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(If anyone knows anything pertaining to the ability cap when dealing with permanent essence and could tell me, that'd be great. NOTE: This page will remain unfinished. I've decided to move onto different things, more important things than copying down her actual stats. Maybe I'll finish her on the WIKI, someday. ~Wants a scanner.~)

Title: The Ashen Seraphim
Caste: Dusk
Motivation: Restore balance to everything.
Anima: A black cloud that mutes all sound in a large radius, save for the clash of steel on steel or the sounds of the dying. When iconic, the maddening whispers of the Neverborn are heard for miles, and the black cloud takes on all manner of ghastly figures; Demons, Ghosts, and various enemies. Ash appears wherever the cloud touched.
Concept: Thrillseeker
Deathlord: First and Forsaken Lion
Quote: Ashes to ashes... dust to dust...
XP Left/Total: 0/0

Strength 5 Charisma 5 Perception 5
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 5 Intelligence 5
Stamina 5 Appearance 5 Wits 6


<b>Archery: 7 (Head shots +3)

War: 8 (Daring Tactics +3)

Melee: 8 (Ashbringer +3)

Martial Arts: 5 (Grace +3)

Thrown: 5

Athletics: 5 (Reflexes +2, Flying +3)

Awareness: 6 (Blood Sense +3)

Dodge: 5 (Matrix Moves +3)

Resistance: 5 (Enduring Pain +2)

Integrity: 5 (Torture +1)

Occult: 7 (Necromancy +3)

Lore: 6 (Ancient History +2)

Ride: 7 (Gorehowl +3, Mounted Combat +3)

Presence: 5 (Saintly Beauty +3)

Stealth: 6 (Hiding in Shadows +3)

Larceny: 6

Performance: 5 (Singing +3)

Linguistics: (All)

Craft (Soulforging): 5

Craft (Necrosurgery): 5


3 Conviction 5 Temperance 3 Valour 5
Resonance: 0
Willpower: 10
Essence: 8
Personal: 31
Peripheral: 75 (155 due to Essence Engorgement Technique)

Health Levels 0*6, -1*12, -2*12, -4*1, Incapacitated





<b>Merits & Flaws</b>


Legendary Artifact (Ashbringer)

Daredevil: (Bonus dice granted when the more dangerous route is taken, willpower roll to resist taking more dangerous route.)

Eidetic Recall: (Recall any of the five senses pertaining to a memory of a certain situation.)


Unusual Appearance: (Vivid purple eyes)


Enemy: (Third Circle Demons, Deathlords, Elder Lunars, Solars, Dragon-Blooded, Sidereals... you name it, she's probably irked it.)

Wyld Mutations</b>


Wings (Pitch black angelic wings, large wingspan with high maneuverability and speed.)

Blind Sight ("See" perfectly fine in total darkness and adds four dice to awareness rolls regarding surprise attacks or detecting concealment. Never fooled by visual illusions or disguises.)

<b>Join Battle
, Soak , Dodge DV , Mobility Penalty , Fatigue
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage 4B, Parry DV +2, Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage 7B, Parry DV -2, Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage 2B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags C, N, P

Social Combat</b>
<b>Join Debate
, Mental Dodge DV
Presence: Speed 4, Accuracy 0, Parry 0, Rate 2
Performance: Speed 6, Accuracy 0, Parry 0, Rate 1
Investigation: Speed 5, Accuracy 0, Parry 0, Rate 2


Ashbringer: •••



<b>Plot Hooks</b>