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Clear Essence Glass</b>
Artifact •

Made as a complement to the Transparent Function Glass, this glass allows the user to perceive the presence of essence in materials. It was used by the First Age Artificers to examine the magical components of an artifact, much as it’s twin was used to examine the physical structure. The difference is that through this disk of glass, items in whom essence is coursing will appear to glow with a shimmering aura.

The glass is about the same diameter of the Transparent Function Glass, with a rim of gilt bronze forming the shape of a torque, lion heads topping either end. The surface of the glass shines in the right angle much like it’s pair, but with a darker shimmer of reds and purples.

The glass will only work at a distance of 2 feet or less, and the closer it gets to the object, the more clear it’s reading is. The stronger the essence, the brighter the glow becomes, so an experienced user might be able to tell the relative strength of an enchantment, though not the type or function (note: by relative, it means one could describe it in terms of brighter or dimmer than something the user has already examined with the glass, making such a judgment based upon past experience). Another use might be to, by some arcane means, write a message in essence on a piece of paper, making it invisible to normal sight. The Clear Essence Glass would show the writing as a glow, making it possible to read. Similarly, the glass could be used to locate magical traps, or the one enchanted item amongst hundreds of ordinary items.