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Torches. I’m exhuming a tomb, with a torch. The pitch soaked bundle threw sparks and spat on odd occasions, and smelled far worse than Krieg had imagined it would. His grip tightened on the pick, and he let a trickle of Essence flow into it. His hands followed the rill, and his pick swung of its own accord, finding the weak point in the wall. The blow sank in, and Krieg stepped back.

For a moment nothing happened. Then the wall began to crumble and fall. The tomb exhaled the breath that it had contained for a thousand years. Krieg could feel the pestilence that it contained, and was glad that the amulet he wore next to his breast protected him from just such nastiness. The torch began to gutter and wane, and then sprang back as the draught from the outside cleared the tomb scent away.

The tomb was lit from the inside, lichens and molds gave off a bluish haze in the dust raised by Krieg’s assault on the wall. In spite of it, Krieg could see the sarcophagus, tilted and facing the broken seal. The funery offerings were rife with the stuff, and the fuzz spilled out from the rotten baskets, and creeped up the walls. In the back, jade statues loomed, weapons at the ready.

Krieg crept to the gap, and sprinkled salt and ash before him. Whispering in the speech of the Old Realm, he entered. “I apologize for the intrusion, O King of the Earth. I seek not the riches of thy tomb, but thy wisdom and counsel.” Krieg made the signs of propriation, but continued to sprinkle salt and ash before his steps, to cleanse his passage.

The jade guardians did not move, but Krieg could feel the strength of their presence. Taking the sweet buns from his pack, he placed them in the mold encrusted offering plate before the sarcophagus. He blew gently to waft the scent towards the dead king.

The visage carved into the sarcophagus swam, and lifted, translucent. The stone face remained, but the lost king lifted up to regard Krieg. His death mask of jade and moonsilver still covered his features, long dust, but his will remained, and gave him form. “Speak, Prince of Earth. I have not seen your kind for many years. I thought that your Age had passed, passed onto the Dragons of Earth, and the Wheel had moved on.”

“The Wheel does turn, but the Unconquered Sun still has use for me and mine. We mean to see the Next Age. This Second Age has lasted long enough, and it is time that the Dragons let it move on.” Krieg placed a jade obol into the offering plate, beside the sweet rolls, already passing into dust as their Essence was consumed by the forgotten king.

“The Third Age’s passage is foretold, but Prince of Earth, it may not be yours. It is an Age of tumult. An Age of change, and it is told that the changes of the Third Age will reverberate for all the next. Beware, for you may get exactly what you wish for.” The jade mask shook from side to side. “But you know this, and will do this no matter what I say. Ask your question, Son of War, Son of Anger, and let us put the Wheel into motion again.”

“I know that the Third Age may not be ours, but the world must move on. This Age has lasted too long already. The longer we delay, the more we disrupt the flow. The Wheel must turn.” Krieg placed pearls into the offering plate, the obols had collapsed into ash.

“Contradictions, Son of War. You say that the Wheel turns, and yet you fear that the Third Age will not come? Perhaps you need no council of mine, but need to seek out what you truly desire.” The mask floated, impassive.

“You know as well as I do, that the Second Age lingers, and will continue, so long as the Dragons keep the Creation chained to their Realm. The Scarlet Empress binds the Creation, and the Wheel turns in place, never advancing. We are trapped in the Long Second Age by the scared old men who fear the Third. The Sidereals hide behind the Realm, cowering from the Turn of Ages.” Krieg fought the urge to spit as he spoke the name of the other Celestials.

“Perhaps they fear the Third, for they know what will come. There will be changes, Son of Anger, changes that you do not yet realize. Things will be that you cannot dream of, and if you stay this course, you may come to regret this path.” The dust in the crypt stirred with the ghost’s increased presence. “No, Son of the Earth, you will regret it.”

“That may be, but the Unconquered Sun commands that this Age be set right. And I am a servant of the Unconquered Sun.” Krieg bowed his head.

“The Gods were servants of the Primordials, and they rose up against their Masters. You and yours defeated the Primordials to set this Age into motion.” The ancient King began to take rise from the sarcophagus, taking on more substance as he fed on the offerings. “Your destiny is your own. Learn from the mistakes of the past, Son of War, learn and you may yet prove the Sidereals wrong. They fear that you will be a slave to prophesy, as they are. Destiny is in your choosing, Son of Anger. Learn that, and the Third Age will pass easily, and you will need nothing from me, but you will have my blessing.”

Krieg watched the forgotten King, whose name had been erased from record. When the Fae had surged, this tomb and the lands around it had been surrounded by the Wyld, and when the Realm had expanded again, it had survived, intact. Lost, forgotten, but intact. Held together by the will of its master. Held on for this purpose. To answer questions, and put prophesy into motion.

“That remains to be seen. I come in service of the Unconquered Sun, to regain the Codex Interregium, the Codex that you hold in this tomb. I seek it in the name of the Sun, and by the bonds of your vows and oath, I ask you now to fulfil that purpose.” Krieg suffused his being with Essence.

