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The Vulpine Tribe

Taken from the musings of Franseco to Arielle upon her initiation into the warstrider corps

The Foxes....They are an interesting and deadly adversary of ours dating back almost to the founding of our breed. What I know I will relate to you now

Kivsungai and his teacher's wrath

All of the lower castes have heard the basic history of how the second Kivsungai came to our people after we populated the area. But few knew of another god that had guided the lord and his friends to this place. This Shifting master was of great age compared to the relatively nascent blessed one and so was accorded great respect form Kivsungai in the way of a teacher and a student.

Yet all was not to remain well between these two. For you see the ancient shifting lord had not intended for the god we call master to find us in our burrows. No this manipulative creature had sent out the young pack into the world to curry the weak amongst all the shifting gods in the hope of gaining ascendancy over tohers.

Fortunately Kivsungai decided to stay with us in our early days while his brothers in arms went their own way. Oh Luna thank him for that wise descision for it saved us from our foolishness many times until the day his former teacher found out about his supposed soft heart.

Storming from his stronghold in the north the tyrant shifter bore down upon our city by himself. Clearly the ancient lunar blessed expected our lord to fall prey to his claws easily enough and he was right for Kivsungai allowed himself to die in single combat but in so doing he tricked the fox lord.

In death the chosen of Luna unleashed a spell never before or since used. It banished the fox devil away from our holy city and forbade him to attack upon our kind lving outside them temple's protection. Having slain his student yet denied our blood the vulpine devil retreated back to his stronghold.

Praise be to the wise one who saved us from extinction.

[b] Vulpine meets Lapine

Many centuries passed and several kivsungai came and went. All seemed right in the world for our people were happy and well supplied with tribute from raids and the majesty of the chosen one's miracles. Yet that time came to an end one fateful eve right after calibration.

While returning from a tribute gathering raid a small force of our warriors stopped at a burrow to leave some of the youths they had gathered their to be bred with the wanting females. But they found the entire home cleaned of any trace of habitation. Fearing the worst they moved to the next nearest burrow and arrived in time to find a caravan loaded up with what appeared to be furnishings form the living quarters. In a display of uncouth savagery our warriors fell upon the ransakcers and slew them down to the last creature. This, unfortunately, left none alive for questioning but did provide two horrifying revelations.

The first was that the new beastmen were all of a fox ancestry but that was less horrifying than what was found in their wagons. For you see inside the looted upholstery and apparel of two burrows lay the desecrated corpses of their inhabitants. All showed signs of abuse at the hands of thier captors and all had been dispatched in gruesome ways best left unsaid.

leaving what they could behind the warriors did thier duty and raised the alarms throughout the clanhomes and rushed to the temple to warn the males of our people of the new danger befalling us. It was at this time our ancient curse began to manifest itself in unwanted prophesies of doom and destruction which sapped our strength further as fields went unattended and raids were tribute was not gained.

I see you weeping young one and well you should for worse was yet to come.

Foxes hunt rabbits

Finally after weeks of doom laden oracles preaching the end our kind the enemt struck. Many were killed in the first wave of attacks but then something worse began to happen. Males were taken alive as prisoners and, I can only assume, tortured until they broke and denounced thier heritage and took up the banner of the vulpines.

May they be cursed in Luna's eyes for such despicable tactics.

These unfortunate turncoats led them into the sacred caverns beneath Moonsilver and into the vaults that contained our war gods and the majority of their brides at the time. Before we could muster a defense the best of our warriors and thier mighty spouses were bottled up in an unrelenting siege even as our innocent worker caste were hunted throughout the lands.

Yes it alirght my dear crying shows you have a soul still unlike the treacherous demons who attack us incessantly. BUt dry them now for the day grows dark and I am almost finished with my tale.

Midnight comes for the lapines

So where were we....ahhh yes the darkest time of our people. Weeks went by and no end to the war was in sight. the brides of the war gods remained besieged below for they needed to protect Luna's most holly sites. Meanwhile our women suffered horribly at the hands of their murderers leaving many a burrow haunted and empty of all but the miasma of death.

BUT the moon always rises no matter the desperation of those under it and with it a new hero arose from our people. in the midst of the fox horde a lone lapine male was taken prisoner and treated to the same horrors that were inflicted on all the rest. Though he was beaten his wounds healed to rapidly for the cuts to phase him. When they took away his food and water he still persevered finding droplets of moisture in the dirt if he had to. While they took away his innocense and tried to strip away his rabittity he sang Luna's praises in such a way that his captors fell back and fled from him.

Finally the leader of the horde decided to exceute the blessed one as an example to all the other males what defiance would bring. Marching him before our temple the overconfident fox called out to us. He said "Dead offspring of a cursed line know that my master has Luna's blessing. This is the fate that befalls all who do not follow his will". So saying that he raised his axe to stirke a cowardly executioner's blow when the main temple doors opened.

Praise be to Kivsungai and Luna for sending us the god machine avatar of Luna! It strode forth and swept up the young rabbit in it's claws before it smashed the heretical coward proclaiming to speak for Luna with a mere backhanded swipe. With a horrible wailing noise the octopoid defenses of the temple spilled forth from what the manse, which was supposedly their only means of existense, and swept the majority of the horde away from our city before returning to their temple and reforming into the interior. Bereft of thier main leader and seeing a new Kivsungai backed by Luna's avatar the remainder of the underground besiegers broke and fled with their aboveground bretheren stopping only when Kivsungai himself was satisfied they had learned their lesson.

I see form your smile you find the news of thier initial defeat gladdening my dear. Yet many lives had to be lost for them to elarn that lesson and that si not the way things need to be taught.

The modern day ' The sun is almost down and soon the nightly snuggling will begin soon. Before that happens I must at least remind you of events that you have lived through.

Within the last dozen years the vulpine enemy has returned. not as a horde of a singular type as they once were. But as leaders of small bands of other mortals that seek our power. They have learned their lessons to well I'm afraid my dear for now they use others in an attempt to sap our strength over time.

More alarming is their increased interest in our always dwindling male population. Though now they try soft honeyed words and physcial pleasures to woo us to thier side instead of violence and degradation they're still sickening for the attempt to rob us of the most needed of our kind.

How do I know this...Yes I know you didn't ask but I can see it in your expression.

Let me only say that were it not for the last lord of our city I would've been nothing more than a puppet for a fox lord or one of his lieutenants instead of the high priest.

Praise be to the chosen one and Luna for bringing out of that pit of decadence and pain!Now off with you to your burrow I must bless the avatar this evening for our lord returns in a fortnight
