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Martial Arts / Styles

Martial Arts Styles are now multi-ability combo charms. Thus, they require different abilities in order to function. Each Style will have different abilities that are required. From now on, for convenience and clarity, Martial Arts Styles will simply be referred to as "Styles".

Martial Arts Advantages

If learning a single Style, all charms count as favoured. If the character completes that style, they can learn another that will also count as favoured. If the character branches off into multiple styles without completing their current style, any charms that are not favoured count as unfavoured in ALL Styles. Thus, Martial Arts provide an easy way to learn flexible abilities as long the student focuses on their style.

Martial Arts Weapons

The form weapons now describe what weapons may be used with the style's charms. It still requires the original weapon. Many charms may now list an "or" in their requirements; for example "Thrown or Martial Arts 2". That means that one or the other ability is required to learn the charm. If only one of the abilities is as the required level, the charms can only be used with the appropriate attacks. Someone with thrown 2 but no martial arts in the above example could enhance their attacks with thrown weapons but not with a kick, for example.