“And I will fulfil my vow, Son of Anger. But if you seek to redress the wrongs done to you and yours, if you seek revenge for wrongs done, and mistakes made, you will not succeed in your purpose. This is your Curse. Your road is written. But that script is written by those you serve, and those that oppose them.” The lost King rose from his sarcophagus, and pulled back the lid. Inside, all that was left was the mask whose image he wore, rags, and a book, pages of orichalcum and jade, bound with moonsilver and starmetal. “Take this, and fulfil your purpose. But know, Son of War, that you may change what is written on these pages by your actions. Those you serve play games that you do not understand, and they play with your lives. Those who oppose you, know this, and are blinded by fear. Fear not, and choose well, and the Third Age will pass into being with joy and peace. This I have seen.” The lost King hefted the Codex and placed it into Krieg’s hands.

Krieg nodded as he took the tome. Solemn. “I thank you for your council, and will honor it by considering your words.” He opened the box he had carried from Nexus, and placed the orchid blossom that he had enchanted to freshness into the plate.

The masked face issued a chuckle. “You honor me with what I have lost, and leave me memory to comfort my passing.” The flower crumbled as the King took the offering into his ephemeral hands. “I appreciate the gesture, Son of Earth, but honor me better by doing more than considering my words. Decide what you will, but do it for your own reasons. Choose not for the Sun, the Moon, the Maidens, nor even the Dragons of the Earth, or those lost into the Shadowlands. Choose for those who live, who breathe, who love and laugh. Choose for them, for they are the future. All this was made for them, and all them that bid you, exist for them. They who bid you, serve the Creation, not the Creation to serve them. Remember that, Son of Earth, and be wiser than the last Turn of the Wheel.” And with his final words, the lost King faded.

Alone in the tomb, the jade guardians crumbled to shards, the molds and lichens faded, the fresh air too much for their delicate systems. All that was left was the funery mask, the Codex, a foul taste in Krieg’s mouth, and the words the forgotten King had burned into his brain.

As Krieg hefted the Codex into his bag, he was accompanied with the scent of orchids. It clung to him, the scent forever of doubt and regret, to the end of his days.

The Realm is the source of innovation in mystech and sorcery. The Heptagram’s Universities are the finest schools in the Creation. The Kraftwerks are the source for the vehicles, the very Aetherstones that power the society. The Golems that toil in the factories are produced by the Realm’s White Registry, with Spirits provided by the Celestial Bureaucracy.

From the least crystal Home Theatre to the great airships that ply the skies, to the floating majesty of the Dragons’ newest cities, to the wands and staves that the troops use in combat, to the Library Spirits bound to books and crystal sets, there is no place where the Realm’s mystech doesn’t come into play. Mirrors to place calls across the Realm are as common as brooms in most households in the Realm, and outside the Realm, the cast off and out dated mystech finds a home as well. Guns and staves find their way across the borders, and the influence of the mystech pervades everywhere.

The Celestial Bureaucracy provides the Spirits to power the Realm–punishment detail, as favors, or even by volunteers to curry the Courts’ favors, Spirits are Bound into Aetherstones, and their Essence and Charms provide the motive force behind the Realm’s Mystech. Essence flows through the Realm, across leys along the lines of the teocalis, into the Mana Net. Homes tap into the Net for information, for power for their own use, and for services they have come to depend on. Great Aetherstones store power in cities, and bleed it off to devices, or in the case of the Dragons’ most important areas, a line is opened directly to the Net, to provide constant power. The Essence ripped from the Wyld, not only pushes back the borders of the Creation, it serves to feed the Celestial Courts, as well as power the Realm, and even the Threshold buys their power from the Realm, or taps into the Mana Net illegally. All power comes from the Net, and its stations are inviolate for all civilized people.

Golems toil, artificial bodies for Spirits, powered by Aetherstones that trap the Spirits that provide their motive force and intelligence. Most Golems are lowly Spirits, given simple tasks, but a few are given more latitude, as servants. These Golems are carefully Bound and watched closely. Nannies, servants, guardians, high level Golems are seen as a luxury, and if turned, they could wreak havoc, and are watched even more carefully than slaves and servants. Their Bindings are the study of the most clever and skilled Sorcerers of the Realm, and each year, improvements to Bindings lead to more powerful Spirits being brought to heel.

While the Realm’s mystech is impressive, it still often falls well below the wonders of the First Age. The towers are taller, the sky sails run on time, and the Wyld is finally contained, but at a great cost. The Spirit Courts use the Realm to further their own ends, and while the Immaculates teach that the Creation runs smoother with the Realm’s guidance, the truth is murkier. Corruption in the Celestial Bureaucracy is rampant, things run without much incident, but that doesn’t mean that they run the same way as the First Age. Mystech sometimes duplicates the wonders of the First Age, but it binds Spirits to the Realm, it forces servitude, and the Spirits resent the Dragons, more and more. They resent their masters, and the Yozi and the Malfeans have found ways to tap into this rage. The Lunars and the Solars are making inroads against the Realm, and things are beginning to break down.

