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Kansen was the first character for this game, closely followed by Sybil. He's a scavenger lord, or has been -- somewhat successful, but never with a particuarly good reputation, mostly due to the fact that he never looked like he could possibly be successful. Let's just say that appearance isn't his first priority, and possibly doesn't even make the top ten list. He's efficient and curious, but despite the curiosity has more of a survival instinct than all the rest of the Solars in the group put together. This 'survival instinct' could be seen to occasionally border on the paranoid, but considering his company and their general lack of caution as regards covering their tracks, this is probably a healthy attitude to have. There are times when I believe that Kansen is the group's common sense, which was removed from everyone else and compacted into one deeply scruffy man. And then he goes and does something foolish to obtain an artifact and I change my mind again.