasant as she had thought they'd be. The only difficulty was making sure they didn't wake anyone else. Sen would be so much better at this.

She frowned in thought as she walked, following Glee's lead. Where was Sen? They'd tried to reach him last night but he was nowhere to be found. They'd finally ended up leaving a message with Seya, who looked grimmer than ever at the news that the School might be the victim of some tragedy tonight.

Worse, Ava had found out at the same time that Xilanada had been kidnapped in the middle of the night. She was starting to think her best friend was a talisman of bad luck! Perhaps that was where Sen was, looking for her. She wished him good luck in it but still she found herself selfishly wishing he were with her. This spy stuff was his specialty, after all! That's what she told herself, refusing to think about any other reason why she might want him around.

"Gemstone...you're skipping again," Ava whispered sharply. The disguised Professor glanced back at her and settled down into a ponderously slow pace, her face disgruntled. "Not that slow, just walk normal! Walk like everyone else does."

"How does everyone else walk?" she asked innocently. Ava rolled her eyes and set the pace. Glee kept it for all of twenty steps before she passed Ava again. "You're too slow. Or too fast. Walking normal is boring!"

Did she have no discipline at all? Ava wondered, her nerves beginning to fray. They were meeting this Master in minutes, disaster was happening today and they might be exposed. That was a lot to worry about and Glee was adding to the burden, not helping. "You are pretending to be a girl who does not skip. It would help if you pretended better."

"I am what I am," Glee said simply, bobbing her head seemingly in agreement with herself. "I've made it this far. Trust me! Everything will be fine!"

Everything's fine when you're in a coffin. Ava kept that thought to herself too.

They moved out of the Dormitory Wing, down the main halls and met up with other trickles of students. At this early hour, there weren't many people around and the students took pains to dodge the notice of the few servants about. Ava moved with the best of them, glad for the necessity of learning stealth when she was up in the North.

Glee beckoned her on after the last servant moved and they joined with another group of cultist students. These ones had their cowls on and Ava hurriedly did the same, reminding herself that they typically thought of these as veils. Together, they followed the corridors and took strange turns.

All at once, Ava knew where they were going. The Founder's Wing? How could that be? Tepet Ajalat Malias had warded the family quarters quite thoroughly, though she had to admit there was ample space for even a great number of students to train uninterrupted in there. Perhaps even without the notice of those living there.

An ugly thought intruded, despite her efforts. How could Malias not know that this was the usual meeting place? He rarely left the wing! And what about Seya and Sen? The two lived there and these students were reportedly good enough to have been in training for years. Sen at least should have noticed something.

Was he in on it?

The doors opened for them and Ava followed, wishing she could distract herself by conversing with Glee. Anything to avoid the direction her mind was going. She fingered the hilts of her knives and tried to keep expressionless beneath her cowl, perversely grateful it was hiding her face now.

Sen was, above all else, loyal. He did his duty to House Tepet and his father without question or hesitation. He'd as much as admitted to almost killing Xilanada a few months ago because Malias had wanted to know what her strength was. What wouldn't he do for his family? Was there anything?

Would he conceal a small army of children trained as assassins? Was he secretly a death cultist himself? Ava gasped at a sudden realization, stoked by the feel of the daggers' hilts against her palms. Had he trained these students how to fight himself? Was that why they were reportedly so good with knives?

Her inner torment was not enough to distract her from taking in her surroundings as she followed the group and Glee into a room. Set off a branching corridor, the location itself was probably remote even for those who lived in this wing. The room was nondescript, being practically bare except for a few boxes here and there. Perhaps it had once been a storeroom but the thick layer of dust on the boxes themselves indicated this place was rarely visited.

The circle drawn from a black stain in the center of the room was not rarely visited, though. It looked suspiciously like old blood and it bore many smears where someone's foot had no doubt smudged the line. Though she'd never had any formal training herself, Ava wasn't stupid. She recognized a training ring when she saw one.

Kneeling in the middle of the ring was a Deathknight.

The Abyssal wore a strange mesh of finely woven soulsteel with a large black coat hung over it for some warmth and maybe style. A cruel looking knife of the same metal graced his belt and a broad-brimmed hat with a silver buckle overshadowed his face. He was bent to one knee at the moment but there was nothing vulnerable about him in any way. No Nemissary dressed so finely and few would be without a smell at this point. He could only be an Abyssal.

But why would the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears send one of her own Chosen to Nexus, to a school of magic? Ava wondered and worried at the question as more students entered the room. She followed their cues and knelt with the others, bowing her head respectfully toward him even as she peered at the man from beneath her cowl.

