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Zopoc, the Dancing Inquisitor, Indulgent Soul of the Everstretching Truth

Zopoc, the Dancing Inquisitor, hears the heartbeat of the world, whatever world it is in. In creation, it dances constantly in a precise, articulated and delicate rhythm, its steps flavoured by the element of the quarter of the world it has visited. In the underworld, it is a slow, graceful and sad dance, and in Malfeas it is the disjointed steps of a madman dancing to a hundred beats.

The creature itself seems a naked and androgynous figure of about seven feet, slender and willowy or broad and stout depending on the step of its dance; its body parts seem to move independently of others, and sometimes will be in multiple places at once or overlapping in space. Its face is a mask whose smile hides only the faintest sense of desparation, and behind the mask eyes are visible who are tired of their wisdom. The mouth of the mask has been scratched off, as if by a small, crudely wielded blade, and it does not speak; its meaning, however, is transmitted in its motions, and all understand its attempts at communication as if they were speech in their native tongue. It likewise understands the speech of others by the way that they resonate through the air.

Those who pass near Zopoc hear the thrumming of the world that he understands beating in their heart; they will start to dance along, and when he leaves they will continue. This is his gift from Sha; the truth of the world is known to him through music, and those who dance are a part of that music. His knowledge grows with every victim of his affliction.

Zopoc deeply wants to make the world a better place, and through its interpretation, that means fixing everything so that it works in harmony - the world united through order, order defined by following every pitch, every cadence, of the truth expressed through universal music. It serves Sha gladly, for it knows the glorious polyrhythms of Malfeas, and it hears them echoed in the empty spaces of Sha's tunnels. It knows that Zurahta does not dance, and believes that when it finds the purpose, Zurahta will dance so that the other Yozi must too join in our be shaken from the earth he underpins.

Rough stats:

Motivation: Find Zurahta's Purpose
Attributes: 4/4/6, 5/2/6, 8/2/4
Essence 7, willpower 8

Custom charms:
Assumption of the World's Meter: Zopoc steps in time with the beat of the world, and those around hear it echoing in their ears and feet. For three motes and a willpower, simple, everyone within essence yards must make a stamina+resistance roll, difficulty 5, or be afflicted with Kite's Dance. This is a reflexive action with the Sickness keyword. If a character successfully resists the disease once, they cannot be targeted by this attack again for two minutes.

One True Step: The steps that those infected make show the their own truth to Zopoc. For six motes as a simple action (speed 6, DV-0), Zopoc may ask a question in the manner in which he steps. One target he chooses must respond through their own motions. This is a social attack with the Compulsion keyword which may be resisted by spending two willpower. If a subject rolls five successes on a manipulation + performance roll after resisting, it may give Zopoc false information. This charm has no effect on those who do not suffer from the Kite's Dance.

Passed Through the Weave of Sound: Zopoc hears the threads of truth that pass through the dance of the world. Zopoc may make Lore rolls to learn anything that anyone dancing anywhere would know, even if he would have no way of knowing such things himself. He makes these rolls with Perception + Lore at a difficulty of their essence, +5 if they are not present, -5 if they are inflicted with Kite's Dance. This is a costless permanent effect. The target will have a vision of Zopoc when this effect is used, but it is otherwise not obvious.

Bane Weapon: For three motes, Zopoc may make a single attack aggravated against a target who is not suffering from any diseases.

Other notes: Zopoc also has several more mundane charms, including excellencies for performance, martial arts, investigation, larceny and awareness. Those abilities are all above five.