Mana Net One of the most pervading aspects of the Realm in the Long Second Age, besides the Wall, is the Mana Net. Links of Essence from across the Creation, through the Reality Towers, the Stelae, the teocali, and into the vast Mana Net inside the Wall. Essence flows across the Creation through ley lines incised by these anchors. Manse and Demesne are linked into the Net to add their power to the whole, and many of the places of power held by the Solars and Lunars have been tapped and lost forever.

The Mana Net is more than just the power grid for the Realm. Each node, each tap, each point in the Net, allows communication, places for Spirits to commune with others, giving the Realm instant communication. A mirror in the North can instantly link to a mirror in the South, and Spirits can access the Libraries of the Blessed Isle as easily as their master’s in The Lap.

Most homes have magic mirrors. Mirrors act as communications, entertainment, and as scribes and assistants. While the cheapest of mirrors are only comms, more expensive models have Home Theatre functions, as well as Bound Spirits, Avatars, to search the Mana Net for information.

And some of the more enterprising of the Guild, the Heptagram, and other Mystechal societies have used their knowledge of the Mana Net for profit. Most who own a mirror use their connection to the Mana Net for legal purposes, but not all. A Bound Spirit can be commanded to perform functions that the Kraftwerks didn’t intend, and with sufficient Occult, a Thaumaturge or Sorcerer can perform miracles, to most eyes. Mirrors can transmit spells, can be used to raid data stores, links to the Mana Net can be used to hijack Spirits, subvert Golems, even command Spirits linked to the Net to perform acts contrary to their Bond, if a Splinter can crack the mirror they’re Bound to.

While it is possible for a mortal, or even an Exalt to work directly with the Mana Net, is often slower and more dangerous to boot. Most use an Avatar Spirit to work in the Mana Net–the Spirits do the actual work and carry out the instructions, giving the Splinter a level of protection, as well as lending their speed and mystical acumen. Without the buffer of an Avatar, direct contact with the Mana Net can be dangerous, and if only using the interface of a magic mirror, generally slow.

Each mirror, each Node in the Mana Net, has protective function, a Ward. The Wards are designed to Bind the Spirits that function in that Node, as well as prevent intrusion. The Ward rating is usually equal to the Essence score of the Spirit protecting the Node, but that can be increased by magics. In order to defeat a Ward, the cracker must overcome that Ward, either by Occult means, or by subverting it with another Spirit. The Sliver uses the Performance rating of the mirror they are using, usually the Essence score of the Avatar Spirit, or the Occult+Wits of the Splinter if they are cracking the Mana Net directly.

Using an Avatar Spirit is the safest method to access the Mana Net. The Avatar provides a buffer, and allows the user to perform actions while it carries out its own actions. An Avatar acts once per round for each point of Performance it possesses, while the user can provides instructions, suggests stratagems, and can look after the defense of the mirror that she is working on for counter-intrusion by a Warded system.

Acting without an Avatar, with a simple keyboard and hand interface, the character can attempt to crack another Node, but she is limited to one action per round–either to intrude or defend, and the Sliver cannot access information directly, but must store the information gained within the mirror before accessing. A character with Mystech Memory can crack the Mana Net directly, and while in the Mana Net they may act once per round for each point of Essence they possess, this opens the character up to counter attack directly, although they may access information immediately, and have it downloaded to their Mystech Memory instantly. Most Splinters with Mystech Memory choose instead to use Avatars for the cracking, and concentrate on defending their connection.

Some Nodes are simple communications devices–mirror faces–some are passive mirrors for entertainment feeds like Home Theaters. Most homes use their mirrors for several functions, but many cannot afford more powerful systems. Even comms and Home Theatre systems have Wards to protect them from intrusion, though most aren’t that high. Magics and Mystech devices can increase the security of Nodes, which can lead to secure lines that have no Avatar functions.

While a Magic Mirror has a Storage rating, this does not reflect how powerful alone the system is. This rating is how much space the mirror has to host files, as well as how powerful an Avatar it can host. A mirror with a high Storage rating can host a powerful Avatar, or a minor one with lots of Abilities and files. The cost of mirror is without the Avatar. Avatars are Bonded to a mirror or Mystech Memory when they are installed.

Mirrors can be purchased with five points of Storage per point of Resources spent. Most mirrors have a default Ward rating of one per five points of Storage, though this can be boosted at a later date. The cost will be equal to the cost of the new Ward rating in Resources. Artifact mirrors exist, and are often used by the Dragon Blooded and other Exalts for their secure Nodes.

Avatars do more than provide access to the Mana Net, they provide skills as well. Each Avatar takes up as much Storage as the sum of their Essence, and their Abilities. An Essence 4 Avatar, with Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 2, Lore 3, and Investigation 2 would need a minimum Storage of 14. A Mirror is a medium in which the Spirits work, and each Spirit needs a large enough vessel to operate in. Generally speaking, most home mirrors do not store information, but rather access other sources. Every five points of Storage can hold the equivalent to one point of the Library Background.