Was this...Sen? Ava couldn't tell with that hat where it was. But Sen couldn't be an Abyssal! He was a Terrestrial and, degenerate as his morals might be, nothing could overthrow the Dragon's Exaltation, not even a Deathlord. This couldn't be Sen.

Her legs quivered slightly, so powerful was her relief. Glee's hand quickly squeezed her knee in comfort. Ava was remarkably touched for once. The sympathy had been risky and unsought but, she realized, welcome. Was Glee reading her mind?

"The day has come," the Abyssal said. His voice sounded familiar but she couldn't place it. "You have trained and studied, you have sought truth and found it. You have been blessed by the Lover and your soul will be forever in service to her glory until the day Oblivion claims all." It didn't help that he was speaking with a thick Northern accent. No Professor had one, of course, so it was throwing off her ability to tell who he was.

A ritualistic chant response filled the room from the students. Ava muttered along with them, not knowing the words but comfortable knowing no one could tell otherwise. There were a large number here, maybe as many as fifty. That was much worse than her estimates had been. So many had been seduced by the Philosophy of the Void, despite her classes! If only Seya had allowed her to teach it, this could have been avoided!

"The day has come. Tonight, our plans go forward and you will all have your chance to prove your loyalty. Greatness is upon you. Cheer that you take a stand against futility! Cheer that you have seen beyond the lies of the flesh! Cheer that purity awaits you in the end!"

Resounding cheers deafened her and Ava wondered again how all this commotion could occur without the Tepet Ajalat family's notice. The obvious answer was that it didn't. Ava cheered with the rest and prayed in her heart for a way out of this dangerous place.

"But for now, rejoice in this last day of illusion. Tonight we strike! Though the blood on our knives be shed for a different cause than ours, we know that the life taken is still in Oblivion's name. Let the blood be used for its purpose but let the death anoint you into a new existence. For many of you, this will be your first murder. But you are worthy, my Hardened Killers. I have trained you with all I know. This school will fall before us!"

Again cheers. Again, Ava prayed, this time against the rising panic in her breast. This was very, very bad.

"I bless you and bid you rise at the appointed sign, when darkness spreads upon the Six Poses of Lightning. Kill all you find and let none escape!"

"Let none escape!" they all shouted back.

"Only spare the others who wear the veil, for you are but one of my cells in the School. Until tonight, return to your classes for one last day of illusionary instruction. But before you go, we have a special treat in store for us. Traitors have worked their way into our ranks and must be dealt with. Are you prepared? Are you all ready to shed the blood of spies, the blood of would-be heroes, the blood of the deceived?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Glee's hand gripped her leg again, this time in alarm. Ava knew exactly how she felt. Somehow their cover had been exposed. It was time to run. Her hand dipped into her pocket to pull out the clear crystal lens that had served her so often in the past, something she'd never expected to have to use again at the School.

"Six were sent to slay Xilanada. I see that two of them returned to us tonight in person...or so it seems. Yet once again, my children, see the importance of looking past the flesh to see the truth beneath the lie. Witness truth made manifest!"

The Abyssal pulled the knife from his belt and swiftly brought it across his palm. Blood welled and dripped from the wound, falling in thick drops...but not reaching the floor. Even as the blood fell and vanished, an indistinct girl faded into view. A ghost materializing, brought by the blood rite!

Worse...it was Lyla.

"We all died against her," Lyla spoke in a hazy voice. "All dead 'cause she was too strong. We beg forgiveness, Master, and ask blessing to baptize us into the Lover's service forevermore!"

"It is granted, child," the Abyssal said calmly. "Now, my Hardened Killers! Lyla and Gemstone Waking are imposters! Kill them where they stand!"

But Ava was already ready for them.

Lightning blazed from her very being, her elemental power set loose against those who would attack her. Crackling blue-white bolts of power ripped outwards, scything through those near to her and throwing the crowd back from Glee and herself. The full power of Ava's extraordinary Exaltation sliced half a dozen Hardened Killers down before the rest could get out of range.

She bolted to her feet, grabbed Glee's wrist, and pulled the Fleshdreamt to the door. Two assassins seemed to just appear in front of her. A flex of elemental might and lightning arched from one of her hands into the two of them, channeling down the steel knives they wielded and twisting them to the ground.

They were children but they were Hardened Killers. There could be no mercy against such a foe. Glee threw the door open as Ava sent another blaze of lightning against the swarm of murderous students.

Then the Abyssal stepped forward.

