Veet/Celestial Ram Style

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The Ram is at home in the harsh environment of the mountains. He deals with bitter cold and treacherous heights on a daily basis. Few can safely reach him in his home territory and as a result few try. The followers of the path of the Ram seek to emulate this unapproachable attitude by using their environment to their advantage regardless of what it is.
Weapons and Armor: Ram style uses mallets and tetsubos and their artifact counterparts as form type weapons and can be practiced in light armor.
Additional Skills: There are no additional skills required to learn the path of the Ram but those with ranks in athletics and survival are well respected.

Steady Hoof Method

Cost: 1m+ 
Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence, 2 
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo OK
Duration: One Actiont
Prerequisite Charms: none

The ram travels the most treacherous roads because they know their enemy will not. This charm supplements any single action, for every mote spent the martial artist may nullify one point of environmental penalty imposed by terrain up to a maximum of their permanent essence score. Alternatively the martial artist may spend 2 motes to reduce the difficulty of a climb roll by 1.

Iron Horn Attack

Cost: 2m
Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence, 2 
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Steady Hoof Method

This charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack allowing it to inflict lethal damage without a stunt. If the attack comes after a move action the martial artist may add their permanent essence to the raw damage. The martial artist may parry lethal damage bare handed until their next action.

Ram Form

Cost: 6m
Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence, 2 
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form Type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Iron Horn Attack

The Ram travels the most treacherous terrain because it knows that it will be a danger to its enemies as well. When a martial artist takes on Ram Form creation itself responds to their movements. Gravel gives way under an opponents feet, plants move to get in their way the sun shines just right to reflect into their eyes. Opponents of the martial artist are considered to be fighting on unstable terrain Incurring a –2 internal penalty to their attacks and –1 DV penalty. The Martial artist also may parry lethal damage without a stunt.

First and Last Defense Stance

Cost: 2m+
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence, 3 
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rat Form

The ram places all his hopes in his first line of defense when using his Parry DV against an incoming attack he can strengthen his parry at the cost of his soak. For every 2 motes spent the ram may increase his parry DV by one but lowers both bashing and lethal soak by one as well. Increasing their DV this way allows the martial artist to ignore the dice adder cap by an amount up to 1/2 their permanent essence score.

Butting Heads

Cost: 4m
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence, 3 
Type: Counterattack
Keywords: Counterattack, Combo OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: First and Last Defence Stance

When the ram gives it's all to an attack it gives little thought to defense. This charm grants the martial artist a counterattack that resolves at the same time as the incoming blow. The martial artist must forgo the use of their DVs to gain the counterattack but the attack is considered unexpected and can only be defended against with charms that will defend against unexpected attacks. The ram also may choose to add their martial arts score to either the accuracy or the raw damage of the attack.

Mountain Goat Stance

Cost: 5m  
Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence, 3 
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Ram Form

The most daunting climbs are an everyday trek for the ram. The martial artist mimics this ability learning to move despite the obstacles that may be in the way. While this charm is active the martial artist always uses their full move as if they were on flat open ground regardless of the terrain. They can run along steep surfaces up to 90 degrees and completely ignore penalties to their move inflicted by adverse terrain. Also the martial artist is always considered to have the high ground granting them the DV bonus and imposing a DV penalty on their opponents.

King of the Mountain Style

Cost: 7m 
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence, 3 
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Mountain Goat Stance

The ram not only learns to deal with his environment but he uses it to his advantage. When this charm is active the environment around the martial artist bends and twists to provide him cover. The martial artist is always considered to have at least 50% cover even in open plains. Their movements will cause them to appear to sink in the earth or will kick of dirt and stone to block incoming attacks. In areas with more cover trees will bend and stones will roll to cover the martial artist, even man made structures will react by opening doors or bending walls slightly at opportune moments granting an additional 50% cover to whatever cover the martial artist may already have. Additionally the terrain moves out of the way for the martial artist nullifying up to 25% of scenery cover for their opponents. None of the movements are permanent and the terrain returns to its former state when it is done.

Riding the Avalanche

Cost: 6m +1wp +1bhl
Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence, 4 
Type: Simple 
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Action
Prerequisite Charms: King of the Mountain Style, Butting Heads

The martial artist performs a short kata then begins pounding the ground causing the area around them to begin rumbling, bucking and rolling beneath them. Everyone in an area of up to 2x the martial artists permanent essence score in yards immediately faces an intense environmental hazard with a hazard rating equal to ½ the martial artists martial arts score and dealing damage equal to their martial arts score. Everyone affected by this attack suffers knockdown. This attack is powerful enough to damage buildings including manses and even the martial artist cannot escape totally unscathed.