Avatars are more than just utility programs, but have personalities of their own. Each Avatar has its own quirks and is unique. Many come in basic types: Professorial, Lordly, Scholars, Mystechs, Magistrates, Demons, Fae, Harlequins, or any other variant, but at their heart, all Avatar Spirits are Spiders Spirits who span the Mana Net like a vast web. Despite this, Avatars are good mimics, and adapt to their mirror’s owner well, learning their likes, and dislikes, and their patterns, anticipating the needs of their master, and they adapt their appearance and mannerisms to suit their owner. An aggressive Splinter will develop an aggressive Avatar, a cautious scholar will find his Avatar to mirror his patience. Often Avatars will seek out information for their masters while the mirror is stored. This trait can be reined in, but Avatars will seek to be as useful as possible.

In game terms, each time a character attempts to probe a Node to crack a portion of the Mana Net, she must overcome the Ward of that mirror. The attempt is a resisted roll, and if the character or Avatar achieves more successes than the Ward rating, she can then access that Node. If the character doesn’t, but only ties, the Ward does nothing, but the attempt fails. If the Node scores more successes, it may then activate their own defenses.

A Spirit may roll its Performance rating against a Ward to defeat it. Usually, the Performance rating of an Avatar is its Essence score, though equipment can affect the rating. If a Ward is not defeated by a roll, the Avatar or character can attempt to subvert it again, but the Node is now activated, and can defend itself–and once alerted, a Node can act equal to the defending Avatar’s Performance rating.

A Node’s defenses may normally back trace an Avatar to its source by either a Performance roll itself, or if guided by a user, a Wits+Occult roll against the Performance of the Avatar. If a user is minding her own mirror’s defense, then the attempt to back trace is a contested Wits+Occult rolls. Once the defender finds the offender’s signal source, the Node can then make a counter attack, against the Ward rating of the offender.

Inside a Node or system, a successful Sliver can inject their own commands. That can be simply to observe and be ignored by Wards or other users–Performance+Stealth. Each success hides the Avatar or Sliver for a cycle of a Ward’s sweep. Stealth can be attempted against an active system, but the roll is contested by the opposing Avatar. At least three successes must be achieved to convince an Avatar that the intruder has left. To find information to download back to the user’s Node or mirror, Performance+ Investigation. In order to execute commands, the Avatar must make another contested Performance roll against the Performance of the Node in question.

If the character is making an attempt to crack a Node with Mystech Memory, he can make a Wits+Occult roll against the Performance of the system. Information can be copied equal to the one block of Storage per point of Performance per action. Information can be erased at the same rate. Information can be altered at a rate of one block of information per point of Performance per round. Note: if a character is attempting to hack the Mana Net with Mystech Memory, and an invading Avatar manages to bypass her defenses, the invader can alter memories, edit their personality, even destroy their personality. If the character’s defenses are breached, the invader can choose to alter one point of Mental or Social Attributes per action, and the character’s only recourse to stop them at that point is to sever the connection. If they’re able to, because most Avatars that attack a Mystech Memory core, use their first action to render the victim unconscious to allow them full access...


Mirror Face–A device for hand held communication, and popular in the Realm. Most do not sport an Avatar, but do have enough storage for images, messages, and files for perusal later on. Most can link to the Mana Net entertainment feeds, but their small size gives them lousy resolution. Cost 1 Storage 5 Ward 1. Stronger Wards are available for more secure communications, with an increased cost equal to the level of the Ward.

Wall Mirror–The standard Home Theater console for most homes. While the mirror provides a link to the Mana Net, and acts as a communicator, it has no Avatar, and stores only programs, lists, and messages. These mirrors are convienient for accessing public library Nodes, and to navigate one must make an Lore+Wits roll. Cost 1 Storage 5 Ward 1. Stronger Wards and more Storage cost an additional point of Resources each, though Wards are rarely increased as it is mainly an entertainment unit.

Data Scroll–Popular among the Heptagram, as a convienient method of storing work. A flexible mirror surface contained in a small scroll case, that can unroll and contains a stylus for altering documents. Most Sleeve Mirrors have limited access to the Mana Net, both for information and communication. Sleeve Mirrors are bulky, but have excellent resolution. Many have minor Avatars, simple information retrieval Spirits to find and schedule appointments.

Cost 3 Storage 15 Ward 3. Most are loaded with a minor Avatar–Essence 2, Bureaucracy 3, Occult 2, Lore 2 Linguistics 3. This leaves 3 blocks of Storage free. Note: the Avatar and its skills have been loaded by the Heptagram, and this Mirror would cost far more loaded with its Avatar.

Desk Mirror–The standard workstation mirror. Usually bonded to a desk or laboratory space, these mirrors are the work horses of the Mystech world. While these mirrors can and are often used as comms, and for their display capabilities, they are mainly used to give commands and monitor Mystech processes, as well as search the Mana Net for information. Most often bonded to a Spirits with some power, these station mirrors are usually immobile and monitored.

