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Revised Craft Skill for 1st Edition

The idea of crafting is the same regardless of just what you're crafting, so the Craft skill should be applicable to any material or endeavor. But the devil's in the details, and working with a medium that you're unfamiliar with is a good way to waste a lot of raw material. Trying to balance these two aspects, I use the following system:

When taking the skill "Craft," a material or general set of materials (metal, wood, soft goods, etc.) is named as the focus of the skill. Learning to work with other materials works like buying a specialty, however these specialty dots don't count against the "3 dots per ability" limit. The dice pool for using these secondary craft skills is (Attribute)+1/2 Craft skill (round down)+Specialty, and cannot be greater than the character's (Attribute)+Craft. Regular specialties taken in Craft apply to all appropriate Craft rolls regardless of the material.

Possessing such a specialty allows Charms to be used targeting the specified material, using the above dice pool if a Craft roll is called for.