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*Note: This Character is from a campaign where our Storyteller creatively combined Exalted with some elements of the Myst saga, allowing our begining characters to start out as college students in our world, and eventually have an epic storyline spanning many worlds, not just Creation. The following is how the Character stood at the end of the last game, plus some guesswork into the future to use up the rest of his XP (this includes the consequences of having to stand in place of the god of another world for a few minutes... long story).

Name: Daryl Gerard, sometimes called "God-Touched"
Caste: Eclipse
Nature: Visionary
Anima: Bamboo and Paper Lantern
Concept: Philosopher-Seer

Character Description

Daryl is short for a man, around 5’ 3”. His skin is a lighter brown, smooth, a shade not unlike some stained woods. His hair, a very wavy and unruly black mass, which he keeps tightly bound in a ponytail with string keeping the entire length narrow. He usually sports a finely trimmed goatee. His eyes are a lighter brown, and just slightly slanted at the corners. As a result of his divine experience, and the levels of power flowing through him for those few minutes, he has a soft-edged circle bleached in his skin at the seven chakra points, and some of his hair at his temples has turned prematurely grey. As one of the “Solar Winds” (the Eclipse Caste), Daryl tries never to encumber himself to the point that it would be difficult to leave at a moment’s notice on a mission. This is further accentuated by a prefference for the ascetic styles of the chinese philosophers from his world and the wisemen of creation. He dresses very simply, in garments lacking most decorations and luxury, most often in earth-tones and black. The only signs of wealth he allows himself are tools that are functional. A good weapon, or smartly fashioned boots, or even a few finer robes for the occasional situation in which to wear anything less would be an unforgivable insult to the host. He talks little, but speaks volumes. He very rarely ever shows anger, or any loss of temper, even in the face of adversity or heated emotions.

Earthly History

Daryl's father was African-American, a lawyer, and his mother Polynesian, who worked as an assistant to an astronomer. They met just after his father had passed his bar exam, through a mutual friend. An only child, Daryl rarely cried or made much noise, and always seemed to be watching his entire environment. He was slow to begin speaking as an infant, but when he did finally speak, it was very clearly enunciated (his first word being of all things “peanut-butter”, one of his fathers favorite foods). Growing up, he was often assumed to be slow, because of how he rarely spoke long sentences, and didn’t always seem to fit in. However on aptitude tests he always performed spectacularly. Later in his childhood, he began to be seen by his peers as a very smart and impartial child, and was the arbiter of playground disputes more often than the teachers. He also expressed interests in singing, and reading. In high school he was considered “cool” by many, simply because of his inner calm and assuredness; he never felt the need to justify himself to his peers or to try hard at fitting in, and so people figured that was what cool must be, despite his disinterest in the entire concept. This was also the period in his life where he discovered both the Chinese culture, as well as philosophy, both subjects which he would base his future career upon. These two interests entirely replaced the former importance of singing in his life. In college he delved deeply into philosophy, into the debates about existence and human nature and such. Because of so much introspection, he developed an incredibly solid sense of self. This showed through as a quiet certainty that was irresistibly compelling. In debates he almost always won hands down, when he actually takes a side, and in which his deep voice and slow delivery only added to his persuasive presence. Starting in his freshman year, he started taking classes with a teacher of Tai Chi, in an attempt to bring balance to his life by practicing a physical discipline in addition to the mental disciplines he already practiced. He found that he enjoyed the teachings of his master so much that he began taking another of his courses, that of a fighting style focused on the bo, or staff. He also took time out from his courses to meditate, and to go on long hikes alone to simply think.

Expanded Backgrounds

I personally find it really helpful to enumerate each of the character's Backgrounds and expound on them. For example: listing Allies, Contacts or Artifacts, describing your Manse, or explaining how what your Resources represents.