Cost 4 Storage 20 Ward 4. Most have been loaded with a fairly strong Avatar–Essence 3. Most are loaded with Library 2, Linguistics 3. This leaves 4 blocks of Storage free for custom Abilities or storage for files. This model is most often altered at a later date with custom gear, especially if used by a Sorcerer, and often more Storage.

Librium–A standard scroll case size, that contains a screen of Moonsilver and White Jade. A Librium contains information like any scroll or book. Most only contain a single book or source, but more expensive models can store several books, and can expand their memory function with normal data crystals. The most expensive models can access the Mana Net to download more information, but these only from legal sources and libraries. Cost:1 to 3 Storage 2, 4, 6a Ward 2 Cannot load an Avatar or be used to access the Mana Net save for approved sources. Rarely used for anything but text and photos.

Secure Board–A large mirror case, that unrolls into a near table sized mirror. Equal to a Desk Mirror in size, and often loaded with custom gear. This model is the base for many Artifact Mirror Scrolls. Usable as a comm, a home theater, and a work station, these Mana Net mirrors are portable, and have enough storage to house a powerful Avatar, as well as a good sized Library and Abilities.

Cost: 5 Storage 25 Ward 5. Most have been loaded with a strong Avatar–Essence 4 or 5. Most are also loaded with Library 3, Investigation 4. This leaves precious little space for Storage, but most have been altered increased Storage, Performance and stronger Wards. These Secure Boards are the workhorses for the Security professional in the Realm and abroad.

Custom Modifications

Burster–This device surges Essence across a link once a connection has been made. The first action the Avatar takes is to send a charge of Essence from the Mana Net into a Node. It doesn’t attack the Ward, but instead the Node itself. Burster does damage equal to its Performance rating to the mirror, directly to the Performance of the system. If the damage done exceeds the Performance of the system, it will shut down automatically. A system that is Burst cannot be accessed, and is rendered inert and useless. Often used as a counter measure by Nodes. Cost: 3

Chameleon–This crystal allows the Avatar to instantly conform to the Node’s usual user’s specifications. It defeats Ward sweeps instantly so long as the Splinter does not alter or make any commands. The Avatar can view and sample files, but cannot download them until it retreats from the system. Cost: 3

Code Crystal–An encrypted crystal is imbedded into a Node. The codes are changed daily, and most secure systems have adopted this feature. Protected systems add +3 to their Wards, unless the specific codes are loaded into your mirror. If the Code Crystal’s encryption can be broken ahead of time, you may ignore this feature. Cost: 3

Corkscrew–While this modification slows an Avatar to glacial speeds for the Mana Net, one action per round, it increases the Performance of a mirror by +4. Wards however, so breached, do not register the Sliver’s Avatar on subsequent passes. Unless the Splinter takes actions to damage a mirror and its files directly, the intrusion is invisible. Even changes into the Wards, back doors, or file changes are done so slowly, that the defenses don’t register the changes. Cost: 4

Decrypocyphia–This application can overcome an encryption crystal. The Decrypt crystal must convince the encryption crystal that it has received the proper authorization. The system must roll its Performance directly against the encrypted device’s Performance. The files will remain encrypted until the Decrypter achieves more successes than the system it is trying to translate, but can check once per action. Cost: 4

Dump–This option acts in tandem with the Ward. If the Ward defeats an Avatar’s Performance roll, the character is dumped from the system and cannot log back in without making an entire new connection to the Mana Net, or can set up a new scrambler code. The Dump seals the system from the code that attempted to unauthorized access. A Dump can be enacted by an Avatar on a subsequent Ward check, or an activated Avatar that detects the intrusion. The Dump can be avoided by a resisted Performance check, but if the intruder only ties, they are Dumped. Cost:3

Ejector Memory–When a mirror is cracked, the intruding Avatar often attacks the Storage capacity of the mirror. This mod caches the Storage. Files must be defined as protected–Abilities that the Avatar doesn’t use on intrusions, such as Library or Linguistic files–and are immune to erasure by outside sources. Cost:3

Encryptonomicron–This crystal translates all data in the mirror into a private language. In order to make out any of the data, or even make sense of the files, the intruder must translate the files. This requires an extended Wits+Lore check, with a difficulty equal to the Performance rating of they system. An Avatar can attempt to decrypt a file, but it must make an extended Performance check, at a difficulty of the Performance of the system that it trying to translate. This check can be made for each action, but, if at any time, the check fails to garner a success, the encryption resets itself, requiring the intruder to begin all over again. This modification is a slim insert that bonds to the surface of the mirror, and then diffuses throughout the mass of the mirror to insinuate itself throughout. A private key code can instantly translate without invoking the encryption–anything from a word, a phrase, a touch code, fingerprints or even a bloodline. Cost:3

Fader–This crystal filters the signal across the Mana Net, and damps down the signal when not in direct use. This effect masks the mirror’s signal if a Ward ousts your intrusion, and hides your signal from detection. The first attempt to trace your signal back to its source is made at +2 difficulty. If the Ward does not find your signal back, your Avatar may stay in the system without being booted and may attempt to subvert the Ward again, next round. This option cannot be used with a Power Booster. The second attempt to trace your signal is made at +1 difficulty, and this trick will not work a third time. Cost: 3

Familiar Avatar–A secondary Avatar Spirit. This Avatar can perform actions just like your main Avatar, perform additional searches, or even defend your mirror against counter attacks by Secure Nodes. Familiar Avatars cost the same as normal Avatars, and eat Storage fast.

