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These are little things but I think they work nicely. It's all about making the character you want to play, and making sure there's room for growth.

  • Attributes: Total the number of Attribute points given for the type of character you're making and distribute them among all nine Attributes, putting no more than the highest priority number and no less than the lowest priority number in each group (Physical, Social and Mental).
Example: A Solar character starts with 18 points to distribute between all nine attributes (4+6+8=18), putting no fewer than 4 in each group and no more than 8.
  • Abilities: Characters may have only one Ability at 5 even after Freebies.
  • Virtues: A character may not have more than 4 in any Virtue even after Freebies.
  • Essence: No character may start with more than 3 Essence.
  • Charms: Creation is a dangerous place and the Exalted were created as a warrior body. While not a requirement, every character should have at least one "attack" Charm and one "defensive" Charm. If you don't have an "attack" Charm, have two "defensive" Charms.
  • Spells: A character may choose a Spell in place of a Charm. No more than half (rounded down) of a character's starting Charms may be switched for Spells.
  • Permitted Character Types
    • Heroic Mortals (Come on, you know you want to...)
    • Half-Caste & God-Blooded (Humans with a spiritual heritage)
    • Solar Exalted
    • Lunar Exalted
    • Dragon-Blooded (If you're not Anathema-friendly or indifferent, there will be problems working you in.)
    • Anything with my approval (but you'll have to work for it).