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Haradur, Air Elemental

Willowy fuelers of forest fires, assistants to Bloody Sky, Dragon of Forest Fires. Created within the standards set forth by the SpiritBuildingGuidelines .

These elementals appear to be to be made of an incredible mass of flowing, smoky streamers sprouting from a roughly tree-like stem. There is no discernible head or face, the streamers act as tentacles for manipulation or whips for attacking, and the stem just slides across the ground when moving. The spirit can fly, and when it does it reveals a very miniscule system of roots, that looks like little more than a scraggly beard hanging from the trunk. Its streamers spread out in all directions, and looks something like a gargantuan dandelion seed. When situated on the ground, the streamers droop, and the resemblance to a willow tree is often made. However, the dark grey, smoky translucence of the spirit discounts it as any kind of plant life. Those that approach haradurs notice the potent scent of burning leaves that clings to all porous possessions until they are thoroughly washed. They are very majestic elementals, and difficult to ignore.

They are extremely persuasive that burning an area is necessary, but they don’t necessarily believe their arguments, and sometimes can even feel sorry for those that are affected. They deeply envy fire elementals and will do their best to impress them and champion their opinions, all the while feeling ostracized by them. They pretend to be completely aloof to wood elementals. A haradur is an air elemental, trapped between fire and wood, and as a result, insecurity is a haradur’s greatest fault.

Haradurs can only speak Old Realm, but their knowledge of history and the sciences are impressive. They are dominatingly logical, as they often have to convince themselves of their duties when their hearts may be elsewhere.

They can vanish in a puff of smoke to their domains, which are often small forest clearings that bear some evidence of burning (either from old forest fires or mortal campsites), where they like to root and exist and sleepy, smoky trees. Their smoke can distract and muddle minds. They also enjoy feeding on the clean breath of those sleeping, depositing smoky residue within victims lungs. This can either result in a terrible cough for a day or two, or permanent respiratory damage if the haradur needed more. A rash of coughs in a community can herald the coming of a forest fire. And of course, they have great control over wind and air that they use to fuel and direct fires.

In combat, they will generally become intangible and fly away, but if forced to fight they will either unleash barrages of whip attacks with their streamers, or toss great super-heated spheres of smoke at their enemies.


Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2

(Appearance is intensity and utility, not beauty)

Awareness 5, Brawl 3, Craft 3, Endurance 5, Lore 4, Occult 1, Presence 5, Thrown 4, Survival 2

Compassion 3, Conviction 1, Temperance 5, Valor 3

Willpower: 6
Health: -0,-0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 62


  • Compassion

Measure the Wind

  • Temperance

Hoodwink, Hurry Home, Sustenance, Steal Sustenance

  • Valor

Affinity Elemental Control

ELEMENTAL POWERS: Mobility (flight), Element's Domain (become intangible, immune to physical harm), Dragon's Suspire (superheated smoke)

Cost to Dematerialize: 34 motes

Base initiative: 7
Soak: 1B/2L/0A
Dodge: 5
Smoke-ball blast (Thrown): Acc 9, Dmg 4L, Rate 1
Whipping Streamers (Brawl): Spd +8, Acc 7, Dmg 7B, Defense 8, Rate 5


I like to envision dozens of large grey daffodil seeds floating towards the earth before Bloody Sky strikes down in his lightning format, and then their willowy forms circling upwind from the fire as it spreads and consumes the woods. --UncleChu