Hardening–This modification nullifies the effects of a Mana Burst, Mana Jet, or a Burster modification. The Wards will hold despite this treatment. Cost:3

Lockup–This device activates if an intruder is detected. The Avatar must overcome the system’s Ward a second time, and if the intruder is unsuccessful, it reduces the Avatar to a single action per round, which can be used to overcome the Lockup. If the intruder shuts down their mirror while the Avatar is in the Lockup, the Avatar is lost, and can be interrogated, or destroyed. Cost: 3

Power Booster–A crystal matrix that can focus the Essence feed to boost power. The crystal gives the mirror +2D to all Intrusion attempts by overpowering Wards. It does nothing for attempts to subvert networks by Stealth, or assist in Performance checks to give commands once a system has been penetrated. Considered restricted Mystech by most of the Realm. Not bad if you’re in Security or a Magistrate, not so good if you’re not. Cost:3

Quicksilver Cabling–While most magic mirrors are made of Moonsilver to some degree, this modification increases the response time from the Avatar or mirror. Performance is increased by a point. +?3 Cost.

Router–This devices sends false trace readings. The tracking Avatar must overcome a Performance roll against the Wits+Occult of the user, who sets up the trace route. If the tracking Avatar succeeds, it can remove one false lead. It can still act its Performance in actions per round. The Router can set up to the user’s Wits+Investigation in false leads. If the tracker fails its Performance roll, it must spend a full round to gain its bearings again. Cost: 3

Scrambler–Each mirror has a signature in the Mana Net, which identifies the user and their location. This information can be changed and altered each round to defeat tracers or identifiers. If a system can track the user, and break through its Wards, unless the system makes a successful resisted Performance check, it will not get the proper information from the mirror using a Scrambler. This can send the Hounds to the wrong location, or at least not identify the users properly, and if the system is using a Dumper, it will not recognize the user on subsequent attempts to hack it. Cost: 2

Secure Comm Link–A heavy duty scroll case, that can be added to a normal Data Scroll or Secure Board. Add +3 to Wards for communications with a scroll or Node attached to this Modification. Cost: 3

Shielding–An increase to the Ward protection for a Node, that doesn’t take up valuable Storage space. +1, +2, or +3 can be added to the Ward of a Node or system. Cost: 3,4 or 5

Slaver Kit–Hard wired linkages to take over any device with an Aetherstone. These devices bypass the Mana Net protocols. When installed, the user must defeat the Wards with a Wits+Occult roll, but no defensive bonuses like Shielding, an active Avatar, or Code Crystals will be effective. The Golem mites that create the linkages are expensive, and physically alter the Wards that Bind Spirits to accept commands. A common Slaver Kit has enough Golem mites to take over a dozen Golems, or a small facility’s Security Node. Each system is different, a carriage or Golem would require a single mite to be installed. Disabling the security mirrors for a floor would require a mite per mirror, which would have to be installed by hand. Subverting a Skyship would require a dozen or so mites. An entire facility might require more than two dozen placed precisely. The ST is the final arbiter of how many mites, and how many successes will be necessary to disable a system. Cost: 4 for 12 mites.

Slow Cloak–This device cloaks the Avatar from detection, but does so at the cost of speed. The Avatar gains +3 to its Performance rating, but loses half its actions per round. Cost: 4

Spec Screens–Mirrors painted onto glasses. Not the highest resolution, but these interfaces allow a user to check the Mana Net, with the full resources of their Mirror, without un rolling it. While these screens are not the best for performing complex work–+2 Difficulty to all Occult rolls to create or perform complex actions–they are perfect for checking specs, touching base with an Avatar performing a task, and retrieving information quickly. Cost: 2

Storage–Gives a mirror more Storage after they come off the production line. These increases do add to the thickness of the mirror surface, although scroll cases can usually accommodate changes. Cost: 3 for +5 Storage, 4 for +10 Storage, 5 for +15 Storage. More Storage can be purchased at any time, though, a scroll case must be altered for an additional +2 Cost if any Mirror receives more than a +15 Storage upgrade.