Shouting her rage, Ava cut loose with another Elemental Bolt. Her lightning had always been strong but, augmented through the Elemental Lens she carried, it was nothing short of Anathema-killing strength. This time, there was no fear or hesitation, no inner concern about the life she might be taking. This adversary deserved destruction.

The Deathknight raised one hand and caught her lightning.

Even as raw lightning lashed the air, he raised an outstretched hand. The coils of energy twisting as they arched gathered again into a central spot on his hand, creating a needle-point sized spot of blinding brightness. His broad hat shook side to side and he raised a single finger to wag at her chidingly.

What black Charm was that? Ava gritted her teeth and drew forth another blast of lightning, which the Abyssal absorbed as easily as the first. That was not good in the least. She'd used all the Essence her body could manage without her power leaking into the environment. Anymore and she wouldn't be able to control the consequences.

"Come on!" Glee shouted from the open doorway. "We're dead if we stay!"

As if on cue, the Abyssal finally stood and drew his knife in a single smooth motion. A malefic light seemed to flicker around him and then he threw. The wicked weapon flashed with a black sort of life, hungrily seeking her heart.

Ava vaulted backwards, feeling the air funnel around her. Her feet spun over her head, touched down on the opposite wall of the outside corridor, and then she jumped straight forward. Her hands caught the door and slammed it shut with her full weight just as the knife sank into it.

"That won't hold them!" Glee cried. "Run!" It was a sound tactical idea at this point.

The two disguised Professors sprinted down the corridor as fast as their feet could lift them. Behind, she dimly heard the door explode and knew pursuit would be close on their heels. They were both panting from fear and fatigue but still the Founders Wing stretched on. Only a few minutes and they'd be to the door and out to freedom.

An intangible force caught at her heels and brought her to the ground. Ava hit heavily and tasted blood in her mouth but she couldn't slow. Climbing back to her feet without hesitation, again she fell down when an invisible pressure shoved her. Where she struck, trickles of lightning flashed from her to skate across the stone.

"Ava, come on!" Glee shouted at her.

"I can't! Something dematerialized!"

"What?!?! No..." For once, Glee's expressiveness seemed entirely appropriate. Absolute panic was exactly what this situation called for. Unfortunately, that would just get her killed since an Abyssal and his army of her students would be on them inside a minute.

"Run, Glee, someone has to know what's happened!" Ava shouted, struggling back into a crouch and reaching into her shoe. The Dual Monarchy preserve her, if old adventuring habits were going to save her life once again. Something hit Ava's face, not very hard but enough to stagger her just as she pulled the prayer strip free.

She yelled the incantation and threw the prayer into the air. The white paper with its blue ink flared with sudden power and it hung in the air. Specially designed and drawn as only an Exalted Funerist could, the strip pulsed and a faint luminescence collected across the spectral form of Lyla who was once again bracing for a good blow.

Ava did one better. Her muscles in her arm tightened as lightning spilled forth from her palm and fingertips. The burned smell of ozone and the painful crack of energy burning the air surrounded her as her Elemental Bolt hit Lyla squarely, rending through the ghost to gouge the wall in one stroke. The dead student shrieked and faded away.

As one, the ghosts of the other five dead students swept in, moving with the same deadly precision in unlife as the other Hardened Killers were even now using to close the distance between themselves and their quarry. Even in death, their determination was absolute. And Ava was as relentless as they were.

Her Anima burst to life, waves of cutting wind and searing energy slashing in vicious circles around her as she struck them down as fast as they came. She hadn't always been such a ghost hunter but the North had hardened the innocent Funerist that had set out for adventure so many years ago.

Ava moved to retrieve the fading strip, only to stop short as stray lightning from her body flashed it into ash. She grimaced. A good thing the School was made from stone. With luck, Glee wouldn't be too badly hurt by her, as long as the half-Faerie Professor kept her distance. Most Exalts could resist an Anima Effect but hers had always been far stronger than other Dragon-Blooded.

Tiredly, Ava broke back into a run, following Glee up the hall. The sounds of dozens of footfalls behind them goaded them on. Ava was gasping for breath by now, the exertion of fighting and the heavy use of her Essence taking its toll no matter the strength of her will.

Then a searing pain shot through her shoulder. Crying out, Ava staggered and only made it around the corner because Glee pulled her out of the main hall. Lightning rippled through the Fleshdreamt woman, bringing winces of pain, but she didn't back away.

"Knife in your back. And we're out of time. Hold still, this is going to be tricky." Glee's eyes screwed shut with a look of massive concentration, even as Ava's Anima raised black welts across her skin. Then, Glee wrapped her arms around her...and pulled her into the wall.

