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Freedom's Revel

From the moement of its creation this blade has journeyed towards the heart creation. Though the journey takes many turns, none can doubt its ultimate destination. Its purpose though is far less clear, it is known as a demonslayer, ever prepared to cut away thier shape and force them back into the Wyld. Some say one day it will cut the Games themselves plunging all creation back into the madness from whence it came. Others say that its true enemies are the imprisoned ones, that it exists to finally rid creation of the scurge of those who refused to accept their defeat and truely die. Still others say that it is a weapon created from the Wyld by the Yozi themselves to allow them to obtain final victory. Those cut by the blade find their shape dissolving around them until they can no longer sustain themselves in creation.

Gossamer Daiklave

Artifact •••
Commitment Cost: 8

Speed	Accuracy  Damage   Defense Rate Minimums
+3	+3	  +6L	   +3      N/A	1 Strength
+7      +4        +7L      +3      7    1 Strength		(Power Combat)

Attunement bonus included (+1 acc, damage, defense; +2 rate and -1 strength min).


Freedom's Curse
Demons suffer a cumulative penalty of -1 to their willpower for each time they have been wounded by this sword this scene.

The Dissolution Revel
Whenever this weapon deals at least one health level of damage, the target must roll their willpower at difficulty 2. Once the roll has been failed once the results set in and remain for the rest of the scene. Failing the roll results in the target gaining a number of temporary mutation points in mutations equal to the total amount of damage dealt by the blade so far. Tattoo'd Lunars are unaffected and need never make a willpower roll.


I'm not sure about the commitment cost. - Talion