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Ferem Dejin Aja

Aja, a young woman who appears to be some time in her early twenties, is a relatively unremarkable looking person - out of place in Gem, with her northerner's looks, but unremarkable. This suits her fine, as it helps her avoid questions about the countless demon attacks that seem to follow her. Aja has been touched by Lost Tayala, and demons seeking that third circle soul frequently assault her - although she does not know why she is so plagued.

As for her name, she does not know that she is of Cherak's house Ferem; and Dejin Aja is the name that she has chosen for the moment. She holds no real attachment to it, but it works and is relatively inconspicuous. If she thinks it will be efficient to do so, she will abandon it. She has been changing identities frequently her entire life and doesn't consider her name a lie; it is her current name, but it does not define her. A charm that determines true names may return the syllable "Ai" which she often uses in her names, or may return the fact that she is her brother's sister- something she feels defines her identity far more than her name.

For Aja's backstory, check out /MeandmyYozi. As soon as I put it up. Contents

Spirit and Body
Motivation Free herself from demonic pursuit
Essence ●●●○○○○○○○ Willpower ●●●●●●●●○○
Compassion ●○○○○ Conviction ●●●●● Temperance ●●●○○ Valor ●●○○○
Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint Condition: Intemperence in others
Personal Essence 17 Peripheral Essence 26/41
Soak: 1L/2B Hardness 0

Strength ●○○○○○○○○○ Charisma ●●●●○ Perception ●●●○○
Dexterity ●●●●●○○○○○ Manipulation ●●●●● Intelligence ●●●●○
Stamina ●●○○○○○○○○ Appearance ●●○○○ Wits ●●●○○

Dawn Caste Zenith Caste Twilight Caste Night Caste Eclipse Caste
Archery ○○○○○ Integrity ●●●○○ Craft ●○○○○ Athletics ●●○○○ Bureaucracy ○○○○○
Martial Arts ●○○○○ Performance ●○○○○ Investigation ●●●○○ Awareness ●●●○○ Linguistics ●●●○○
Melee ○○○○○ Presence ●●●○○ Lore ●○○○○ Dodge ●●●●● Ride ●○○○○
Thrown ●●●●● Resistance ●○○○○ Medicine ○○○○○ Larceny ●●○○○ Sail ○○○○○
War ○○○○○ Survival ○○○○○ Occult ●●○○○ Stealth ●●●●○ Socialize ●○○○○
Awareness Specialty ●○○○○ Hearing
Thrown Specialty ●○○○○ Spears
Stealth Specialty ●○○○○ Blending in
Languages Riverspeak, Flametongue, high realm, old realm

Artifact ●●●○○ Orichalcum spearthrower, Knife in the Dark
Artifact ●●●○○ Eyes Blinded and Eyes Open
Manse ●●●○○ Gem-Bound Caverns, Mind-Locus Stone
Resources ●○○○○
Allies ●●●○○ Nrbaqwi, gemlord

Charm Cost Type Duration Summary
First Athletics Excellency 1m/die Reflexive Instant Add dice to athletics checks
Third Thrown Excellency 4m Reflexive Instant Reroll Thrown checks
Third Integrity Excellency 4m Reflexive Instant Add 3 to MDV
Second Awareness Excellency 2m/success Reflexive Instant Add success to Awareness rolls
First Larceny Excellency 1m/die Reflexive Instant Add dice to Larceny checks
Observer-Deceiving Attack 3m Supplemental Instant Sustain surprise
Joint-Wounding Attack 3m Supplemental Instant Adds crippling to thrown attacks
Shadow Over Water 1m Reflexive Instant Dodge well
Seven Shadow Evasion 3m Reflexive Instant Perfect Dodge, conviction flaw
Keen Hearing Technique 3m Reflexive One Scene Improve hearing and touch
Easily Overlooked Presence Method 3m, 1wp Reflexive One Scene Go unnoticed
Sagacious Reading of Intent 3m Reflexive Instant Understand motivation
Flawless Pickpocketing Technique 3m Supplemental Instant Automatic pickpocketing success
Reflex Sidestep Technique 3m Reflexive Instant Understand motivation Combo Name
The Invisible Hand Seven Shadow, Observer Deceiving, Joint Wounding, Reflex Sidestep

Combat Factors
PDV 3 DDV 8 (Dodge 5+Dexterity 5+Essence 3+Bracers 3)
Primary mode of Attack (bonuses from weapons, Attributes and skills all inclusive)
Atlatl SPD- 4 ACC- 16 DMG- 9L Range- 160 RATE- 2 TAGS- N,M
Fist SPD- 5 ACC- 7 DMG- 1B DEF- 5 RATE- 3 TAGS- N,M
Kick SPD- 6 ACC- 6 DMG- 3B DEF- 4 RATE- 2 TAGS- N,M
Clinch SPD- 6 ACC- 6 DMG- 1bB DEF- NA RATE- 1 TAGS- N,M,P


Aja plans on developing Linguistics charms to permit her to drain opponents of their willpower before a fight, or to avoid a fight altogether. She plans to develop further stealth charms, to make her surprise attacks all the more devastating and to allow herself escape. Finally, she wants to improve her social abilities, so that none are willing to stand against her.

All of this is with the larger goal in mind of quietly acquiring allies to place between herself and her pursuers, and eventually acquire her safety.