Tap–A device attached to a mirror can allow a stronger connection. A physical connection allows a Sliver to bypass the Wards for initial entry. This does not prevent detection while intrusion is in progress, but a Tap allows the Splinter to ignore Wards for the first five rounds of action. Actions that may awaken defenses will require a check against the Node’s Wards. Taps may be discovered by physical checks of the Node, and when hiding the Tap, an Intelligence+ Larceny check is made. The difficulty to find the Tap is that check’s successes in difficulty. Cost:2

Tracker–A mirror that is cracked, can send up flare into the Mana Net once it has located the offender. This option is cheap, and alerts the Magistrates and security personnel in the area to the intrusion. Once the system is found, instead of attacking its Wards, it automatically tags the offender’s location, and then proceeds to attack the Wards of the offender. Cost:2

Twinner–A mirror is altered to give a specific trace. Each time the mirror is fired up, it gives off a profile that either mirrors a trace that is recognized by the Wards–which requires the proper codes, or access to legitimate mirror to pick up the trace and an extended Intelligence+Occult, difficulty equal to the Ward rating of the mirror–or a trace that sends security to another source. Either way, the Twinner adds +2 to the Ward rating of the mirror protected. If the Twinner reflects an authorized user, the Sliver does not need to roll Performance until she attempts to perform tasks that are against the parameters of the usual user. Cost:4

Artifact Mirrors All ratings are current. Storage is calculated with Avatar and Abilities already loaded.

Level One

Jade Mirror Scroll–A common item in the Realm, usually held by Sorcerers, but often by talented Thaumaturges. These mirrors are bound with liquid Jade screens. These mirrors are workhorses, able to connect to the Mana Net, and automatically Hardened to protect their Avatar Spirits. These items have a powerful amount of Storage, and come with Library 3. This cannot be improved upon, except during play, and neither can its Avatar be increased. Avatar Spirits are Bound to particular Jade Mirrors, and cannot be dismissed or replaced–though the Avatar can be taught and uploaded with additional Abilities. Performance-5 Storage 15 Ward 5. Avatar 3. Library 3. Linguistics 3, Lore 4.

Level Two

Crystal Screen–Appearing as a normal Data Scroll, this Artifact unfurls to a large screen. Held by the upper levels of the Guild, and the Heptagram, these devices contain powerful Avatars, and their Storage is legendary. While the Bound Avatar cannot be dismissed or replaced, its Library feature can be improved during play. These screens come Hardened to protect their Avatars. Clear and precise, these Screens ignore all attempts to encrypt data, and reveal attempts to cloak or hide data. Performance 6 Storage 20 Ward 6 Avatar 3. Library 3 Linguistics 4, Lore 4.

Silvered Mirror Mask–A Moonsilver mask that hides the features of the user, and allows them to shift their perceptions from the world around them, to the functions of the Mana Net. The Bound Avatar cannot be dismissed, nor can its Library feature be improved, these devices are made for Splinter work. They cannot be improved with modifications, but the Avatar can be taught new Abilities. Performance 7 Storage 10 Ward 6 Avatar 3 Library 3, Linguistics 2 Lore 2 For a cost of 5 motes, the Mask can appear as the user’s bare face.

Level Three

Mirror of Command–A black and Red Jade incised mirror scroll, the Avatar is not only a powerful entity, capable of great works, the mirror has the power to override the commands to the Bound. Devices powered by Spirits of Essence 2 or less can be suborned. For a cost of 10 motes, the Exalt can take command of a vehicle, Node, or Mystech system through the Mirror. Household Golems, most civilian vehicles, and many household items and common Mirrors can be completely overwhelmed. Note, any device linked to the Mana Net can be overridden, but contact must still be made normally, which requires an Occult+Wits roll.

While the Command Mirror can easily overcome Golem servants, and minor devices, it is a powerful tool for intrusion on its own. The Avatar it is Bound with cannot be replaced, but the device is Hardened. The Avatar Spirit can be taught new Abilities. Performance 6 Storage 10 Ward 6 Avatar 4. Investigation 4, Occult 3, Bureaucracy 4 Lore 2.

Quiet’s Mirror Scroll–Encased in White Jade, this mirror scroll is silent. It opens without sound, the Sliver cannot be heard while using this device. While this alone makes it useful for Splinter work, the Artifact has a more powerful feature. For a cost of 10 motes, the Avatar can work silently for a scene. Wards breached do not trigger a Node’s defenses, and subsequent sweeps by the Wards do not register the Avatar. Changes made to a Node have no chance of being noticed until after the scene is concluded. Security features do not recognize the Splinter once the Wards have been breached. The Avatar can only act once per round to perform any task. This feature cannot be altered, nor can the Avatar be replaced. The device is Hardened, and the Avatar cannot be taught any new Abilities. Performance 7 Storage 5 Ward 6 Avatar 4 Investigation 4 Occult 2 Bureaucracy 3, Lore 2 Stealth 4

