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The Kaishar

Kaishar are deceptively alive seeming, ageless undead. They are an immaculately preserved prison of flesh in which a soul has been permanently anchored, possibly not even the body’s original soul. Though requiring nothing to survive, the Kaishar are each given a horrible temptation – through engaging in vampirism, they may reap from mortal blood an endless supply of energy. With this energy, they may open an inner gate leading towards immense power. Most elect this path, and in time, become mighty dead shepherds and butchers of men – perhaps even with good intentions, at first. Eventually, though, the seductive Blood Arts possess the desires of all Kaishar.

Only under certain rare circumstances may a Kaishar learn more attribute Arts than he has dots of the attribute in question. Fledgling Kaishar begin with four Arts, and additional Arts cost seven bonus points. Additional permanent Essence costs ten bonus points. A Kaishar chooses three favored attributes. Kaishar begin with ten points of blood feast, plus Essence, plus his highest virtue. Blood feast in this case is treated as a Personal mote pool, for the Kaishar have no anima display, no matter how many motes they may spend. Kaishar are able to place Blood Arts in Combos, but pay twice the Exalted experience point or bonus point cost to do so. Suffusion Arts may not be placed in Combos.

Kaishar have a trait called Consumption in place of their limit break. Consumption ranges from zero to ten points. Once it reaches ten, it is immediately lowered back to zero. For a number of days thereafter equal to the Kaishar’s permanent Essence, the main, human consciousness has blacked out, and the Kaishar is usurped completely by the Seed of the Dead Gods. This is a dark time for the Kaishar, wherein he is replaced by a mind of cruel cunning and spite, and his body is used to actively seek the annihilation of all things. If the Kaishar’s player chooses, the character may spend a Willpower point at any time to avoid gaining a temporary Consumption point – but only the instant the point is earned.

The Seed behaves differently depending on its hosts’ dominant virtue, called his Creed. A Creed is also a stereotype used mostly by other Kaishar, and Exalted Necromancers to quickly fashion understanding of the natures of Kaishar created on the crucible of different virtues. Often, the Seed can be seen to subtly rule the Kaishar even in his lucid, relatively docile moments. Of course, docility amongst Kaishar is a lot like docility amongst any predator dwelling amongst its innumerable prey: still violent, still ruinous for many men. And still tainted by the mark of the Seed.

The four Creeds of Kaishar have been given names along with their unexpected rise to prominence fifty years ago. Those Kaishar motivated by their compassionate need to tend the herd of humanity are called Verdulac. Driven by conviction and mercilessly dedicated to their masters’ cause – or perhaps even their own hidden agendas are the Pelourrin. Calm and temperate, following long roads to secret dreams, seeking a dark inner harmony are the Nolgarom. And finally, triumphant and confident, the valorous Lailuth walk narrow roads of defiance and independence. The Creeds are nothing if not subtly accurate of the Kaishar they typify, and so the names have gained an arcane and secretive prevalence amongst those in the know.

Verdulac typically specialize in Charisma and Appearance Arts, following their herd disguised in animal shapes, only occasionally revealing themselves to feed on the weak and unworthy stragglers. Pelourrin often favor Manipulation and Stamina Arts, patiently driving towards their intricate and far-off goals for weeks at a time. Nolgarom tend towards introspection and observation, loving Wits and Perception Arts above all others because of the insights they gain thereby. Lailuth are single-mindedly interested in Strength and Dexterity Arts, nimbly dancing through battlefields, fists and weapons flashing in sprays of gore that fan off their victims like petals of an instantaneous crimson flower.

As a rule of thumb, Blood Arts are efficient and potentially powerful, but less numerous. The theme of Kaishar is one of subtlety, deception, theft and parasitic or unholy nature. Essence one Arts are the most trivial of tricks, almost to the point of being mere disciplines exacted from the Kaishar’s mystic blood. Essence two Arts are more specific and strong, often lending the Kaishar abilities that change him into a ferocious, deadly predator. Essence three Arts are rare, and abstract or diverse in use – Kaishar this powerful are subtle and hide well.

Whereas Solars have a usual maximum bonus equal to their Attribute + Ability, and Lunars have a maximum of their pertinent Attribute, Kaishar lack the raw potency of an Exalt. The Kaishar standard maximum is equal to his total amount of Arts of the pertinent Attribute, not the Attribute itself. Although initially capped at five Arts per attribute, any Kaishar can potentially elevate their Essence to 6 or higher (though doing this is difficult, to say the least), and thereby do the same with their Attributes and total number of Arts. Because of this capability, their power can potentially grow to be great indeed, even beyond the bounds of some lesser Exalts, but Kaishar are stagnant creatures and experience growth rarely.

Experience Costs

Attributes\\ CR x 4 (CR x 3 if favored)

Essence\\ CR x 10 (Must devour a spirit, Exalt, God-blood or Kaishar)

New Blood Art\\ Minimum Essence x 6 (Minimum Essence x 5 if favored)

Blood Arts

Necromancy Spells

Got Balthasar?\\ Get A Little Sun