Under Pressure/School Grounds

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History of Crimson Orchid Academy:

    Mnemon Nakanishi's legacy, the school has managed to become quite well-respected despite the early struggle over it even existing. According to a strict interpretation of the charter of her trust fund, the money could not go to any school with male students, as the female gender was used throughout. In a brilliant, if sleazy tactic, the person charged with controlling the fund had a friend of his challenge the legal precedent, and used the money for his own investments while the school waited, half-built. Eventually it was straightened out, and construction resumed of an all-girl's school, which eventually became one of the most respected and difficult schools to graduate from in the Realm.


    Being bankrolled by a Mnemon-led trust fund causes certain design aspects of the school to be conservative, and this extends to the uniforms in the most backwards of ways. Short-sleeved button-up shirts and knee-length skirts outside of winter, when they lengthen appropriately. Shoes are up to the student, and are the biggest expression of individuality in fashion terms, with several clever students sending messages by shoe selection. Black with bronze trim for the unexalted, white with platinum trim for the exalted, red with gold trim for the staff. The metallic color grows from simple banding as the rank increases, with the class president being entirely metallic. The red orchid that is the symbol of the academy is embroidered on each shirt, with thread spun of rubies for the senior staff and the class president. Many rumors abound about the actual properties of such items, but nothing substantial has ever been proven.