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Akira (100 XP Tea House Ninja Kunoichi Bishoujo)

Obligatory Introductory Fiction

All was peaceful and quiet at the Takano Tea House. Dozens of people knealt and drank tea in peace and quiet, tended by Akira's many employees. Akira circulated quietly, checking in on her tea ceremony masters, who were all hard at work bringing the serenity of a well made cup of tea. Several minor goddesses could be found here, enjoying themselves. Akira smiled a little, glad the fame of her shop was spreading.

Something caught her keen senses. Heavy footsteps accompanied by two sets of light footsteps. That could mean only one thing.

Her peaceful afternoon was about to die. She signalled to her second, Sara, to circulate and make sure all was well; these customers required her personal touch and even THAT was probably not enough.

Harima, Tenma, and Yakumo walked in the doors. "Hello, everyone!" Tenma said cheerfully, waving. You could hardly see Harima behind the pile of boxes he was toting.

Akira slid up. "I've prepared a special room for you," she said. Strictly, this was true; she'd prepared it long ago, reinforcing the walls and laying in layers of sound-suppressing materials.

Yakumo nodded to Akira and Tenma bounced along. "Yakumo and I had to shop and Harima graciously volunteered to carry our purchases. He's such a good boyfriend to Yakumo, you know." She smiled brightly.

Akira just shook her head, knowing better, but not wanting to risk yet more trouble. Not in her tea shop.

She took them into the room and sat them down, having Harima stack the boxes in the corner she expected least likely to get smashed.

Yakumo knealt perfectly, of course; Tenma, hyper as usual, had trouble staying still. And Harima slouched down like a street bum.

"Kneel," she said to him.

They locked gazes for long seconds, until, finally, Tenma said, "Come on, kneel down so we can get our tea, Harima."

And he knealt.

Akira smiled a tiny smile, then began to pour the tea for everyone.

To her surprise, the whole ceremony went very smoothly through two cups of tea without any sort of accident or even MUCH crude behavior on Harima's part.

She could remember the words of the Broodingly Handsome Sun, "I could really do with a good cup of tea, so I choose you to serve Tea and to remove those who would disrupt such peaceful things. Also, you could really do with a boyfriend or three to help you relax."

They were almost to the end. She just had to collect the cups and say goodbye to them and...

And then the windows shattered as five ninjas crashed through them.

She sighed. The fools of the Coffee House clan had concluded she was fair game when she left her homeland, but they had reckoned without the power she and her friends now wielded.

Her elaborate many-layered Kimono exploded off her, flying into their faces, blinding them briefly as she flipped up into the rafters, readying her bow and calling upon the Sun's power to push the light away from her, shrouding her in shadows.

Yakumo seized her staff and knocked one of the ninjas back out the window, while Tenma began to berate the ninjas for violating the sanctity of a tea shop. One of them fled in shame.

Harima rose, eyes flashing. "You dare to disturb this place? You dare to interrupt MY DATE? FIGHT ME!"

Akira readied an arrow, preparing to snipe the one Yakumo was fighting as he came back in. Her arrow glowed with the might of the sun.

Three of the ninjas charged at Harima, blades flashing. He smashed one blade aside, smashing his glowing fist into the face of that assailant and knocking him down. A second stabbed at his legs and he leaped onto the blade, kicking the ninja in the upper chest and knocking him down. A third aimed for his groin and Harima kicked the blade up, knocking it into the man's rib-cage. Blood gushed and he fell to the ground.

Mournfully, Akira said, "Harima, you're going to have to clean up that before it stains," then shot the one Yakumo was fighting in the back. He collapsed onto his belly, blood pooling up onto his back. "If you do it that way, the blood stays on him."

"PARDON ME FOR TRYING TO NOT DIE!" Harima said as he jumped up and down on the heads of the two he'd only knocked down.

"I'll clean it up," Tenma said, heading for the broom closet. "I think he's tired from all the work he's done today."

Akira dropped down and grabbed one of the ones who Harima was jumping on. "Please tell your friends that the hunting season on me has been cancelled. If they wish to live."

However, he was unconscious and heard nothing.

She sighed. Going to have to repeat myself later.

"Harima, please take the garbage out."

Harima began tossing them out the window with Yakumo assisting him.

"And now you get to help me fix the windows," Akira said.

"But I didn't BREAK THEM," he said.

"Well, I could ask Yakumo and Tenma to help, but they might cut themselves and...," Akira began.

"Fine, fine, I'll help," he said.

As she led him to the spare window closet, she concluded that the special tea room was going to need some more work. And possibly a sentry.


