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Celerity Talents

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Celerity Talents vary slightly from Celestial to Celestial. Chimerae and Abyssals have a corrupted level 1 Talent, while Lunars and Chimerae have a wilder Level 3 Talent.

Level 1: (Solars, Lunars, and Sidereals) For 3 motes, make your roll without any penalties not inherent in the action itself. Penalties inherent in the action itself include splitting your die pool, or the interference of Anima abilities, Talents or Charms (that directly affect your roll). Penalties you may ignore include poor arrows, darkness and/or blindness, wind, being underwater and so on. Reflexive, Instant.
Level 1: (Abyssals, Chimerae) For 2 motes, you can force a target making an opposed roll with you to make their roll with no situational bonuses. Height advantage (such as being atop a horse), well dressed, etc. Reflexive, Instant.

Level 2: Make a roll at your full pool without using your dice action, up to a number of extra actions equal to your Essence in a turn. You may not split your die pool with this Talent.

This costs 2 motes per action for Passive actions, and is Reflexive: Instant
This costs 3 motes per action for Active actions, and is Extra Action: Instant.

Level 3: (Solars, Abyssals, and Sidereals) For 5 motes, you may, for the remainder of the Turn, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Reflexive, One Turn.
Level 3: (Lunars and Chimerae) Subtract up to your Essence from the penalty for splitting your dice action during the turn. This can in no way leave you with a bonus.

This costs 1 mote per penalty subtracted. Reflexive, One Turn.

Level 4: (Solars, Abyssals, and Sidereals) For 5 motes and one Willpower, you may, for the remainder of the Scene, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Simple, One Scene.
Level 4: (Lunars and Chimerae) For 5 motes and one Willpower, you may, once per Turn for the remainder of the Scene, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Simple, One Scene.

Level 5: For 7 motes and one Willpower, you may, once per Turn for the remainder of the Scene, make one die-action Active roll with this Ability whenever you are able, without using your die action. Simple, One Scene.


Passive rolls are parries, Active rolls are attacks.







Active actions are running and leaping, Passive is dodging.