Mana Ride Screen–A Starmetal and Moonsilver scroll case that unfolds into a large screen. While not a particularly powerful mirror on its own, the mirror has one ability that makes it useful beyond others. For 10 motes the user can reach through the screen to place an object through the mirror that has been cracked. For 15 motes the user can open a portal between the two mirrors that can pass a single person through. For 20 motes the user can open a portal that can pass four man sized creatures–note, this does not mean a single creature the size of four men could be passed, but a portal roughly man sized will stay open long enough for four normal men to pass through. A War Golem could not pass through this portal. In order to achieve a connection for a portal to open, a mirror’s Wards must be breached, and its Avatar cannot be active. For 20 motes additionally, the user can pass through the screen and collapse the Screen behind him and recover it after travelling. The Avatar for the Screen cannot be replaced, although it can be taught new Abilities. The device is Hardened. The Screen will not accept new Modifications. Performance 6 Storage 15 Ward 7 Avatar 5 Lore 4, Investigation 4, Bureaucracy 3

Level Four

Terror’s Scroll–Encrusted with Black Jade and a thin sheen of Starmetal. This scroll can contact other Nodes, even Bound devices that are attached to the Mana Net, and use the connection to attack. The Avatar must make a normal connection through the Mana Net, and remain hidden until a target comes into view of the mirror or Node. This can be made through a Home Theater, a Mirror Face, a Desk Mirror, or even through security mirrors in a lab. The Avatar must not be discovered while it waits for its target. Once the target comes into view from the mirror in question, the Avatar can make a magical attack. The user fuels the attack with Essence, for 10 motes, the attack is made at Performance+2 die, and inflicts 8DL. For 15 motes, the attack is made at Performance +4 die, and inflicts 10DL, and at 20 motes, the attack is made at Performance +6 die, and inflicts 12DL. This attack is made from surprise, unless the target has Charms that would allow him warning or to Dodge attacks he was unaware of. The Avatar can continue to make attacks against the target so long as they are in front of the mirror. If the mirror that the connection is made with is broken, the connection is severed with no harm to the Avatar, but in order to renew an assault against an opponent, a new connection must be made. A clever Splinter could turn a heavily monitored hallway into a deathtrap of deadly mirrors. The Avatar for this device cannot be replaced, although it is Hardened. The Avatar can be taught new Abilities, and will accept new Modifications. Performance 6 Storage 10 Ward 7 Avatar 5 Stealth 4, Investigation 4, Occult 3

Level Five

Chefka’s Ryde–This Mirror dates back to the First Age. Orichalcum rims this Moonsilver mirror, with settings for three Hearthstones. At least one Hearthstone must be placed into the mirror to activate it. The user may place two other Hearthstones in the settings, and they will gain the benefit of those, but the initial Hearthstone does nothing but power the device.

The Solar Chefka used this Mirror to enter the Mana Net, and received the protection of its Avatar, while allowing him the benefits of his masterful skill in Occult knowledge to raid data from the upstart Dragon Bloods who rose against him. Clad within the Ryde, Chefka could travel anywhere along the Mana Net, strike at any Node, and disappear into the Net again at will. He was smoke and shadow in any mirror, and many Dragon Bloods broke any mirror they saw to avoid the Chefka’s vengeance.

The Ryde is a powerful Mirror in its own right, and it is rumored that the Avatar isa God who still owes Chefka’s memory allegiance, others say Chefka himself joined with his Ryde and is its Avatar.

To use the Ryde, the user has but to step into the mirror. The Moonsilver coats and protects the user, allowing them to access the Mana Net directly. The Avatar may act for the user, either to protect the user from trace and detection, or to perform tasks while the user souses out defenses and Wards. The user may physically pass through any mirror that they have contact with. Once a Ward is defeated, the user can spend 10 motes to pass through the mirror. The Avatar can continue to act, and maintains its link with its master with a sheen of Moonsilver that covers the user’s eyes until he passes back through the Ryde. The user may keep contact with the Ryde, and it can disconnect and crack another mirror near the user to effect an escape route, perform other tasks. The user may use another mirror to contact the Ryde through the Mana Net to create a connection to form a returning portal.

For 15 motes, the Ryde can allow the user to make a normal attack through a contacted mirror. Contact is made as normal, and the Avatar can hide its connection as normal while the user prepares their attack, even a Spell can be transmitted by the Ryde for an additional 15 motes. Unless the target is aware of the connection, and the capabilities of the device, or has the proper Charms, the attack is made from surprise. Chefka was said to litter the halls of the Dragon Blooded with dead, night after night, leaving behind thousands of broken, chipped, Obsidian Butterflies.

For 20 motes, the Ryde can attempt to trap a target within itself. The Moonsilver flows across the connection. The Avatar makes a Performance roll, as an grappling attack, Strength 8. If the attack succeeds, the victim is grappled. If the victim cannot free themselves by the second round, they are covered by the Moonsilver Ryde, and if they cannot free themselves by the third round, they are passed through their mirror, and Dematerialized. The victim can be left then inside their own mirror, trapped, filed in their own mirror as a Storage file, equal to their Essence score, or transferred to the Ryde, and stored there. While Dematerialized, the victim is severely limited, and Bound within the confines of the mirror unless they have Charms or Spells that could effect their freedom.