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Ride charms!

Swift mounting technique

Cost: 2 motes

Duration: instant

Type: reflexive

Minimum Ride: 2

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite charms: none

Often, it is necessary to mount a steed with great speed, whether in the heat of battle or any other emergency. By activating this charm, the player may leap up onto his mount and be seated properly to ride nearly instantly; he may even jump up onto it as it passes without slowing down and land seated, still with time to perform a die action. Likewise, the charm may be used to dismount instantly and land on the ground without penalty or injury.

Enemy dismounting movement

Cost: 3 motes

Duration: instant

Type: simple

Minimum Ride: 2

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite charms: swift mounting technique

Often, two riders or even cavalry forces meet on the field of battle; frequently, dismounting an opponent is sufficient to end this sort of battle for all intents and purposes. The rider using this charm makes an attack with any combat ability which deals no damage; this attack may be parried or dodged normally. If it strikes, the target must make a roll at a difficulty equal to the number of successes attained plus the control rating of their mount, using a pool of wits + ride. If they succeed, then there is no effect; if they fail, they are knocked from their steed and suffer dice of bashing damage equal to the strength of the attacker, double if knocked from a large mount such as an elephant or a flying mount. Any victim of this charm suffers knockdown on landing.

The Devastating Flight of Two

Cost: 3 motes

Duration: instant

Type: extra actions

Minimum Ride: 3

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite charms: Enemy dismounting movement

Using this charm, the mount and rider together drive forwards for an incredibly potent charge, throwing their being and essence at an unfortunate target. The mount may move its full sprint distance either at a run, or leap, or flying if it is possible for the mount; upon arriving, the mount and the rider may make a total of three attacks, one each and one more that they choose who delivers, at their full die pool upon one or more targets.

Driving Force of the Mighty Beast

Cost: 2 motes / die

Duration: instant

Type: supplemental

Minimum Ride: 3

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite charms: The devastating flight of two The force that can be mustered by a rider and a steed working together is truly astonishing, and an attack driven by the muscles of both can tear flesh apart. At a cost of 2 motes per die, the character may convert post-soak damage dice into automatic levels of damage. This charm may only be used during a mounted charge attack, and may be part of a combo with charms of other abilities.

The Glorious Conflation of Minds

Cost: 4 motes

Duration: scene

Type: simple

Minimum Ride: 3

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequisite charms: swift mounting technique The mount and rider are often in some ways of one mind; this charm makes this more literally true. Each is aware of threats that the other detects, and their senses work together. As long as they touch, the steed and rider share a perception pool on all rolls equal to the higher of their perception scores + 2, and once in combat they cannot be surprised by an attack that they can perceive, though they can still be ambushed. If one of the pair has an acute sense, such as a raptor's vision or a bloodhound's sense of smell, then both will be able to access it.

Defense of Shared Essence Technique

Cost: 6 motes

Duration: scene

Type: simple

Minimum Ride: 3

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequisite charms: The glorious conflation of minds

The use of this technique causes essence to flow out of the exalt and around their mount, solidifying into armor of a style appropriate to the personality of the solar. The armor is weightless, and thus had no fatigue penalty, but inflicts a mobility penalty of -1 and provides 10L/10B armour soak, with a hardness of 5. This is a fairly easy way for an exalt to get armor for an unusual mount for whom barding would be rare or expensive, such as a tyrant lizard.