The Air-Aspected teacher blinked her eyes as she crooked her neck, trying to look around. They seemed to be in the massive stone of the School itself, cocooned in an almost skin-tight space. Even with the light from her Anima, though, she couldn't actually see the stone or feel any grain in it, only a shapeless dark. Pressed as close as a would-be lover, Glee was still against her, her arms around her sides. Ava could feel her breath on her neck and suddenly wondered what they would do for air...or how Glee had managed such an impossible feat in the first place.

It was then Ava jumped, realizing that Glee's face was scrunched tight with agony. Lightning coiled across her skin and blood trickled across every inch of exposed skin where razor-like wind cut across her. Even in here, there was no escape from her Anima...and Glee was paying the price for her valor.

"Glee, you have to get out of here!" Ava said urgently, shaking the twitching woman. "I can't stop it, I'm not safe to be around for at least another half hour, if not an hour!"

"No choice," Glee said between grinding teeth, her eyes still screwed shut. "They're out there even now, looking for us. They know we disappeared around here and they're not going to go away. I'm not going to die by their hands and neither are you!"

"You're going to die in here if you don't get out or push me out! Go!" Ava said harshly, wishing her panic wasn't ruining the pitch of her authoritative teacher's voice.

"Can't!" Glee groaned. "Even if I wanted to. Took too much strength to do this. You think it's easy diving into walls? I almost wasn't strong enough, spent too much of my energy using my Unveiled Intuition. I can't leave now and neither can you."

"But...Glee, I can't just watch you die!" Ava yelled desperately, no longer caring if the deathknight outside somehow heard her. "I'm a healer but even if I used what Essence I have left, it will just lengthen my Anima and that will kill you too quickly for me to stop!"

"Nothing to be done then," Glee whispered, her arms almost squeezing the breath from Ava's lungs with their force. The half-Faerie was weakening, that much was obvious from the growing streams of blood and wisps of smoke that were leaking from her ears, nose and closed eyes.

"There must be something, Glee. Something you haven't thought of. Do you know Skin of Bronze? It would be enough to protect you from me." Ava thought frantically but her own repertory had never included that spell.

"The only thing I have...I don't have the strength for anymore, nor the will," Glee said thickly. Ava could feel the muscles of Glee's arms involuntarily spasming around her and she groaned in despair. Glee had saved her from the Hardened Killers, only to die from Ava's own uncontrollable Anima.

"Glee...Glee, listen to me," Ava said, working her hand up between them to grip the dying Professor's face. "Glee, look at me." Slowly the girl's eyes opened but they were rolling laxly. She had little time left. "Glee, I know you're half-Fae. Seya told me what you used to do, what you're capable of. Take the strength from me, Glee."

"No..." her companion moaned but she didn't have the energy or the room to do anything but stand there, arm in arm with Ava, and bleed.

"Take it, Glee. You saved my life. Let me save yours. I can...I can heal myself later, I know the Charms to heal even Ravishment. Ravish what you need from me, Glee, use it to save yourself, okay? I want you to. Do you hear me? I want you to ravish me!"

"What if...what if it's too much?" Glee mumbled.

"Then I'll take my chances," Ava said firmly, trying not to think about it. "Worse comes to worse, Seya can always repair my mind. She's not too far behind me in skill as it is. Just do it, Glee. It's the only way the both of us can survive because...because if you die on my conscience, I don't think I'll be able to live with myself. And if you die, neither of us will ever be getting out of this wall."

Glee's head nodded, or maybe it just bobbed. Then, her mouth opened and met Ava's.

The Air-Aspect jumped in shock at the intimate contact. Having only ever kissed one other person in her whole life, Glee was the last person she'd expected to make the follow-up but shortly such considerations fled her mind. For even as she opened her mouth, letting Glee kiss her more fully, a buzzing alienness started burning in her head.

It hurt, it hurt! Yet it felt so glorious! It would be so easy for her to block this terrible pleasure. It took even more will not to.

Ava felt a tremendous surge of strength, felt the full weight of everything that had ever mattered to her filling her up. The relentless determination to become a great Sorcerer, the discipline to keep herself pure until marriage, the deep empathy that had led her to abandon Sijan to serve Life instead of Death. Little by little, it ebbed away, a tide retreating to leave her beached on the rocky shores of her own empty soul.

A black wave forced itself over her mind, almost knocking her out. Then, another wave and her knees buckled, even as Glee's kiss deepened further, her movements stronger and surer. She thought about regretting it but then one more black wave came and it carried her away...