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Solar Charms




/SolarArchery, /SolarMartialArts, /SolarMelee, /SolarThrown, /SolarWar


/SolarIntegrity, /SolarPresence, /SolarPerformance, /SolarResistance,/SolarSurvival


/SolarCrafts, /SolarInvestigation, /SolarLore, /SolarMedicine, /SolarOccult


/SolarAthletics, /SolarAwareness, /SolarDodge, /SolarLarceny, /SolarStealth


/SolarBureaucracy, /SolarLinguistics, /SolarRide, /SolarSail, /SolarSocialize

Spirit Charms

These are hard to make. /SpiritCharms

Martial Arts

Terrestrial Martial Arts

Ambisinister's /BehemothTopplingStyle2e - second edition version.
Ambisinister's /BehemothTopplingStyle2eMark2 - Completely reworked.

Celestial Martial Arts

Everyone makes martial arts, don't they? Well, I made what I think is an unbalanced and poorly constructed set of charms. They should be fun. /SageStyle
The Sidereals are teaching the cult of the illuminated. It just makes sense that they would have devised their own martial arts tree to suit their purposes. /SunAndStarsIllumination
An acupuncture themed martial art - /HeavensExhalation
/GeneralAndHisArmyStyle - Hey, not everyone can be a fighter.
FrivYeti's Stag Style /SageStyle2E Calling it sage style was a bit of a typo.
Someone's azure ribbon style - them to FrivYeti to me. /AzureRibbon2E
/CelestialMonkey - Except with one more edition than it previously had. Bare bones only.
/LightningintheMountains Style - Or Flash God, if you watch bleach. /SifuHandStyle - sword based MA - for martial arts masters
/SpiritDanceStyle - create and fight alongside a spirit ally
/VioletBierofSorrows2e - Second edition for the win!
/BelovedStoneStyle - purely defensive style, CMA for not getting stabbed a lot.



A special one

I was building a deathlord, and I was wondering what custom charms he might have. Then it struck me, what the ultimate charm would be. /UltimateCharm

Lunar Charms


/AscentDrivenBeast style