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Custom Martial Arts: Terrestrial

Steel Whirlwind Style

Name: Steel Whirlwind Style Level: Terrestrial Style armor: None Style weapons: Axes and variations /except/ pikes and polearms. This style stresses the old proverb "The best defense is a strong offense". It evolved in the north-eastern plains and forests, where barbarians used to smear themselves with paint made of plants that caused hellucinations to become fearless and faster than they ever could be otherwise. It is rumored that an air aspected outcaste was the inventor of this style, but it is widely used among all essence channeling barbarians, from godbloods to halfcastes to mortals who learned to tap their inner reserves, and of course to exalts of various types. The barbarians needed a weapon that could be wielded without care for their person and will still enable a chance of victory, axes and their kin are perfect for this role, as a single well-delivered strike will surely dispatch any normal foe. Practitioners of this style seek to contest their strength eternally, and can be seen on many a battlefield across creation, lending their axe to this cause or another. Also, for the use of this style were developed Chain axes, Chain great axes and dual chain axes (Description and stats coming soon).


Whirling Axe technique: Cost: 1 motes Type: Supplemental Duration: instant Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum MA: 3 Pre-requisite charms: none The martial artist must integrate his attacks and his parries perfectly, without a single flaw. This charm may be activated with every attack that exceeds the Rate of the martial artist's weapon to ignore it. The martial artist, as long as he pays the costs of the repetative activation of this charm, is only limited by his dice pool to decide his number of attacks and parries in the turn.

See through the Fog: Cost: 3 motes Type: Simple Duration: Special Minimum Essence: 1 Minimum MA: 2 Pre-requisite charms: none Whenever a martial artist consumes a helluciogenic drug, he may activate this charm to render him immune to both addiction and the negative effects of a drug. Cocaine will boost his reflexes without causing any negative effects, even the hardest and most dangerous mushrooms are only contributing to the artist's prowess. This charm does not protect against mental addiction to the benefits of a specific drug, nor will it help against Wyld addiction.

Fearless Front-line Warrior: Cost: 2 motes, 1willpower Type: Reflexive Duration: Scene Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum MA: 4 Pre-requisite charms: See through the Fog, Whirling Axe technique The artist is embodying his principles and charges forward without thought or care for himself. For the duration of the scene, the character automatically succeeds in all normal difficulty valor rolls, also, both his 9's and 10's on the valor rolls count as two successes. On the other hand, 10's on temperance and compassion rolls do not count as two successes, but as a regular one.

Steel Whirlwind Form: Cost: 5 motes Type: Simple Duration: Scene Minimum Essence: 2 Minimum MA: 4 Pre-requisite charms: Fearless front-line warrior At this level, the artist loses perception of self and of self preservation and is a vessel of bloodlust and victory. The artist adds his essence to all valor rolls. The artist adds half his essence, rounded up, to all his weapons' Rate, Speed and damage for the scene.

Vortex of Steel-tipped death: Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower Type: Simple Duration: Instant Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum MA: 4 Pre-requisite charms: Steel Whirlwind Form The martial artist explodes and waves his weapon in a broad circle, destroying all in it's path. The martial artist may roll one attack and apply it to all his current attackers, up to his martial arts rating. (Maximum of five in all cases, as no more than five may attack a single target simultanously)

Sharpening the Blade: Cost: 1 mote per 1 raw damage Type: Supplemental Duration: Turn Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum MA: 4 Pre-requisite charms: Steel Whirlwind Form The martial artist concentrates essence on his blade, adding a thin layer of essence that acts as an incredibly sharp metal. The martial artist increases his weapon's damage trait by 1 for each mote spent powering this charm. The maximum number of motes spent in this fashion is the martial artist's Martial arts + Essence rating, and it cannot more than double the weapon's damage statistic, note that the form's damage addition counts towards this maximum as well.

Tornado of Death: Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health level Type: Simple Duration: Scene/special Minimum Essence: 3 Minimum MA: 5 Pre-requisite charms: Sharpening the Blade, Vortex of Steel tipped death The martial artist becomes one with his weapons, twirling and spinning in amazing speeds creating an almost constant wall of steel around his person. For as long as this charm is active the martial artist may reflexively parry up to his essence in attacks, also, anyone in the martial artist's range when he activates the charm, or anyone entering it when the charm is active, is attacked once each turn. (The parries do not count against the martial artist's rate statistic) The martial artist cannot move more than half his walking distance while this charm is active, nor can he dodge any attacks. Also, while the charm is active the martial artist does not have normal actions every turn at all, his actions are "swallowed" by the charm. This charm's effects end when the scene ends, When the martial artist decides and rolls a successful temperance roll or when the martial artist takes a single health level of damage. Also, a single health level is taken when this charm is stopped, to signify the damage his body suffers from the amazing exertion.