Thus Spake Zaraborgstrom/DemonsAndFate

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More about demons and fate

Demons in Creation are in fate's realm. They're like insects in a web---their actions jiggle the strands. Second Circle and Third Circle demons are more like baby mice and badgers in the web---if they move too fast, they tear the web instead of just jiggling it.

This is important. Fate doesn't just ignore demons---I mean, if it did, then people wouldn't see them, couldn't talk to them, couldn't interact with them---they'd be intangible sources of badness.

"Wow, sure is weird how all the people in town wound up eaten with nothin' here to eat 'em."\\ "Yah. And funny how the high priest fell backwards onto the altar and accidentally vivisected himself with invisible claws." \\ "Life's so weird sometimes."

What it *is* is, some creature's choices supercede fate. When they make a new choice, fate has to change to adapt. And it doesn't find out about their choices until the effects enter Creation.

So if Calymdos had gotten bored with waiting before Iron Siaka showed up, and wandered off, she would have the odd experience of "I'm in danger in 3 minutes . . . 2 minutes . . . 1 minute . . . 30 seconds . . . 6 hours . . ."
