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I understand that an inherent, very adaptable illusion ability is a power-gamers wet-dream, but I found the canon anima-power of Changing-Moon Lunars to be just this side of useless. So SilverMeerKat and I spiffed it up some. See what you think.

Changing-Moon Anima Power

By spending 5 motes of essence, a Changing-Moon may wrap their anima around themselves in a rough-sewn cloak of illusion. They may take any human appearance they wish, but it is generic and somewhat doll-like. The player comes up with a general description and a few defining traits. The Changing-Moon can try to mimic the appearance of another person, but they will fail. People viewing the disguise may make a perception+awareness roll at difficulty 3 to determine that there's something peculiar and not-quite-right about the Lunar's appearance, though it still takes magical means to actually penetrate the disguise. This illusion is visual only. it does not cover scent, touch or sound. Severe inconsistencies between the illusion and reality may lead to a reduced difficulty on the perception roll to notice the ruse (a nobleman in clean clothes that wreaks of sewers for example).
The masque need not change the Lunar's features. It's perfectly possible to simply change one's clothing and level of dishevelment. This also usually nullifies the need to notice the suspicious appearance of the Lunar. Unless you're, say, dealing with the trash-picker nobleman, there isn't much "not right" to notice about the illusion.
The illusion fades if the Changing-Moon engages in significant physical exertion (full-out running, combat, etc.) or mental exertion (nullifying an armed pressure-plate, etc.), or their anima banner shows at any level at which stealth would be impossible. Barring those conditions, the illusion lasts for a scene or until the Lunar ends it.
