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This is my idea for the most powerful possible charm. Presumptuous of me, I know. But it just seemed right when I thought of it, so there you go.

Cost: 10 permanent willpower, 10 permanent essence.
Duration: Special
Type: Special
Min. Ability: Lore 10, Crafts 10, Occult 8 Presence 8
Min Essence: 10
Prereqs: Wyld-Shaping, All-encompassing sorceror's sight
The user of the charm, either a solar or a deathlord, activates this charm spends the experience and time meditating that it would take to hypothetically raise their essence to 11. At the moment of that enlightenment, when they reach a level of unity and beyond what is possible within a mind confined by matter and thought, they complete this charm and dismantle their own essence and consciousness to build it into something entirely new.
This could be a new race or species, a new concept, an unspeakably powerful artifact, a virtue, emotion, or ability, a world or universe inside or outside of creation, the wyld or elsewhere, or something too foreign for a mortal mind to comprehend. Nothing is beyond the limits of this charm; it could make unbreakable the walls of creation forever, create a way to permanently destroy a malfean, free the yozi or raise the temperence of every being in existence.
The costs for the charm are paid at the end of the time the user spends to raise their essence. If they are in any way distracted or disrupted during their preparation, they lose a permanent essence and willpower and the charm ends; they also lose the experience spent.
This is a perfect effect; the changes it makes will always be entirely what the user wishes. No being of essence less than 10 has the metaphysical authority to resist this charm, and even they will need an equivalently powerful defense.
The user of the charm has their consciousness taken apart on the most basic level, dismantling their essence and soul to achieve their goals. They must fully commit themselves to this, and cannot be coerced into doing it by any means.

Are you sure a being of Essence 10 can even resist this? The first thing that popped into my head when I read it was "Great! So I can sacrifice my mortal shell to make a new Primordial!" At which point I thought - "Wait, no... I'll..consume the other Primordials!" According to my guess, such is something possible. Eating another Primordial, disassociating it, and consuming it, making a new me. Only a Primordial me. Perhaps taking all of my circlemates and turning them into my component souls. Thing is, I thought Primordials were Essence 10. Since they've been around since, you know, the beginning of time, if a charm to stop this exists, they'd know it. But by your definition, you can use this to destroy a Malfean, which implies that they can't really stop it. So yeah. For an ultimate charm, with this level of cost, I'd actually expect that nothing could resist it... -- GregLink