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The Age of Lesser Souls

Creation has always been held together by a delicate balance of power. The Realm is a bastion of power holding the center of the world, and the lunars have held the edges against countless invasions. The gods know the nature and the names of things, and keep the processes - in general, at least - working properly. The Sidereals hold fate together and countless other exalts commit their lives to saving the world, over and over and over again. The damage caused to creation if only one of these powers was thrown out of alignment would be incredible.

Imagine the trouble if all of them were killed simultaneously.

In RY 768, the Autocthonian nation of Yugash is preparing to attack creation. But they aren't coming in unprepared. They have secured an ancient artifact built by Autocthon's hand. His ultimate weapon, designed as a last resort. It is a plague. A plague designed to kill everyone who could threaten a primordial. Unleashed in creation, it spread through essence, contaminating each essence flow, pooling at demenses before spreading out to take the entire world in its scope. A single summoning was enough to release the disease into Malfeas, and a single doorway to Yu-Shan was enough to spread it to the heavens. It swept faster than any fire through essence out into Rakshastan, and it plunged into the unformed chaos. It moved through shadowlands to touch the Abyssals, the Deathlords, and even the long-dead Malfeans. Every being that could channel significant amounts of essence was destroyed. It was not long until the gods and demons reformed, but the world was forever changed.
This is the story of that blighted world.


The Locust Crusade, and Plague Mechanics

The Changed World

Gods and Sidereals
The South
The Realm
The East
The Underworld
Demons and Yozi


Really, really interesting...I can't wait to read more - Mr.Squeakers