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The Brightest Isle

A incredibly powerful solar demesne, it is hidden from the world by the shifting waves of the deep southwest. There is no reason to approach the island, as there is nothing within hundreds of miles but the Wyld far to the south; it has remained unbuilt upon since the first age. In the tumultuous end of that age, the solar who had dwelled there annihilated his manse and his self in a grand gesture of defiance; this only strengthened the demesne. Now, it is a large island with densely grown vegetation, all of which is gorgeous and perfect; all the life there is far beyond its natural perfection, and glows with the daylight of the sun. This demesne, unlike others, is utterly inimical to the fair folk.


The brightest isle typically imposes the following mutations:

1 Mutation Point
The being is touched by the faintest light of the sun at all times; they suffer a -1 external penalty to stealth attempts, but a get +1 to appearance.

Blessing of Sunlight
2 Mutation Points</B>
Prerequisites: Sunlight-Touched
The being is touched by a hint of the majesty of the sun - their virtues are all increased by one die when rolled or channeled. This does not change the true value of the virtue; gaining a third die in a virtue of 2 does not produce the effects of a virtue at 3.

Sun-Shard Majesty
4 Mutation points
Prerequisites: Blessing of Sunlight
The being so touched by the glorious perfection of the sun cannot contain its majesty; it bursts forth from their pores and fills their breaths. The creature glows with the brightness of a 7-10 mote solar anima banner at all times, although this looks like natural sunlight, not red torchlight or a golden solar haze - in effect, they are always treated as being in daylight, with predictable consequences for stealth. All creatures of darkness, including the fair folk, within ten yards suffer an external penalty of +3 to all actions, and attacks made by the mutated creature do +3A damage to them.

All-Enveloping Solar Light
6 Mutation points
Prerequisites: Sun-Shard Majesty
The being is surrounded by the perfection and the glory of the sun. The being becomes partially one of light; they may substitute an hour of exposure to sunlight for a day's worth of food or water, and reduce pre-rolled damage by one die against themselves unless the attack can hit immaterial beings.