Thus Spake Zaranephilpal/HowMalfeansLook
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Revision as of 10:39, 20 November 2003 by BrokenShade (talk)
What the Malfeans might look like
You see it and your mind refuses to accept what you are seeing, so it substitutes other images that make more sense... only they don't and it's scarier because of the obscene juxtaposition. It looks like a baby with a slit throat and blood pouring from its hollow eyes and the wound, but in the expansive pool of blood emerge a multitude of faces trying to push free in a soundless scream from the thick muck.
You don't notice the faces at first... just the baby... and you weep for the dead baby because dead babies are sad. But then you see the faces, and for a moment, it isn't a baby, but something unravelling into a spider of thousands of black strips inscribed with blood, soaked in the pool... and then it's a baby again...