Name: Sesus Skein
Aspect: Water
Motivation: To find a true equal, worthy of his love, his esteem, or his enmity.
Anima: A fine mist, a light rain, a deluge, a sourceless torrent.
Concept: Soft-spoken brutal envoy of the forgotten land.
Exp: 10
Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: (Any abilities in bold are favored/caste)
Linguistics Lore 2 Occult 1 Stealth Thrown
Awareness 1 Craft Integrity 2 Resistance 1 War 2
Athletics 1 Dodge 5 Melee 1 Presence 5 Socialize 4
Bureaucracy 4 Investigation 4 Larceny 4 Martial Arts 5 Sail
Archery 1 Medicine Performance 1 Ride Survival
Backgrounds: Backing 2 [Scarlet Haven], Influence 2 [Scarlet Haven], Resources 3, Breeding 1, Artifact 4.
Compassion 1, Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 2
Virtue Flaw: Conviction
Willpower: 7
Health: -0x1, -1x2, -2x2, -4x1, I
Essence: 2
Essence pool:
10/10 personal
17/24 peripheral (7 committed)
Nightmares (3pts)
Wandering Po (5pts)
First Presence Excellency
Confluence of Savant Thought
Scent-of-Crime Method
Falsehood Unearthing Attitude
Observer Awareness Method
First Martial Arts Excellency
Pounding Surf Style
Black Jade Hearthstone Bracers
Black Jade Reinforced Buff Jacket
A great deal of salt
One straight sword
Soak: 12B/8L/7A (Buff Jacket 10B/7L) Hardness 5B/5L
Dodge DV: 6
Parry DV: 5
Punch - Spd 4, Acc 10, Dmg 3B, Rate 3
Kick - Spd 4, Acc 9, Dmg 5B, Rate 2
Clinch - Spd 5, Acc 9, Dmg 5B (P), Rate 1
Character Description
Skein was the kind of child one might accuse of being a changeling if he weren't so utterly beyond suspicion. He was always a kind child, who made friends easily, and who seemed to have an intuitive comprehension of others' feelings. His understanding of others served him well, getting him excellent training in the studies of persuasion, applied psychology, the Immaculate Philosophy, and human and Fair Folk society, all of which he took to, metaphorically speaking, like a fish to water.
His teachers weren't surprised when he showed little interest in swordsmanship, though they would admit to being surprised at his lack of skill in the art - even then, there was a vague expectation that this would be one of the Chosen. His first sparring match in unarmed combat, however - a preliminary test, before lessons had begun - was a different story. The fight was quick, and he moved like a storm. Within moments, his opponent lay screaming on the ground, his arm and pride broken. His tutors agreed - this was somewhat horrifying, yes, but greatly promising.
He progressed rapidly in all his studies, and no one was surprised when he Exalted in the midst of a Fair Folk raid. He was attacked by a low-ranking noble when he had wandered off alone with a girl. The ensuing clash of rushing water essence and the sweet-smelling orchids that were the fairy's symbol was surely a sight to behold. No one knows, though, because the noble killed the girl before retreating into the chaos.
Faced by this failure in the very moment of his Second Breath, he fell for a time into mourning. Soon, though, his naturally cheerful nature, his sense of duty to the Haven, and his thirst for the chance of revenge asserted themselves, and he redoubled his studies in all areas, striving to perfect himself as one of the mighty Chosen.
He is charming and persuasive, and disarmingly cheerful. However, when his ire is raised, as in battle, he reveals his inwardly seething rage in a spectacular demonstration of ruthlessness and brutality. He still bears the inner scars of the day of his Exaltation, and his nights are disturbed.
Truth be told, though, his ability to understand and influence others had from a young age caused him to look down on those around him, to hold himself aloof from his supposed peers, but never to reveal his scorn. As he grew, he felt more and more stifled by the restrictive bounds of the Haven and the transparent and petty secrets of his fellows. His hidden dislike turned over the years to loathing, and he became a dual-natured creature, his pleasant demeanor hiding a bitter rage.
It is not known to all, but his fellow travelers have been warned of the source of his troubled sleep - perhaps through some combination of fairy magic, his hidden rage, and the trauma of his Exaltation, his spirit does not sleep as he does. Because he takes precautions, the loosed Po usually paces like a feral beast inside of his ring of salt, but the experience torments him, and he rarely sleeps soundly. If it were to escape its bounds, it would demonstrate what he would be capable of if he let his facade truly drop.
Skein is troubled, discontent, and surrounded by easily-manipulated fools. He was quite eager for the chance to venture outside of the Haven, perhaps to rediscover the Creation he has never known. Plus, as such a well-liked fellow, he's likely to ensure that the party represents the Haven well to those it might meet.
As for the very quiet mumblings of one or two of the most paranoid of the Haven as to his Exaltation - perhaps there was a Fair Folk that day, and perhaps there was not. Who can say?
Practical Considerations:
Skein is, for all his flaws, a very likable fellow. He's not the kind of monster that inspires horror in his fellow man - he's the sort one falls in love with and pines away for. He is an excellent diplomat, very persuasive, and has an intuitive grasp of societies and deception - he will likely be useful in getting the party oriented when they meet whoever they are likely to meet outside the Haven. In combat, he is direct and brutal, specializing in unarmed attacks, particularly clinching. He will continue his study of the Terrestrial Hero style, supplemented by a charm or two from Five-Dragon. Keep in mind, though, he is not a primary combat character.
By the way, please be careful when he is asleep.
Backgrounds and Flaws
He is generally well-liked around the Haven. His bracers and armor were a gift from his tutor in the martial arts, when he decided to head off into the receding wyld with the party. The salt is for obvious purposes.
The sword might need some explaining. He likes to rely on his own capabilities in combat (the bracers and buff jacket being, as he sees it, "concessions to practicality"), and has little skill with or interest in the blade. He will soon be more adept at weilding it (when he takes Five-Dragon Fortitude), but it's not primarily intended to be used - he carries it so he can lay it down as a sign of nonaggression. What happens from there depends on the response he gets.
I hope I've conveyed the character well enough, I'm not certain about his history's writeup. Maybe you'll get a better idea of him from the rest of the writeup and my protrayal of him? Ah well, we'll see.