  • Physical: Secondary
    • Strength: 4
    • Dexterity: 5
    • Stamina: 3
  • Mental: Primary
    • Perception: 4
    • Intelligence: 4
    • Wits: 3
  • Social: Tertiary
    • Charisma: 1
    • Manipulation: 4
    • Appearance: 2


(Bold are Favored)


  • Archery: 5 (From Ambush +2 dice)
  • Brawl:
  • Martial Arts:
  • Melee: 4
  • Thrown:


  • Endurance:
  • Perform: 1
  • Presence:
  • Resistance:
  • Survival:


  • Crafts: 1 (+2 dice tea-making)
  • Investigation:
  • Lore: 1
  • Medicine:
  • Occult:

Shinobi: All are Caste Abilities

  • Athletics: 4
  • Awareness: 2
  • Dodge: 3
  • Larceny: 2
  • Stealth: 4


  • Bureaucracy: 2
  • Linguistics: 1 (Rivertongue, Foresttongue)
  • Ride:
  • Sail:
  • Socialize:


  • Allies (Eri, Tenma, Mikoto, Sara, Yakumo) 5
  • Artifacts 3
  • Resources 4

Charms and other powers:

Anima Power: Innocent Giggle - Whenever a Kunoichi is caught doing something she shouldn't be doing she may giggle, bat her eyes and look innocent. Also she may spend 5 Moe. The witness must make a Conviction roll. Failure means he can't possibly assume she meant to do that, or that she is obviously being framed or anything he mist to think she is innocent. Success means he realises she did it but can't really blame her. He's at a penalty to all dicepools equal to her Moe to apprehend her or harm her for the remainder of the scene as his heart isn't in it. Rolling a number of successes equal to her Moe means this effects is negated. This effect must be activated seperatly for each witness you wish to effect.


  • Graceful Bishoujo Archery
  • Superior Bishoujo Archery
  • Keen Arrow
  • Piercing Shot
  • Swift Sniper
  • Hail of Arrows


  • Graceful Bishoujo Bureaucracy


  • Graceful Bishoujo Dodge
  • Superior Bishoujo Dodge
  • Instinctual Avoidance


  • Graceful Bishoujo Larceny


  • Graceful Bishoujo Melee
  • Superior Bishoujo Melee


  • Graceful Bishoujo Stealth
  • Superior Bishoujo Stealth
  • Evidence Concealing Prana

Nature, Moe, Willpower, and Virtues

Nature: Master Planner

  • Permanent Moe: 3
    • Personal: 15
    • Peripheral: 36 (10 motes committed)

Willpower: 6


  • Compassion 1
  • Temperance 2
  • Conviction 3
  • Valor 3

Virtue Flaw: Hidden Emotions. Any time she is forced to show strong emotions, she gains a point of limit. If she limit breaks, she goes on a giant emotional bender, with all her emotions turned up to 11.



  • Exceptional Slashing Sword (Spd 0, Acc 2, Dam 4L, Def 2)
  • Ninja Clothing
  • Ordinary Clothing
  • Swift Horse and gear
  • Climbing Gear
  • Smoke Bombs


  • Reinforced Orichalcum Buff Jacket (3 motes, +9L/+12B, -1 Mobility)
  • Orichalcum Long Power Bow (7 motes, Acc 2, Dam +4, Rate 2, Range 400 yards.)


  • Lethal Soak: 11
  • Bashing Soak: 15
  • Dodge: 8 dice ( 7 dice with armor)
  • Fatigue: 0
  • Mobility Penalty: -1
  • Weapons:
    • Orichalcum Long Power Bow (7 motes, Spd 8, Acc 12 (14 from Ambush), Dam 10L, Rate 2, Range 400 yards.)
    • Exceptional Slashing Sword (Spd 8, Acc 11, Dam 8L, Def 11)
  • Health:
    • 1 –0
    • 2 –1
    • 2 –2
    • 1 –4
    • Incap.


Akira is middling in height and skinny with short hair and angular features. She could easily pass as a boy if she chose to do so. On a mission, she dresses in the garb of her homeland; otherwise, she uses her wealth to acquire local clothing and blend in. Her hair is short and brown, as are her eyes. She rarely shows much emotion.


Her Moe 2 fetish is her Kunoichi status. Her Moe 3 fetish is her usual impassiveness.


Akira has to always feel in control of what's going on. She generally shows little emotion and tries to convey the impression she's in control of events, whether or not she is. However, she is deeply loyal to her friends and always tries to work to take care of them quietly, when they're not looking. She also enjoys playing pranks on people.

She has an on-going feud with Hanai, who has an unusual amount of ability to get under her skin without meaning too, possibly the result of a crush she cannot express.


Born in the land of the Ten Ninja Tribes of the East, Akira came west at the behest of Harima's cousin Itoko, who was visiting her home village when Akira exalted during a night raid on the Oni.

Since then, she has joined forces with Tenma's merry band of maniacs, acting as the brain of the group.

She has accumulated a substantial amount of wealth through wise investments of her cut of loot and ninja fees for solo ninja missions.

Storyteller's Notes:

Akira tends to be the brains behind the operations of her Circle. She prefers to operate from the shadows. She is usually the one who has to restrain everyone else's maniacal ideas.

Akira runs a tea house when not off on missions or with her friends.